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volumetric fog gzdoombuilder

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i want to add volumetric fog to my level. i saw that this is possible somehow but i can't figure out how. searched the forum and google but all i found is the sector_setfade function that does not do what i want.

i use gzdoombuilder and there's actually an option to show/hide fog. but how do i add it?

thank you.

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i would appreciate if you read my post. obviously, i already searched the wiki for fog but the setfade is not what i'm looking for. i'm looking for volumetric fog.

with setfade, the complete sector gets fog but i'd like to have fog that i can set to a certain height. like how the fog in quake 3 works for example.

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zzzornbringer said:

i would appreciate if you read my post. obviously, i already searched the wiki for fog but the setfade is not what i'm looking for. i'm looking for volumetric fog.
with setfade, the complete sector gets fog ....

And there I thought to be helpful.

zzzornbringer said:

.... but i'd like to have fog that i can set to a certain height. like how the fog in quake 3 works for example.

Something like this then, perhaps

nice swirling fog patches, which was pioneered by Solarsnowfall.

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Isn't that basically a bunch of big warping cloud textures applied to a couple translucent 3D floors? I recently stumbled upon that trick by accident, so it's interesting to see where it originated..

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