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The DWmegawad Club plays: Hell Revealed

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The boxes continue but the non-linearity sort of stops at the start.

You start the map with an ass infront of you, if you touch it, it will disappear, then you get a soulsphere in the downway and an SSG with a bullshit chaingunner trap, then you open a door and some revs pop up and you progress into the looooooong hallway with bends with Barons and AVs, open a door and get greeted with 2 PEs and an AV, lower the lift, 3 Barons in a tight corridor, after the corridor you're in a claustro phobic room with cacos and an AV duo trap, progress more to get into the symmetric hub, there are loads of barons behind 'block monsters' on each side (hope you didn't forget the rocket launcher in the AV trap) you can grab a BFG in the center of the courtyard without too much trouble (even with the cyber it's not too much to handle), spam three challanges with BFG and run for the exit two time because it teleports you back a bit at the first time unless you skip the linedef with your speed.


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Demon of the Well said:

Every once in a while a bright-eyed/bushy-tailed newcomer to the community will talk about getting some people together to make an HR3, amusing to surmise what that might end up looking like in this day and age.....

Yeah it'd be interesting to see what Hell Revealed 3 would be like made nowadays, and whether mappers would try and simulate Donner's style or expand on his general concept. Part of me feels like it'll probably wind up being closer to HR2, as I think many authors would attempt to "refine" on what it built and thus streamline the rough edges that make it so (in)famous.

MAP18: Come onnnnnnnnn. Hell Revealed is at its best (IMO) when you have a wide space to play in and have to prioritize what you’re going to do. Even MAP16 is kinda fun just trying to find your weapons and determine what you have the ammo to kill. But this? Corridors full of meat with nothing but the SSG in sight? Arrrggghhhhhhhhh. It just gets worse when you get into that 64 corridor with 3 barons, followed by a swarm of cacos in a tight space sandwiched between two surprise archviles. And after that? Back to boringly safe gameplay. The BFG fight was kinda fun (also christ couldn’t some of those shells have been rockets in that room?) but the revs up on the battlements were all but useless and entirely avoidable. The mapset is bearable when it switches to these wide-open spaces, but those cramped hallways with barons are just inexcusable.

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dobu gabu maru said:

MAP18: Come onnnnnnnnn. Hell Revealed is at its best (IMO) when you have a wide space to play in and have to prioritize what you’re going to do. Even MAP16 is kinda fun just trying to find your weapons and determine what you have the ammo to kill. But this? Corridors full of meat with nothing but the SSG in sight? Arrrggghhhhhhhhh. It just gets worse when you get into that 64 corridor with 3 barons, followed by a swarm of cacos in a tight space sandwiched between two surprise archviles. And after that? Back to boringly safe gameplay. The BFG fight was kinda fun (also christ couldn’t some of those shells have been rockets in that room?) but the revs up on the battlements were all but useless and entirely avoidable. The mapset is bearable when it switches to these wide-open spaces, but those cramped hallways with barons are just inexcusable.

Huh, I've always really liked the Caco/Vile room. The first Caco fight is tight enough to be intense, and the stairs really let the Caco's flying movement shine. Then the Vile fight is intense and challenging, even with the Plasma Rifle secret. Finally, that third Vile is surprising enough that it always makes me laugh when I've not played the map for a while, and have forgotten it's there. Even the late-porting Arachnotron that surprises you if you back off when you see a ton of monsters in front of you works as a decent jump, IMO.

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MAP13 - "Last Look at Eden" by Yonatan Donner - HMPMax on first try

Yet another "too easy on HMP, too hard on UV" map on pistol start. This time the monster count has been hurted by a hundred while the weaponry, outside of a SSG given right at the beginning, is basically the same, ie lots of shells and very few rockets and cells. I wouldn't mind the map on UV with a starting SSG, I guess the challenge would be alright.

Lots of open space and more grinding in there, lots of shells shall be consumed here, even more than all the previous ones with all of that baron/knight meat to shoot on. Cyberdemons and Masterminds are no match with a SSG given where they are located and seemingly blocked. The soul sphere trap was a bit pointless too. The hardest thing on HMP was finding out the YK room secret I guess.

Reading the previous reviews of MAP11 and 13 makes me feel alone in this "too hard on UV, too easy on HMP" wagon? Let's see how next map is balanced difficulty-wise.

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Completely linear and mostly symmetric and consists of rooms by passages and corridors, at least it was kept short and compact.


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If I say that half of these maps are generally worse than Oblige maps, would you people disagree?

