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Stealth Gameplay


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Are there any noteworthy mods or mapsets which either focus on or heavily incorporate stealth? I realize the concept is somewhat contradictory to the traditional quick-paced gameplay of Doom, but it's something I've been itching to play or experiment with as of late.

Also, general discussion of stealth gameplay implementation for the Doom engine. How do you think it could be made fun (If at all)? What are the limits / tools available in Vanilla (So DECORATE and clever map design) or Boom?

I'd also enjoy a mod or mapset utilizing a modern source port and I know it would be much more possible and probably plain better with scripting. Do any exist?

Barring all of the above, discuss maps you've played where a stealthy approach is at least viable, or maps where you were able to successfully sneak past at least a few encounters - if you even engage in this type of undesirable behavior. ;)

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I've found the combination of no armor and many lost souls makes players play haltingly >:) but I'm not sure if this is the stealth experience the world needs

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Also it's why games like the 007 series, some of the missions from Perfect Dark, etc felt like it didn't work.

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The only stealth map that comes to my mind is one level (I can't remember which off the top of my head) from Doom II Reloaded where you can't make any noise (i.e. attack) for nearly the entire level or a ton of arch-viles start teleporting all over the place. You had to either sneak by the monsters or run away from them, needless to say it was a hard one.

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He clearly refers to maps with custom content, tc-ish map packs that incorporate stealth mechanichs rather than blunt efforts at stealth with vanilla doom. I don't even know if the responses are supposed to be sarcastic lol

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Lycaon said:

He clearly refers to maps with custom content, tc-ish map packs that incorporate stealth mechanichs rather than blunt efforts at stealth with vanilla doom. I don't even know if the responses are supposed to be sarcastic lol

Custom content and conversions would be preferred but any maps which focus on avoiding fights are acceptable discussion. Preferably I'm looking for "stealthy atmosphere" and anything more involved than "don't wake up 100 archviles" but IMO that still qualifies as "stealth in doom".

See, I've been thinking of how to make some stricter stealth mechanics in vanilla doom - We know that on-monster-death doors are possible in vanilla (I have an example map of this mechanic posted elsewhere on these forums, and I believe it was DTWID2 where I first saw them) and although it's a little messy and no match for scripting, imagine this:

A "monster with a walkie-talkie" is alerted by gunfire or line-of-sight, ventures too far from its starting position (I.E., is given enough time to call in reinforcements), triggering a line def which crushes a barrel elsewhere, killing a dummy monster which will trigger opening a door allowing a horde of "reinforcements" to enter the main areas of the map - through teleports, or through actual doors!

There could also be switches which close that door, or "turn off" the security system - and it's all vanilla compatible. Generally I want to hypothesize a set of mechanics which would technically allow for run-and-gun gameplay, but reward stealthy, careful exploration, assassinations, and not missing bullets.

I don't know why I want to see stealth implemented in Doom so badly but I damn sure do.

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Try Sneaky Doom, this mod adds a Splinter Cell style gameplay, but due to the limitations not all of the features were well implemented :


Link : https://www.dropbox.com/s/dgeur5m0023dw5b/SneakyDoom.pk3

Original Thread (for more infos and addons): http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=46174

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Coincidentally I have been working on a stealth segment in my latest doom map. However it's far more scripted than it appears. Monsters line of sight is way too wide (or at least in Brutal Doom in which my maps are made for) but in turn BD does offer stealth features such as stealth kills and monsters losing sight and patrolling around to find you for a duration.

To enforce stealth gameplay I filled several rooms full of explosive barrels and placed Mancubus facing the walls. The player has to use stealth kills to get by or not killing whatsoever, like the room with the Archville in which the player must go cover to cover to get past him.

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YAY! Stealth mechanics along with generic terrorists, fanservicey characters, mechas, ultra-gimmicky bosses and 9.99% cutscenes - 0.01 % gameplay.

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Chex Warrior said:

The only stealth map that comes to my mind is one level (I can't remember which off the top of my head) from Doom II Reloaded where you can't make any noise (i.e. attack) for nearly the entire level or a ton of arch-viles start teleporting all over the place. You had to either sneak by the monsters or run away from them, needless to say it was a hard one.

Ive played that map before, it was ridiculous. it was pretty much filled with arch-viles, not a fun time.

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Winged_Warrior said:

0.01 % gameplay.

Coming from someone who Actually played several stealth games, they're not what you talked about, Having to Avoid several types of enemies, Traps, infiltrating without disturbing enemies, Completing several types of objectives, trying as hard as possible to not engage in battles and leave no traces about you, taking down enemies only when needed, Hiding bodies, Challanging bosses where you have to capture your targets without letting them spot you .

It's Far more than just watching the game playing itself .

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Winged_Warrior said:

YAY! Stealth mechanics along with generic terrorists, fanservicey characters, mechas, ultra-gimmicky bosses and 9.99% cutscenes - 0.01 % gameplay.

I'm sorry, are you talking about a specific wad? I'd really like to know which one you refer to.

By the way, I myself am making a TC-ish map pack that has some sections of stealth, not very scripted but it has some gimmicks such as death screams from guards alerting nearby enemies. It doesn't have a very extensive stealth section but it has a silenced pistol. It really is just like what Winged Warrior was talking about.

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Lycaon said:

I'm sorry, are you talking about a specific wad? I'd really like to know which one you refer to.

By the way, I myself am making a TC-ish map pack that has some sections of stealth, not very scripted but it has some gimmicks such as death screams from guards alerting nearby enemies. It doesn't have a very extensive stealth section but it has a silenced pistol. It really is just like what Winged Warrior was talking about.

I'm talking about Metal Gear Solid, but i guess not everyone can catch some jokes.

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Winged_Warrior said:

I'm talking about Metal Gear Solid, but i guess not everyone can catch some jokes.

Must .. not .. derail thread .. defending .. MGS ..

Man, MGS3 was awesome

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Chex Warrior said:

The only stealth map that comes to my mind is one level (I can't remember which off the top of my head) from Doom II Reloaded where you can't make any noise (i.e. attack) for nearly the entire level or a ton of arch-viles start teleporting all over the place. You had to either sneak by the monsters or run away from them, needless to say it was a hard one.

That's also the only one I remember.

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