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Italo-Doom demos [complevel -9]

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I knew the pillar was there and dodged those viles using them in other attempts, but I was a bit too far from the pillar in this attempt and got to it right at the correct moment by luck :D

And Italo map20 max 3:50


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Map16 is a really fun demo to watch because he's in a truly precarious situation for so much of it. With its quirky elements and odd music, it reminds me a lot of a mouldy map.

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rdwpa said:

Map16 is a really fun demo to watch because he's in a truly precarious situation for so much of it. With its quirky elements and odd music, it reminds me a lot of a mouldy map.

a lot of songs from that ost remind me of mouldy. I had an idea some time back to try and make a map in his style and use some of those tracks, might get around to that eventually

but yah, killer demos as always anc :D

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Thanks for the comments :D these are fun maps to record due to how short and action packed they are.

Lingyan203 said:

May I ask, How do you do it?

1- Pick a map that looks fun
2- Go for the fastest route, no matter how hard it is
3- Grab some drinks/food of your preference
4- Try until an exit happens
5- Profit

And Italo map02 max 2:41


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Lingyan203 said:

Profit? What do u mean by that Ancalagon?

Sorry. This information is available only for users who have the gold account.

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To acquire money automatically for every demo you post from forum software, of course. You think anybody would be wasting time recording demos here for free?

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Damn it, now that Ancalagon's proving Italo Doom to be beatable, someone's going to have an excuse to make maps that are even harder.

In the meantime though, I'm looking forward to MAP14.

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Overdone does not mean unbeatable. Examples of something harder would be eaxt and nochance; an yes, they're also beatable on UV, just get some tranquillizers before you start.

In general though, it's all about pleasant/unpleasant and reasonable/nonsensical. Everything has its limits. Not to mention that map authors have a grim sense of humor at times.

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dannebubinga said:

Italo-doom 2 - "Return to la playa" Will be unbeatable. We promise!

The playas will show you yet, you sons of a beach!

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Has anyone noticed a weird effect while watching a demo at normal speed and felt like they are actually watching it in slow motion despite the fps bar clearly showing default 100 so you have to increase the fps rate so it actually feels normal? It might be a possibility I'm just tripping balls right now so whatever.

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