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Freedoom cheat codes


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Until recently I was under the impression that Freedoom does not have its own cheat codes because they could only be implemented with a custom executable. However, not log ago andrewj told me that cheat codes can be changed using the BEX format. (I haven't found any reference on how to do this so far though.)

If it is ever decided to change cheat codes to be different from Doom (to which I suppose there should be no reasonable objection), I was thinking that maybe the new codes could serve to give credit to Freedoom contributors? A precedent for that can be found in the demo version of Hexen, where the cheat codes are names of Raven Software developers.

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i think that i speak for most players when i say the old cheat codes are too ingrained in our brains, if they are to be replaced, than at least make them something sensible like GOD instead of IDDQD

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Oh no that revenant missile is about to hit!

.... types FDRAYMOOHAWK....

Ah thank you cheat code for saving my life!

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Cheat codes can be changed with plain old dehacked. Personally I don't think it's necessary to change the cheat codes and I'd prefer not to do so - I use the cheats so often when testing things that it would be annoying to have to learn a whole bunch of new codes. It's tiresome enough just having to remember the cheat codes for Heretic/Hexen/Strife.

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The only main thing I'd change on them is ID to FD or something among that line. Nothing too insane. But hey, that's the majorities decision. Not my own. I'm fine with either.

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Cheat code changes through dehacked do not work in ZDoom.

They used to, but at some point they stopped to, and when the bug was reported most people argued in favor of removing it altogether instead of fixing it.

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Sodaholic said:

For many reasons (user convenience, varying engine behavior, etc.), let's please leave the cheat codes alone.


If it ain't broke...

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm sorry for the bump.

HacX has its own cheat codes and work with them in PrBoom+. Does it have a BEX or/and DEH file inside or is PrBoom+ already configured to run with these cheat codes on HacX only?

Plus, cheat codes should have some sensible meanings e.g.

FDGOD- God mode
FDMIDI- change music
FDINV- full everything
FDBP- all and full ammo ("backpack")
FDSAW- the saw...

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Shadow Hog said:


Personally I wouldn't be very comfortable with that. Aren't the cheat codes considered property of id Software? Or are they part of the source code now and therefore GPL?

I didn't realise that many people would be against changing the cheat codes. I respect this decision, but I still believe that honouring project contributors would be a nice thing if it was ever decided to change the codes. It's not like FREDRIK, ESPI, SCUBA etc. are hard to memorize.

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