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MAP19 - Everything Dies

Kills: 40% | Items: 100% | Secrets: 100%

LOL. Beat it in 46 seconds. I didn't noticed that at the start the map gives you all the weapons and ammo, I thought that I had only the SG. So I just ran forward without killing anything. The map is pretty much a straight line. I took me some tries and in the end I only killed 2 imps. The most difficult moments were at the revs and the mancubi right after the start, and dropping into the water after the cage because the spectres were blocking my way.

VGA said:

If I say that half of these maps are generally worse than Oblige maps, would you people disagree?

No it's just that HR is too deep for you.

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MAP18: Hard Attack

The first part of this map is literally just one long weaving corridor, which is pretty boring (and mystifying as to how anyone would think it was fun or challenging). There's a couple dumb traps (like the chaingunners on the SSG, or the 'drop into a 64-wide corridor with a baron in your face' trap) which are dumb because you'll die the first time and can easily beat them the second time - I'm okay with some amount of foreknowledge or needing to figure things out, but something that binary is just dumb. After the corridor shooting it's into some giant squares... made it as far as grabbing the BFG before figuring out that my only choice to clear out the barons/revenants above was to slowly but surely keep lowering the lift, killing what appeared (with the SSG no less given the lack of ammo for other weapons), then letting it rise up to gather more demons to kill. And with the huge amount of monsters up there, I lost interest. IDCLIPed around and the rest of the level didn't look like I'd regret missing it.

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Map 16 -- The Path - 100% Kills / 100% Secrets
Another of the set's most famous maps (it has a fair few of them, after all), "The Path" is one I'd liken as being in the same spirit as "Gates to Hell" before it, not only because it shares a similar visual theme (rock, dirt, and wood for a decidedly brown outing, though of course in this case we also have the constant presence of the underground blood-sea for some color contrast), but because it's also a map that gains most of its character from its layout concept and the way it is traversed, rather than from any of the fights. T-Rex likened the feel of the level to E3M7 from OG Doom, and unlikely as the comparison may sound on paper, I reckon that in practice it's actually pretty apt in practice. Your movement through the majority of the level is framed and shaped by the constant presence of damage-floor; there is a generous supply of radsuits on offer--more than all but the most hopelessly inept of navigators should ever need to find a way through, much like "Limbo"--but you need to be careful not to be caught too far from one at an inopportune moment, which can happen if you get too preoccupied with killing things in safe-but-inefficient ways (e.g. sniping at the mancubus corridor from below) or if you get too cavalier and take a teleporter at a bad moment. The teleporters, incidentally, are the other obvious link to E3M7. There's not anywhere near as much of a 'teleporter labyrinth' effect at play here, but essentially all of the 'porters are blind (in that there's no real way to guess where you'll end up when you take one), and remembering which one takes you where is eventually important for level progression. The end goal of collecting the BSK and RSK is fairly vague (though it's of course possible you'll run into the blue/red bars in one of the blood-level dry alcoves early on), and you tend to just sort of stumble across these keys in the process of filling out the automap rather than being able to see "this is an obvious setpiece, a key will be here" or the like, underscoring the map's emphasis on exploration.

The exploration/experimentation-centric approach to handling combat is in attendance here as well, naturally, though as aforesaid the monsters themselves are not necessarily a very pressing point of focus in this case. From a pistol-start you're given an SSG at the outset and then have to search for your other weapons, but finding them in short order isn't really a matter of life and death here (though I suppose most players will eventually need something other than buckshot to deal with the mancubus corridor at some point); monsters are without fail constrained to dry ground (flyers have no presence outside of the final room), and the player can circumvent a great many of them by using the radsuits and forging ahead. A few spots have some aspect of area-denial at play courtesy of neighborhood arch-viles, but their field of vision generally tends to be quite limited, so actual oppression is minimal. Of course you'll eventually have to kill SOME things or your suit supply will gradually dwindle and leave you in a stalemate situation, but the main point is that actual DEMANDS on the player's time and resources are fairly limited here--the map's all about running around and solving the location, not about struggling to survive fights, and indeed there is almost no setpiece-based combat at all, unless you want to call the halfhearted HK ambush around the red key a 'setpiece.' There are a couple of cheeky bits--teleporting into the midst of three viles in a tower with the plasma gun being a prime example--but unless you're asleep at the keyboard I don't reckon many of these will prove lethal (e.g. you can just hop right out of the above trap back to the relative safety of the blood/path below). Ultimately, how or even IF you deal with the monsters is almost entirely up to you; wandering off of the beaten Path can net you some bonus goodies to make this more efficient, but a policy of only killing what's directly in your way can take you all the way to the exit with minimal to-do, as well. Enjoy this freedom while it lasts, not every map is going to be so affable about letting you skip eating your vegetables before leaving the table.

