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Monsters/Demons you still want to see?


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What monsters (or demons if you prefer) do you want to see in the new DOOM? I would like to see them ALL return from Classic/64/D3 to be honest.

Here is a list of the yet to be confirmed demons:

Pain Elemental

Mother Demon - I bet this is going to be the final boss!

Tick/Trite - they are the same!!
Maggot - could just be a special unwilling model
Vulgar - may overlap the imp too much, so I suggest giving it a Lightning attack/animation similar to the HL slave aliens.
Cherub - probably would need some major model changes in order too work in the fast gameplay environment.
Bruiser - Probably the best new monster in D3
Guardian - I know a lot of people hated it, but I liked the monster just not the fight. Lost Levels BFG gave him a major improvement.

Sawcubus - Zombie with a chainsaw, or the monster from RPG2
Titan/Final Boss/Icon of Sin

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The Cherub was bad. Not talking about graphically, but it was just designed badly. A small, fast enemy with really twitchy jumpy movement in a game designed around bad lighting and tight spaces.

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I've said it before and I'll say it again; I hope that every single official Doom monster makes a return in some form.
Redundant ones, like the Forgotten One and the Ticks/Trites from Doom 3 can be left out, since we already have Lost Souls (and also fuck spiders)
Even if some of these monsters only make a cameo (like seeing a Cherub in a science experiment tube) it'd be cool to see them all make a return.

If I could only pick one enemy to return though that hasn't been confirmed, it'd definitely be the Arachnotrons/Mastermind. Seeing and killing them in the new engine should be satisfying!

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wheresthebeef said:

I've said it before and I'll say it again; I hope that every single official Doom monster makes a return in some form.
Redundant ones, like the Forgotten One and the Ticks/Trites from Doom 3 can be left out, since we already have Lost Souls (and also fuck spiders)
Even if some of these monsters only make a cameo (like seeing a Cherub in a science experiment tube) it'd be cool to see them all make a return.

If I could only pick one enemy to return though that hasn't been confirmed, it'd definitely be the Arachnotrons/Mastermind. Seeing and killing them in the new engine should be satisfying!

It would be cool if they could walk vertically on walls while also shooting. It could be a fast monster that uses verticality to get behind you while his friends shoot at you from the front.

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AirRaid said:

The Cherub was bad. Not talking about graphically, but it was just designed badly. A small, fast enemy with really twitchy jumpy movement in a game designed around bad lighting and tight spaces.

Well, how about once you put him in a game designed around good lighting and open spaces? Like uh... Doom 4 for example.

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The arachnatron and bruiser would both be welcome. Fuck the trites.

I'd also like to see a redesign of the mancubus; that snark face is just retarded and the little pansy green globs aren't terrifying at all. I'd be fine with the face if they hadn't replaced the napalm.

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Johnatone said:

The arachnatron and bruiser would both be welcome. Fuck the trites.

I'd also like to see a redesign of the mancubus; that snark face is just retarded and the little pansy green globs aren't terrifying at all. I'd be fine with the face if they hadn't replaced the napalm.

I think you're in luck.
All the recent screen caps have his Acid shots replaced with fire again, as well as red highlights going around his body instead of green.

As for returning monsters, Arachnotrons, and the Mastermind are big ones for me.
Otherwise, it'd be neat seeing Nightmare Imps, Bruisers, and a re-worked Icon of Sin make a return.
I'll be honest when I say I didn't really like any of the new monsters DOOM 3 had to offer. I did really like the Bruiser's design though. That screen mouth was cool.

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DooM_RO said:

It would be cool if they could walk vertically on walls while also shooting.

I bet this will definitely happen. Spiders walk on walls, and I'm sure iD thought of ways to make classic enemies more interesting, like how they gave Revenants a jetpack.

Having the Arachnotron/Mastermind walk on walls makes too much sense.

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While I like the Bruiser I don't understand why people see it as a great addition to the Doom universe. Minus its horns and you got yourself a good Quake 2 monster. I could imagine it's a creation made from the Brain enemy, usually acting as its guard.

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victorboris1 said:

Is Bruiser the one with the stupid looking TV hanging from its mouth?


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I hope when the Bruiser debuts in Doom 2016 they use it's original intended introduction that was cut from Doom 3. The space marine approaches an important computer terminal only for it be a cybernetic fiend waiting to ambush you.

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Honestly I'd love to see most if not all of the monsters across the franchise make a come-back, but if I had to limit my choices, the Arch-Vile, Mother Demon, and Bruiser would be my top picks.

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Why does the Bruiser have human teeth?
Never seen it in action, but since a lot of you guys support it, then sure.

IMO, Doom 64 Arachnotrons (Admit it, they were more Hellish in appearance).

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pro_zealot said:

I want to old imp from e3 2015 to come back. I dont like new one.

I would like both of them to come! One could act as the Nightmare version, the other, normal

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For whatever reason, wear and tear, fatigue etc. I'm not all that fond of the Doom3 monsters. You can probably chalk that up to working "with" them for nearly 12 years. The only monster I really really like is the bruiser. It breaks conformity somewhat. As for the others I think they lack character. A lot of them are samey. Wraith, Vulgar, Maggot. Eh. Same same. The Hell Knight was great, but ultimately overexposed. So far I think the new Doom monsters are much better in this regard. Lots of samey monsters, sure, but quite a few with character. The Cacodemon, Mancubus (even though I'm not the biggest fan of its design), Cyberdemon (same). Quite a few good ones that I don't know the name of.

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Arch-Vile, Wraith, Trites, Vagary, female Lost Souls, and the superhuman Commandos from Doom 3.

And most important: completely new monster inventions!

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There obviously are some variants of those former human mutated freaks. It's plausible that there are shotgun and machingun weilding variations as well.

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Tetzlaff said:

There obviously are some variants of those former human mutated freaks. It's plausible that there are shotgun and machingun weilding variations as well.

I don't think there will be any zombies wielding hitscan weapons. It seems iD is going entirely with projectile-based weapons for the enemies, since they're prioritizing movement/strafing even more than the original Doom. Hitscan enemies would obviously hamper that, unless they're very weak like the original Doom.

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This would be a stupid idea. Doom 1/2, Quake 1 and 2 all give enough examples how hitscan enemies work great with fast, dodging-centered player movement. Why should they limit themselves like that?

Also we already saw that laser-weilding mutant in the video, that laser beam is a hitscan weapon as well.

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I didn't include the different zombies because they kind of get a new look with each game.

Normal undead walker = Unwilling
Former Humans/Zsec/Commando's = The new Zombie grunt's! These also can carry almost any weapon and even shields as seen from the SnapMap video.

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