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TNT Revilution: Final release now on ID Games!

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1 hour ago, Gez said:

Very minor stuff this time.


MAP16: a few lines that have no reason to be hidden from the automap; remnant of when the tunnels were branching out I guess.

I don't see which lines need correcting from your pictures... I think they're both the same


nvm found them

Edited by dobu gabu maru

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48 minutes ago, General Rainbow Bacon said:

You guys read that review on idgames that this crashes the newest gzdoom in map 08?

Thanks for the update. Friendly reminder to please post any issues you're having in this thread and not in a review, simply because having all known bugs in one place is easier to keep a log of.


EDIT: Just checked MAP08 on Windows GZDoom (builds 3.1 and g3.2pre-47-g8c053c0.7z) and it loaded/played just fine to me. It's a lot more helpful if people post what OS they're using and the build version of their port


DOUBLE EDIT: @Gothic I forgot to ask you, what port were you playing when you got the MAP09 bug? That ceiling raising works for me in Choco Doom

Edited by dobu gabu maru

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Oh, in my second video that I'll be posting tomorrow, happened a thing very funny with the first Revenant in the Map 02 - Geothermal. I don't know if it is a bug map or a eventual problem of GZDoom 2.8, but well, it was not that serious, in fact, it was a bit hilarious, lol

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2 hours ago, dobu gabu maru said:

 @Gothic I forgot to ask you, what port were you playing when you got the MAP09 bug? That ceiling raising works for me in Choco Doom

The problem is with the texture, the patches are 1 pixel down. This only can be seen on gzdoom, other ports like chocodoom and retro doom don't show it. Still something to be considered for 1.1

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Oh yup, good find! So far none of these changes have required me to add/move any nodes, which I'm pleased to report.

Edited by dobu gabu maru

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On ‎6‎/‎7‎/‎2017 at 1:57 PM, Gez said:

Moar bugs, this time in MAP14: the secret blue area that led to the western balcony of the starting room no longer leads there. There are a few problems with that.

  • with mouselook, you can see the lack of texture  where the connecting sector was removed, look here behind the crosshair: https://i.imgur.com/G1wLyH4.png
  • that makes it a secret you can't reach in normal conditions, because there's no way to go to sector #92 (still marked secret) without flying or noclipping
  • line #2313 still has a "lift" effect that doesn't work anymore, but if you trigger it you still hear "clunk" sounds and it's weird

Oh, bloody hell! :D  Thanks, Gez. I didn't notice the orphaned secret because I didn't actually play the map after the final revisions. The rest of it is obviously me having brain farts. I can fix all that stuff if Jaws would like for a final final  final release.

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23 minutes ago, dobu gabu maru said:

Already fixed Steve; mistakes always seem to arise out of last minute edits!

Thanks a ton, Dobu! I've seen about as much of that map in DB2 as I ever want to. ;)

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Missed secret blue keycard on map11 so might proceed to next episode since it's not required to continue, looks nice so far. ;p

EDIT. Found it but that last secret with lost soul doesn't seem to trigger in any way unless passed through in noclip mode.


Nice simulation/virtual reality sequence on map12. Didn't see such thing in a long time since Town Infection but that one wasn't vanilla. ;-)


Edited by FearTheReaper

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This project has the most confusing/frequent post-release update activity I have seen for a while, that's for sure... xD I just hope that a super mega ultra hyper final version is eventually happening. :P

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OK. This is a review of the mapset, now that I finished it yesterday (in UV and with Zandronum 3.0) with another mod added in the mix...Oh, and uh, sorry for this wall :D


Episode 1: Maps 01-06

- Maps 1 and 2 are great intro maps with a remix of the Metal track. Fairly difficult gameplay and pacing that you must be alert at all times, especially for the hitscanners.

- Map 03 is the beginning of large maps. Tech maps are my favorites as well as Egyptian-themed maps. Not difficult, key traps and fun gameplay.

- Maps 04 and 05...cave-tech-outdoor maps which can be difficult with the monsters, especially map 04. The secrets in map 04 can help you tremendously. Map 05 is short but fun and has a good flow for action. 

- Map 06.....good secrets for some loot (yellow keycard, I'm watching you), lots of traps regarding the keys and invaded by a zombie army. Also, good gameplay.