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What's up, everybody? Going to resume the HR experience starting with one of the toughest maps by far, especially if you've skipped the secret levels.

Map18: Hard Attack (Yonatan Donner)
100% kills, 100% items, 100% secrets
Time: 23:52

Holy cow! This map is much larger than City in the Clouds, and it's quite an adrenaline booster. This has a much higher monster count than any other map we've seen so far, though it's the second-highest as there's another map with even more monsters. This map is yet another catacomb map, but goes back to the theme style changes. It is also a rather unique one because it relies more on the element of psychological horror, something we haven't seen in the other HR maps. Right at the start, you are greeted with a cyberdemon with its back in front of you. Just don't attempt to attack him, or you'll end up eating a rocket. Best thing to do is to wake him up by either positioning yourself where he'll see you, or open fire without hitting him. He will instantly be teleported to another area (spoiler: the central arena of the large chamber hub). The former method is probably the better one to take since firing your weapon will alert some imps in the next area to your direction, blocking your entrance while they claw away at you. Not to mention a couple of lost souls will spawn in as well. Be careful of the chaingunner ambush when grabbing the super shotgun. Another instance is the secret you can access via a teleporter if you act fast in the winding cavern hallway and reach the temporarily open door holding the teleporter. You're in a constantly flashing area and killing the zombiemen will alert more monsters that will teleport into the room. Then there's the part where after you open the door in the cacodemon room, you have to mind your back as you enter as an arachnotron will teleport right behind you. Killing the barons beforehand will make things less troublesome since it's easy to get cornered by enemies in this map. The large chamber is where most of the action takes place, and my strategy is to wake up all the revenants in the catwalk that surrounds the big arena (which many people complain is the tedious part) and fire your rocket launcher at them so they won't present a problem later on. Be careful not to waste rockets and pick up the ones before the hub, because once you drop down, it's the point of no return, and you'll need as many for several sections, including the arch-viles that teleport in cages, particularly the central area after you grab the BFG and also the area to the west where you cross a bridge jam-packed with baddies. Not to mention the armies of hell knights, barons, and revenants that teleport in the catwalk. The north area involves a trick where you need to telefrag a constantly teleporting arch-vile (cyberdemon in UV), pretty neat concept. The psychological horror element is lastly used in the ending to the east where after you kill the arch-viles trapped behind cages, more spawn in. Now, I know people might be tired of me comparing HR to Plutonia, but I can't help but feel that the arch-viles held inside separate sectors then teleported into the main playing areas must have inspired Darkwave0000 for Plutonia Revisited Map11 Will You Be My NME? All in all, this is a really difficult map, but despite having a higher monster count, it is nothing compared to Mostly Harmful, and for that matter, some of the maps we'll see in the last third of Hell Revealed are much harder.

Phew! There was so much to say about this map, that I think I wrote so much more about it than any of the other maps so far. I'm gonna take a break now, considering how long it took to beat this map. The sheer size coupled with the amount of monsters to gun down made it very long, but it was a nicely made map, with considerate and adequate amount of detail applied. See you again soon, everyone, and enjoy yourselves.

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Map 17 -- The Black Towers - 102% Kills / 100% Secrets
Has the aspect of something like a sequel to "City in the Clouds" from earlier on, and in this case at least I reckon the thematic similarity/callback is likely intentional. Apart from being another complex of freestanding buildings (with stately central sanguine pool for flavor) arranged about a fenced-in floating island hanging in an eternally hazy-pink sky, it's built on a similar sandboxy concept where figuring out the best way and time to break into each of the three titular 'towers' while being harried by external monster presence is at the core of the gameplay (though the emphasis in this case is much more on truly freeform CYOA than on a scavenging-puzzle scenario). One of the smallest and shortest maps in the latter half of the game, the central yard of 'The Black Towers' is emblematic of 'true' HR's characteristic visual style--an airy open space, big chunky buildings and other supplementary constructions with extremely simple, sub-brutalist architecture, lots of semi-symmetry, and a limited but tasteful/coherent texture scheme, with a good eye towards color variety without looking noisy or chaotic. High art it most definitely ain't--the inner reaches of the buildings show some of the slapdash 'different texture every room' syndrome that marked Yonatan's earlier/older maps, and principled aesthetes will probably quickly notice the utter failure of perspective where only skybox is visible beyond the fence where more of each tower should clearly be (look at the overhead map if you're not sure what I'm saying, it's kind of tough to articulate clearly)--but it's clean and easy on the eyes, a pleasantly vague backdrop for the true matter at hand, that being the killin.'

