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Linedef trigger question (Boom)


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So you see the room there? I made a linedef that brightens the room when the player enters. And another to turn off the light. But I can't make them 1-sided. So it doesn't properly work.

I tried creating new linedefs but I ended up with an invisible wall I couldn't walk through and all kinds of crap. How do I make this linedef triggable fromm one direction only?!


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In Boom-format this is not too hard. Use an looping voodoo doll (i.e., the voodoo doll teleports back to the start of the dummy sector after completing one cycle of its task) gated by remotely activated lifts.


Notice how the lifts are turbo one-second lifts. The direction a linedef is pointing doesn't affect whether the lift is triggered.

I had to move your light-off linedef further away so that it wouldn't be possible for the player to move slowly through the opening and then trigger the lift-off lift while the light-on lift was still lowered, thus allowing the voodoo doll to turn the lifts off with the player still inside. This sequence can probably still be broken if the player tries hard enough, but whatever, since it's purely cosmetic, it shouldn't a huge deal. I made a flushable toilet with a similar mechanism once, but everyone in the FDAs flushed them like a dozen times and ended up clogging the toilets! :D.

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I want the lights to go on when the player walks in the room and to go out when he walks out. As if it's motion-activated. Repeatedly.

I'm not about to do glitchy voodoo doll stuff for something simple like this. If noone has any other ideas, I will just make it one-time use. I was expecting more from Boom additions.

General question, can a linedef be made to be activetable from one direction only? Do I disable double-sided for that?

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VGA said:

General question, can a linedef be made to be activetable from one direction only? Do I disable double-sided for that?

I think standard Doom behavior only accounts for linedef direction in regards to teleporter lines. It's a shame really, cause I've had the same problems before that you are experiencing. There are ways to get around it tho! I used a looping voodoo doll track with a turbo door to control when it crosses the two different light change linedefs, but if you don't want to use that method there's probably other ways to do it.

EDIT: shoulda read rdwpa's post lol

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Well it may not be quite what you want, but in Boom a manual door (D1,DR) can be tagged to a sector and when the door opens that sector is lit up, when it closes it darkens again.

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andrewj said:

Well it may not be quite what you want, but in Boom a manual door (D1,DR) can be tagged to a sector and when the door opens that sector is lit up, when it closes it darkens again.

I had forgotten about that, interesting effect.

I won't be using it in this case though, because if it's a wait+close door, then the room will go dark while the player is in it :D

Thanks for your suggestions though, people.

I don't understand why in Boom they didn't add a flag that makes a linedef direction necessary for activation.

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I'd do it simply like this:

=============================  SOLID WALL  ============================
                   |                              |
                   |                              |
                   | <-- The                      |
                   |     darkening                |
                   |     linedef                  |
                   |                              |
                   |                              |
                   |                      The --> |
                   |              brightening     |
                   |                  linedef     |
                   |                              |      The room to be
   Insignificant   |                              |     lit up when the
      outside      |                              |       player is in,
       room.       |         The doorway.         |         or darkened
                   |                              |     when he is out.
                   |                              |
                   |                              |
                   |                              |
                   |  Sufficiently long distance  |
                   | <--------------------------> |
                   |     (ideally > 64 units)     |
============================  SOLID WALL  =============================

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What the hell, now I feel stupid. I will try it tomorrow but I see no reason for it not to work.

I will overuse the shit out of it.

EDIT: why the distance?

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Because if too short the player can cross one then the other etc and break it. Though it wouldn't be a bad idea, imo, to add in a back-up for each just in case a player does try hard to break it, especially if you go with a shorter distance than 64 (like say, 16 or 32). Still, that could also just amount to 2 lines wasted if it's not a critical thing and the distance is right enough for it to be difficult to break.

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Because if the player crosses multiple linedefs within the same tic, their actions will not be performed in the order in which he physically crossed them, but according to their order in BLOCKMAP or by linedef index, not sure which but probably the former.

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