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30in30-4 will be one new MIDI a day (DONE!)


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All throughout January I will be making one new MIDI every day, and the results will be uploaded at the end of the month to my BandCamp page as 30in30-4.

I'm doing my best to adopt the "speedMIDI" approach whereby I only do the majority of the work in the space of 30 minutes, but unfortunately that's so far proven to be an exercise in futility, as I've found myself making countless edits in the aftermath of the initial 30 minutes due to my compulsion for perfection. Consequently, these are far more obviously not speedMIDIs than any of the tracks for the three 30in30s [1] [2] [3] I have output so far. :P

But hey, shut up, the "30in30" name still totally applies. It just now means 30 tracks in 30 days, not minutes. :~)

Some of these tracks will likely be seeing even further extensions, improvements and possibly renamings between now and the eventual release of the pack, depending on how I feel about them.

EDIT 31/01/2016: I AM NOW DONE. Hooray!

So here we go with the MIDIs!

Download 30in30-4.zip - contains all 30 MIDIs


Week 1
Time To Be On Fire (2:18)
Sol Plummeting (2:58)
Encrusted (2:11)
Violence Makes Violets (2:50)
Protodojo (2:23)
Nuclear Fumes (2:13)
Delay(0); Restart; (3:16)

Week 2
Last Resort (2:43)
Oh (2:27)
Oxygenesis (2:54)
Cyanide Downpour (4:00)
Ampersand (3:08)
Mal (2:28)
Crystal Iris (3:04)

Week 3
Infuriation (2:24)
.mid (2:12)
Treacle Empire (3:30)
Cloud Soup (3:32)
Fearsphere (2:26)
Unyes (3:09)
Stairway Fairway (2:38)

Week 4
Space Cuisine (2:15)
Gatorade Nightmare (3:25)
CHaRybdIS (2:54)
Minister of the Emu War (2:26)
Freighthoppers (3:04)
What If I Don't Want To Be A Punching Bag (3:14)
Tungsten (3:52)

The Ever Shrine - Part 1 (1:59)
The Ever Shrine - Part 2 (7:10)

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If you need silly names I can help you out!

For some reason the term "surreal cutlery" has been floating around my head...

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Oh shit, it's two weeks into this and somehow I'm still on point. How did this happen :O

Anyways, here are seven more midis for y'all to enjoy. I'm nearly halfway through this project, wowee. Some pretty neat ones in this set, and some not-so-hot ones. You'll probably discover which are which. :D

Week 2
Last Resort (2:43)
Oh (2:27)
Oxygenesis (2:54)
Cyanide Downpour (4:00)
Ampersand (3:08)
Mal (2:28)
Crystal Iris (3:04)

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I realize now that I'm asking a lot of clicks within one thread, so I just added a "Download all" option to the OP - here it is again:

Download all MIDIs

(Hit the blue Download button at the top and then choose "Download as .zip" to get them all in a convenient bundle!)

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Three weeks in! This one went by kind of fast for some reason. :O

I struggled a bit with a couple of these towards the end, starting them at like 1am while I had no creative energy. Luckily the final track made up for everything. :V

Again, these are all present in the Dropbox folder (also linked above), so to get all of these at once just follow the download on that page, and you'll get everything. :>

Week 3
Infuriation (2:24)
.mid (2:12)
Treacle Empire (3:30)
Cloud Soup (3:32)
Fearsphere (2:26)
Unyes (3:09)
Stairway Fairway (2:38)

21/30! The home stretch is in view.

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Seeing how it's 30 midis in 30 days, I'm half expecting day 30 to have a seven minute track or something.

But seriously, there's some really nice-sounding stuff here. Haven't listened to week 3 yet but 'Cyanide Downpour' in particular from week 2 is awesome, probably my current favourite from this project.

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oh god I'm so tired

Anyway here's week 4. It's been a bit tougher this week for sure, and for quite a few of these I've branched out into very unusual and experimental territory. Again the last track encapsulates this.

Link to all

Week 4
Space Cuisine (2:02)
Gatorade Nightmare (3:20)
CHaRybdIS (2:47)
Minister of the Emu War (2:26)
Freighthoppers (3:04)
What If I Don't Want To Be A Punching Bag (3:14)
Tungsten (3:52)

28/30! Oh dang. :O

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A fantastic way to finish the pack off, Jimmy! Ever Shrine Part 2 is probably the best 30in30 track thus far :)

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I'm calling this officially done as of this moment. It's currently just after midnight on February 1st. Good(ish) timing! :D

I've zipped up all the MIDIs for one easy download now. You'll want to get this especially if you've downloaded separate MIDIs here and there, since the chances are your files will be out-of-date. One fairly drastic change for example is with "Sol Falling", which is now "Sol Plummeting" and about twice as long, heh.


Please enjoy the MIDIs! Any other particular favorites? :P

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