And there's a lot of killin' packed into a fairly small space in this one, the central yard and buildings both stuffed to the gills with monsters. To T-Rex's Plutonia comparisons, something that seems totally obvious now but has somehow never previously dawned on me is the striking conceptual similarity this map bears to Plutonia's m31 ("Cyberden")--a collection of smallish, boobytrap-laden side-areas branching off a central hub, with a trio of cyberdemons eventually unleashed one by one by setting foot into each. Progression here is more freeform, though--you can go into whichever of the three towers you like to start, and finding your preferred order for tackling things is the crux of the gameplay here. Most experienced players will intuitively know that allowing the outdoor infestation to mostly sort itself out rather than doing a lot of the heavy lifting themselves is ideal, but beyond that most possible itineraries are pretty viable....you can even fight halfway into one building, and then freely leave and go somewhere else should you so desire. Some paths are quicker/slower, harder/easier than others--the YK (northwest) tower is probably the gentlest start on account of some rather dimwittedly ineffectual spiderdemon placement in the cross-trench basement--but unlike in map 14 or some of HR's other more austere maps, you can make pretty much any plan work with a bit of elbow-grease, and once again hammering out your own plan is at the heart of what enjoyment the map has to offer.

A noteworthy aspect of the chunks of gameplay found within the Towers themselves is that each features one or more boobytraps (though once again the relatively gentle YK building has more of a focus on frontal fortifications), a design device which is fairly rare in HR on the whole. Some of these are the sort of thing which, to paraphrase Magnusblitz, will likely kill you the first time before becoming largely meaningless the second, which is perhaps another feature of a design philosophy which is long out of fashion in the current PWADing culture. You are presumably supposed to be caught out by whichever one of these traps you come across first (the chaingunner deadfalls in the RK building are probably the nastiest, but the fairly obvious zerk-trap in the BK building will kill you even more assuredly if you're hapless enough to actually fall for it) and then suspect its counterparts in the other towers on principle, using this loose foreknowledge to soundly exploit and defeat them. Today we speak with bemusement about things like camping and cleanup, but in its own time I reckon this type of design, seen in a heavily challenge-oriented context like this, was favored more for underscoring the pragmatic value of recognizing and capitalizing upon every available advantage--don't worry about being flashy and fighting hard, instead fight smart and just WIN (baby). While it's my personal view that it was for the best that this particular axiom of combat approach has been de-emphasized in the culture over time, again, the value and developmental importance of a lesson learned (and the type of map needed to teach it) back in the day is not something to be underappreciated.

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Demon of the Well said:

To T-Rex's Plutonia comparisons, something that seems totally obvious now but has somehow never previously dawned on me is the striking conceptual similarity this map bears to Plutonia's m31 ("Cyberden")--a collection of smallish, boobytrap-laden side-areas branching off a central hub, with a trio of cyberdemons eventually unleashed one by one by setting foot into each.

I'm very surprised I didn't see that in Map17. I know I pointed out the Cyberden comparison in Map15 considering there were four of them unleashed one by one, though as far as I know these similarities are more apparent on UV since the lesser yet powerful enemies take their place in the lower difficulties. Good job on your insight of the map, Demon of the Well.

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MAP19 : Everything Dies

Survivors at the ready ! Yep, grabbing the Megasphere in the beginning courtyard will also net you a bunch of weapons and ammo, and that’s all you get for the remainder of the level, now get to the end bitch. I did just that in my playthrough, but I’m still bummed that I couldn’t save enough resources to finish off the Spiderdemon (and I must have been close, too). That Pain Elemental trick was clever for the time, but really it’s just awkward. If you’re speedrunning, you’ll have to trigger them on purpose, if not then just punch them to death I guess… ?

On the narrative side, I know that the empty looks and solemn music are supposed to give this map an « end of the world » vibe, but I’m not really feeling it. So, a mixed bag, but the somewhat rough challenge makes it work for me.

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MAP19 Everything Dies

Linearity, the level. The pain elemental not shooting is quite hilarious, until you find that all the souls are in a crusher. An interesting concept and probably the most popular intentional usage of the lost soul limit. Getting the megasphere crushes the souls and gives you, well everything. After that, it's the linear trek through Setpieceville, and the level really ends on a short note. Although the supplies are quite limited.

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MAP20 - Judgement Day
ZDoom, UV - Pistol Start, KIS(%): 100/100/100

A classic cross-shaped level design. Other than that, there's nothing much to say; plain monster placements and architectural details. And please, if you're designing a level, do not place an arch-vile behind the fake wall. It's not fun or challenging, but it's just damn annoying(Other example is MAP31 of Plutonia). There are three cyberdemons waiting to fight. The first one is a piece of cake; circle-strafing with SSG. The second one is a little bit tricky since the room is small. And the third one... you can just quit the level if you don't want to waste your ammo.

