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TNT Revilution: Final release now on ID Games!

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Gez said:

God says: "because that's the actual name of the flag in the engine, and the monsters still heard you anyway."

Thanks, Gez! It's funny that they can hear you yet maintain the necessary discipline to stand their ground until they see you. You can imagine them saying, "Get ready, he's coming closer! We're gonna waste his ass!" ;)

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Pinchy said:

The plugins that come with it and are still being added even now like the new difficulty levels one on the way save so much time.

New difficulty levels? That sounds intriguing. One thing I'd love to see is a stats counter like the one in DeepSea, which breaks down all your Things into type and number, for example, how many monsters of each type per difficulty setting. If something like that already exists, I want it! For now, I still use DeepSea shareware for those counts.

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SteveD said:

New difficulty levels? That sounds intriguing. One thing I'd love to see is a stats counter like the one in DeepSea, which breaks down all your Things into type and number, for example, how many monsters of each type per difficulty setting. If something like that already exists, I want it! For now, I still use DeepSea shareware for those counts.

Yes the count of monsters per difficulty would be nice, even though you can get that by creating a filter and selecting them, it's still a hassle.

It would have really helped for the Mayhem 2016 project 160 Things/Map Number x 10 = Max Monsters maps.

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Can Romero's head be edited to something else, like walking monster and actual spawner thing tied to it like he's summoning new monsters from inside or other dimension? Because that would be cool, especially with these flames of explosion after death triggered. I thinking about something between VIOS battle from Doom2 RPG and Entity from Strife (or even System Shock 2 finale) how enemy can be level you need to beat but also having his main avatar monster.

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The new one looks super cool, but I cannot for the life of me figure out what that object in the top right corner of the picture is. IMO if you got rid of it and centered the skull moon, it'd probably work better.

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I prefer the old; it's sort of equivalent to Doom II's title with a bit of doomguy action. I think the green backdrop of that new pic would make for a better credits screen but that's just me.

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Work has resumed on MAP05. I'm aiming for <100 monsters so hopefully it won't take me the whole month.

valkiriforce said:

I prefer the old; it's sort of equivalent to Doom II's title with a bit of doomguy action.

I actually don't disagree with this--the original title screen has a bit more of that classic doom feel, whereas the new one feels more... modern? Just depends what kind of vibe we want to give the player.

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I have a question. Would it be possible to have the title pic alternate between the two images at random apon start up?

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Jimp Argon said:

I have a question. Would it be possible to have the title pic alternate between the two images at random apon start up?

Possibly in a ZDoom-based port, but certainly not if it's going to be vanilla-compatible.

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I think the old one would be better for TITLEPIC and the new one (minus the REVILUTION word) would fit perfectly for an INTERPIC.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Jaws In Space said:

Yeah thanks for that, I was never good with proper grammar.

In the graphics department we have a BOSSBACK submission from valkiriforce.

Then there we have an INTERPIC submission from Eternal which he had intended to use for his own TNT2 project long ago.

just found this now, and eternal's pic is nothing short of amazing.

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I think the first pic is definitely a good fit for the title screen, but the previous spacey interpic Eternal gave us is more striking (the skull in the asteroid looks kinda fake/toylike). Also Jaws, you should totally save the old INTERPIC/TITLEPIC and use those for Convilution, since I still think they're pretty sweet.

EDIT: Also, I'm working on some dark, claustrophobic dobuâ„¢ caves. That's what you guys about my maps best, right...?

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dobu gabu maru said:

EDIT: Also, I'm working on some dark, claustrophobic dobuâ„¢ caves. That's what you guys about my maps best, right...?


Looking spooky there Dobu.

Also since you're giving an update on your map I'll take this time to give a friendly reminder to you, SteveD, Ribbiks, & Obsidian that the deadline for maps is November 1st. Be there or be square!

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