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John Romero makes first new Doom map in 21 years


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Well, damn...

That was a bit of shock after waltzing through the rest of KDITD. Impressive use of a very limited monster line up in a surprisingly hostile environment. Nice to see lighting used seamlessly both as game mechanic and aesthetic.

Heading back in with a pistol to look for the secrets.

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First impressions: Way, way too difficult for E1M8. Feels like it should've been near the end of Episode 4, or even a level in Final DOOM.

Also not a fan of the damaging cracked floors at the beginning. I feel it's a bit much when combined with all the acid (to say the least).

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Detailing was a little questionable in places but fun and that final baron room looks excellent and really cinematic

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I've been wondering whether Romero would actually make a level since his 2013 comments. It's nice to see this one released.

I generally like it that there's a lot of toxic slime everywhere, though I would get rid of damaging cracks. Altogether. They don't even enhance the visuals in any way. The progression is pretty cool and having each key in a completely different environment makes it feel a lot more like you're exploring and actually searching for them. I kind of dig the weird design decisions in the spirit of 1994, like the blue door that leads nowhere or stairs rising next to a window for no reason. The centralized layout is really cool and it's nice there's some oldschool freedom of movement from the start.

I don't really understand why everyone likes the ending so much. It's a huge room with like ten monsters. It feels empty and anticlimactic. In fact both the ending and the beginning are kind of weak. The really aggressive start feels more punishing than challenging.

I'm kind of torn between excitement of having a new level from the original designer and the feeling that the only reason I enjoy it is exactly that. Honestly, if anyone else made a level like that, I wouldn't care. I only care because it's Romero. So I don't know.

Then again, I would like to see more.

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It's a difficult map, no doubt. I wonder if Romero felt pressured to make it really tough so it wouldn't look humble next to the current top of the line wads, heh. Good news is that he succeeded, my opinion is that the map plays VERY much like No End in Sight maps, which is a high standard indeed.

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Just got done playing it. Overall, it was a very enjoyable experience with a good dose of that nostalgic Episode 1 non-linearity. The ending battle especially was much cooler-looking than the original game.

Only complaints I had was that the map felt too cramped for my liking, and if you fell in the slime, sometimes it was difficult to find a way back to dry land - could have used a few judiciously-placed "oh shit" teleporters in the muck back to the main building.

Also, this map is ridiculously difficult for me on UV, but then again I'm terrible at this game so....

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chubz said:

First impressions: Way, way too difficult for E1M8. Feels like it should've been near the end of Episode 4, or even a level in Final DOOM.

Also not a fan of the damaging cracked floors at the beginning. I feel it's a bit much when combined with all the acid (to say the least).

It's supposed to be a semi-modern take on it, not an actual "This should have been E1M8 proper"; I don't think it's vanilla compatible.

I'm surprised to hear dew -- a better player than I am -- call it a difficult map. Even I didn't find it that hard.

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rdwpa said:

It's supposed to be a semi-modern take on it, not an actual "This should have been E1M8 proper"; I don't think it's vanilla compatible.

Ah, gotcha. :-)

On my third or fourth attempt I discovered the


soul sphere secret

which makes the level a whole hell of a lot more manageable! Without it, I was just barely scraping by.

When I'm not getting my ass kicked, the level is surprisingly fun. It's definitely cramped, though, as AlexMax said above. There doesn't even seem to be much room to use the rocket launcher against the Barons at the end, especially with the barrels all over the place, which is kind of strange. I would've liked to have seen some more open areas (which the outdoor ones kinda, sorta make up for).

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molten_ said:

hey romero if you're reading this, great stage. you've still got it!

If Romero was reading this, then i'd say that boy howdy do these shotgunners bust my balls, especially with a little difficulty mod I made that makes the game a bit more lethal for the player and enemies alike.

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yeah the map is pretty brutal, kinda feels like an episode 4 map mixed with episode 1, and some modern difficulty sprinkled in.

the only bad thing I noticed was some door misalignments but other than that it's very nice

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chubz said:

Ah, gotcha. :-)

On my third or fourth attempt I discovered the


soul sphere secret

Which one? :p

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Also finished it! Took me around 25 attempts to survive the start ...2 out of 10 secrets found...died like 35 times or so! This is level design:) Really fun...I mean after playing countless amount of doom levels for 15 years you do not expect that something like this can surprise you)))

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I really liked this map, it was a bit hard for E1M8, but it sure was fun. I found all the secrets except 1... but I just saw where it is in the speed run attempt video above. I can't believe I missed that one... haha.

I hope John makes some more levels, his were always my favorite.

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Can I have even more positive hope, to play more maps done by Romero, with this tweet by American McGee? I certainly hope so.

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Would like to see a PS1 Remix of Romero's new map w/ the colored lighting, Doom II monsters and a wee bit simplified architecture just like you play it on the Playstation.

Since Romero has made a new map. I would like to see Richard "Levelord" Grey make a new map. Either Doom, Duke Nukem 3d, Shadow Warrior, Quake 1 or 2, SiN or whatever. Anyone have that wish?

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DustFalcon85 said:

Since Romero has made a new map. I would like to see Richard "Levelord" Grey make a new map. Either Doom, Duke Nukem 3d, Shadow Warrior, Quake 1 or 2, SiN or whatever. Anyone have that wish?

New maps for anything by Levelord would be amaze.

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Finally finished this level, what fun! I had to ragequit once because the beginning was whooping my ass, but after getting it started it really wasn't too bad, assuming


you're quick in grabbing that shotgun and heading over to the invul. That end fight got me the first time with the monsters teleporting in behind the curtain, but on a second pass with chaingun ready I mopped em up quick. Really if I would have known better I prolly would have nuked the barons from the start in hopes of at least downing one just to clear up some space, but the fight was spacious enough for them to still be relatively low threats.

I loved the traps in this map. Traps are one of the most fun aspects of Doom to me because of the dynamic-timing element and the fact that it forces the player into the action rather than devolving to a door-campy shootout. The beginning being trapped was a cruel twist, but at least it got me ready for what was to come, which was a little slice of Hell I wouldn't mind calling Home. That final teleport trap before the bosses was nasty at first, but when you're ready for it, or more specifically where the monsters come from, it's not so bad when you plot out a decent-enough spot for cover and chaingun-out.

I loved the way this map looks! Romero did a fantastic job detailing this baby; it was a lot of fun and I look forward to many more failed demo attempts!

Sorry Hikari, can't do any multiplayer tonight. Maybe in the next few days. Really wouldn't mind playing this map again and again, tbh.

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