Episode 2: Maps 07-11

- Map 07 has some non-linearity to it but it's not confusing at all because it's another short map. Still, the placed monsters can kill you if you're not careful.

- Map 08...oh boy, LOTS of zombies to kill. The name of the map is perfect for that zombie massacre. Good map with good use of tech textures.

- Map 09. Industrial and mountain stuff. This map was ok, in terms of gameplay. And this map was one of my least favorites. 

- Map 10. This big map is packed with monsters and action. From the tech-base to the cave transition. The cave part was definitely the hardest part of the map. 

- Map 11...the lift map...Lots of lifts to reach the exit, sectors full of acid and, thanks to the layout of the map and the lifts, it took me a while to navigate...


Episode 3-1: Maps 12-15

Map 12......KILL US...that's the first thing that I looked (and it'll be a constant in next maps). I really like the last part when you go to that alternated version and kill everything in sight just to return to normal...

Map 13. Another short map full of monsters and a mastermind...surprise!!!. Glad that the super shotty is really effective against that boss. Fun map.

Map 14. This map has a lot of open space which can be put in advantage or disadvantage, depending of the situation, Good use of ambushes too. Sad thing that I didn't get the plasma gun :(

Map 15...I was so pumped that I forgot that in this map, you can find the secret level. This acidic map took me some time to remember which places to go due to the use of teleporters which is necessary to progress. And it didn't took much time to figure it out how to go to the secret level.


Episode 3-2: SECRET LEVELS!!!

Map 31: This is, by far, my favorite level in the whole mapset. I like the music. I like the layout. Great homage to the original Pharaoh level (except that it's not broken anymore thanks to that yellow key). Now that it has proper textures to add the ambience of a proper egyptian place, it's MUCH better. Took a LONG time to discover the secret exit though...well hidden indeed. The ambushes were challenging, more bosses added and some secrets helped me a lot. Great map.

Map 32: Another clever map which uses the duality gameplay mechanic to progress the map. The hellish part was harder than the tech part, probably for obvious reasons (tech for low-tier monsters, hell for mid and high-tier monsters). And each duality take you to the same exit which is nice. Well done...


Episode 3-3: Going back to map 16 and building the way to Hell!!!

Map 16: The beginning was confusing to me lol. Why?, because after pressing that door, it didn't open fully, searching for probably another switch which can open that door properly....THEN I saw that green wall next to me..."facepalm, guess I was blind or something". A long map in cave that had clever puzzles like the 4 platforms just to lead to more secrets. And some tight fights too.

Map 17: CAVE SPIDER MAP!!! Good transition between the urban theme and the cave theme. Last part was difficult thanks to that mastermind, but not too much.

Map 18: This is clearly Deepest Reaches 2.0 but challenging and more fun...next!!!

Map 19: Another cave-themed map. This one was hard because of tight spaces used to fight against the monsters and oh boy for that ending part...didn't expect that ambush :P

Map 20: This map...I thought that some cybies would pop up at any time in that long corridor, not encountering one at the end. But it does a good job by keeping the tension before going to that portal...


Episode 4: HELL!!!

Maps 21 and 22: In this episode, I can see a pattern for those maps, one large map then a short map. Map 21 is no joke. Lot of ambushes plus the cybies as turrets (luckily you can telefrag them if you find a secret). Now it has even more monsters added, so I can say that the difficulty raised a lot. Map 22 has some elaborated secrets and that's just for a weapon. The last part of that map is hard...revenants, archies and a cyberdemon. Luckily, you have the teleporters which you can use to evade those annoying homing projectiles...

Maps 23, 24 and 25: Map 23 is really short, so it's like a rest before the next map really. Map 24 is really confusing, especially if you're looking for the secrets. This map has a LOT of switches but, unlike Urania, you can tell where to go next. And map 25, it reminded me of Bloodfalls and for a good reason. BLOOD!!!. Well hidden secrets, spider and zombie turrets, short to mid-sized map. A fun map indeed.

Maps 26 and 27: The arena maps :). 26 is short and a sort of preparation for the next map, still a fun map. 27 on the other hand...it's all ambushes for the 3 keys. Hardest part is getting the blue skull, cybie turret included and an army of zombies revenants and archviles. An intense map.

