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Doom songs transposed from minor to major


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Because why not


I tried doing some others like E2M1 but it was pretty difficult since it relied on a lot of pitch bend for intervals, and those aren't quite as easy as just changing a few notes around. I managed to edit the pitch bends in Containment Area though since those were just simple, repeated bends changed from 1 to 2 semitones.

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Really well done. I don't know how much work was involved in converting these, but it's a great idea, and completely changes the tone of the midis.

I wonder how a Doom designed with these themes in mind would look!

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These are hilarious. Great job! You should do some of the faster tracks like E1M1 or D_AMPIE, if you're up for it :D

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phoboslabhappy sounds like it would work for a penultimate level, as in "though the tide is against you, your victory is inevitable".

containmentareahappy...lol...reminds me of an afternoon drive :P

towerofbabelhappy...no...just no xD

wastetunnelhappy sounds like it could be triumphant ending music...at least in the beginning :P

thepithappy...see towerofbabelhappy :P

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Phoboslabhappy, for some weird reason, feels like a first draft of the Cure's 'Funeral Party' - that's probably just me though.

Thanks for sharing this... and the happy containment area squeals are killing me.

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The beginning to the Cannibal Corpse one sounds like the intro to a pop-punk song about eating pizza and skateboarding.

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haha, these are pretty great. for some reason, the Waste Tunnels one has a different drumkit than what it had originally, but it oddly fits with it. Tower of Babel is really great to listen to. someone should make a mod and use it in there. :p

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E3M1, when inverted, sounds very very happy, almost like something from a Mario game.. I'd love to hear that turned minor. I love how many possibilities there are with MIDI!

On a slightly related note, has anyone discovered a program that allows you to play midi in reverse? I wonder what some of those Doom tunes would sound like played note-for-note backwards. Or backwards, inverted, and converted to major. Good lord man.

EDIT: The link to MIDIflipper doesnt seem to work in that thread Gez, and (mind blowingly enough) it doesn't look like it's been uploaded to /idgames as a utility?! Does anyone know where I can find a copy?

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Hahaha thanks for doing this. I always wonder how music would sound if they were switched from major to minor and vice versa by humming it. Its pretty funny.

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nice. But while listening to these songs, especially containmentareahappy and thepithappy, I keep hearing the original songs in my head and the happy versions just feel wrong.

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kb1 said:

Did you use a tool/algorithm, or just modify by ear?

I just realigned the relevant notes on the scale. For example if E Minor is E-F#-G-A-B-C-D#, and E Major is E-F#-G#-A-B-C#-D#, then I just move the notes in G to G# and so forth.

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Hahaha that's sweet! I kept looking at rdwpa's and DooM_RO's comments as I listened to those songs and I couldn't help but laugh. Great job with these :) I can't wait to hear more.

I'm really looking forward to some TNT tracks, if you ever get around to doing them.

I never realized that many of the Doom songs were the harmonic minor scale. That's interesting.

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I have to ask again because I'm too dam curious, do any of you have a link to MIDIflipper? I really want to hear these happy versions flipped, so they'll be sad again, yet completely different. My ears require it!

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