Maps 28 and 29: Ok. Map 28 is another confusing map which you have to collect the 3 keys in order to exit. Thing is, I ended with almost 380 monsters. And the rest of the monsters? (it has +510 monsters). Probably it's a sourceport thing...idk. Map 29 is pretty straightforward with the fights here, lots of spiders and cacos as well as some bosses in the middle of it. And the secret at the end of the map, I didn't expect some spawning resistance. Still, it was easy to dispatch them.

MAP 30: Last map...It wasn't the last fight or the cybie at the beginning or some nazis used or the middle fight with zombies and barons that surprised me...it was those freaking ROCKET TURRETS that killed me a bunch of times and surprised me!!!...Still, a fitting end for a great, fun and detailed mapset. 

Well done....it's over.



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2 hours ago, leodoom85 said:



Erm...could you elaborate please? If you're referring to the plasma turret obituary, we're hoping to patch that at some point so it isn't so incongruous. If you actually saw the Wolfenstein SS used in the map, well....that might be a problem.

Edited by Obsidian

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Now that the PWAD has been released, don't mind if I upload on YT the FMOD version of Map01's music.

Edited by tinotormed

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Finished my playthrough, found no other real problems. (Just a few active lines that don't seem to be triggerable, but they're always redundant so wo cares.)

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On map16 so far, thru Crispy Doom, didn't found anything weird so far so it's probably cosmetic stuff that normal player won't notice.

Oh and that puzzle... seriously after Revilution I will never look the same way at blue keys/skulls in megawads...

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3 hours ago, elden4 said:

so which is the latest download for this mod? the dlc in the first post?

The /idgames link is the correct one. Since every error reported thus far has been relatively minor, I have no plans to update this thing any time soon, so if you've been waiting for a "final final final" version you might as well play it now—all the update is going to do is make it so you can get 100% items on like 2 maps.

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Good find Memfis—that's a really temperamental bug that depends on the players hitting the lift linedef 3100 and then pressing the switch linedef 1777 before the lift raises back up. Sector 303 really should've had a different tag than the raising blood IMO. Not entirely sure what to do about it—altering the nodes in a single map wouldn't affect demos for any other map in the set, right?

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What's in the WAD that makes it impossible to play with vanilla Doom or Chocolate-Doom without using the -merge parameter? I get the error "R_InstallSpriteLump: Bad frame characters in lump 3112", but I was able to play this version (the beta) in vanilla Doom without any problem. New monsters were added?


EDIT: I found out that some ressources (sprites and floor tiles) may have been removed to allow it to be posted on idgames, so the merge has become a necessity.  :(



Edited by axdoomer

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6 hours ago, axdoomer said:

What's in the WAD that makes it impossible to play with vanilla Doom or Chocolate-Doom without using the -merge parameter? I get the error "R_InstallSpriteLump: Bad frame characters in lump 3112", but I was able to play this version (the beta) in vanilla Doom without any problem. New monsters were added?


EDIT: I found out that some ressources (sprites and floor tiles) may have been removed to allow it to be posted on idgames, so the merge has become a necessity.  :(



It's the same with other megawads that adds or changes graphics... for ex. S.T.R.A.I.N. Zombies, Batman, Eternal Doom and so on.


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17 hours ago, FearTheReaper said:

It's the same with other megawads that adds or changes graphics... for ex. S.T.R.A.I.N. Zombies, Batman, Eternal Doom and so on.


I was just expressing my disappointment. I am using the DOS version of Doom because Chocolate-Doom can't emulate my GUS patch set correctly, so I was disappointed that this WAD couldn't be run in the DOS version like if it was an IWAD anymore. It's not a really a problem, since Deutex can be used to do the merge. 


BTW, there is a minor bug. DEMO2 and DEMO3 will desync in the demo loop. People keep forgetting that demos with revenants almost always cause desyncs in vanilla when they are in the demo loop. Moreover, if I try to play the DEMO2 via the command line, Chocolate-Doom says it's a v1.6 demo! 

Edited by axdoomer

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With original FDOOM executable demos only desync when it's trying to play previous demos just before non-existing demo4 since I found them playing correctly only first time before game quits due to obvious demo4. At least first two demos desync that way if played second time, also in Choco.

Edited by FearTheReaper

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Hey peeps!

It seemed that the original composer for TNT: Evilution just saw me today! :)


This is on Bucket's own TiN Toker btw, which is a remix of the original MAP08 of Evilution.


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