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Cynical said:

Huh, I've always really liked the Caco/Vile room.

I mean there's far worse in the wad, but I feel it's too cramped and constrictive to get any kind of good gameplay out of it. It can be "fun" to try and survive, but in the same way that Realm of Chaos MAP04's Archvile room is "fun" to survive in. Plus I think this far into the wad, I'm just generally apprehensive of Donner's design decisions.

MAP19: Cute; I can almost see Alm’s inspiration for Run From It in this. Naturally the map ends on a Mastermind too, which is just a shitty RNG gamble to see how long it takes her to aggro and melt you.

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MAP19: Everything Dies
Like gaspe, on my first few playthroughs I thought I only had the shotgun, and ended up just trying to run past everything. Which is actually the more fun way to play the level, I think, since once you figure out that the megasphere also gives you a full weapon/ammo loadout the map is actually pretty easy, with only wasting ammo as a possible detriment. Otherwise it's a one-path linear level with not interesting or too dangerous combat.

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MAP19 - "Everything Dies" by Yonatan Donner

The concept here is to give you everything you're gonna get straight away, weapons ammo and health, and then its up to you how you get through the long gauntlet of meat. You have to balance your books between running past stuff to save ammo for clearing out the next bit, deciding which monsters are more trouble if you don't kill them and what you can safely leave behind. Eventually you work out an economical method and execute it as tidily as you can, and this seems to be a common theme in this wad. Its not really what doom is all about for me though, memorising and repeating and perfecting, it strips all the character out of the game. But as a quick throwaway gimmick for one map I can live with it.

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ZDoom - Continuous Play - HMP

MAP19 - Everything Dies

Like a lot of people I just assumed this was a map you ran through dodging monsters. I managed a sliding death exit on my first attempt, and went back to have a couple more goes before I was satisfied. I think the main difference on HMP was a lack of Cyberdemon, but otherwise it was a reasonably fun little map.

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The first secret map ..

MAP31 - The Descent

This is one of the two levels in the wad where I used saves: why ? That fucking annoying platforming at the end.. At a certain point wanted to use the arch-vile to jump to the exit... Then I started some straferun attempts directly to the switch and yes, it worked!
About the level: not particular impressive, a big elevator that goes down with monsters teleport in if you shot (I've recently seen a similar elevator on level 19 of Memento Mori 2) and more monsters at the end. I managed to fought the horde all on the ground floor with enough ammo to kill almost all. It could be fun but platforming for the secret exit ruined it.

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Seems familiar to 32, a crossroad layout with locked doors in 2 sides, one side for a player start and another side to get a key, even the progression is the same, but at least each area isn't the same, but more frustrating because you don't get a BFG in this and you have to tear through some heavy meat with a rocket launcher, a chaingun and an SSG in a secret, I don't know how can a man survive this map without the SSG, it shouldn't be in a secret, but a BFG could.
Each area is also symmetric with gameplay, so it makes this map lamer.


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MAP 32 Mostly Harmful

In my first attempts in this map I decided to clean the various areas before grab the keys and find the exit. I've done it with saves but I wasn't satisfied so I watched joe-ilya run and I decided the speedrun (BFG spam, fast grab the keys, run to the exit) play without saves: after 7-8 attempts I finished it in 0.52.
This incredible aggressive map graphically is one of the best of the wad in my opinion (especially outdoor areas) and it was very satisfying to end it, yes!

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MAP20 - Judgement Day

Kills: 67% | Items: 92% | Secrets: 100%

Terrible start. Tried to skip it but I always got stuck in the mancubi room so I just cleared the first areas which was fucking boring as you have only the SG. At least It helped for the rest of the map. From there the encounters get more engaging it seems but I skipped everything I could. The setting of the marble cathedral was quite nice I must say.

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then go away. some people like these kinds of maps.

MAP20 Judgment Day

For the maps that don't have music tracks (i.e., the ones that play IWAD music should you load it with HRMUS alone), I've decided to put my own music wad with some music that I personally like and fits the map. I don't think anyone cares though.

Okay, this one is more or less a typical hub map, with a nice circular rotunda and a linear sense of direction. I can handle that. combat is quite typical except for the big hall of mancubi and the pop up hell knight/arch-vile that follows one of two steps to the yellow key. also there's quite a few enemies on that chaingun teleporter, who come in from the window near the key (cacos and lost souls). The red key area is supposed to have an inactive cyber you can see, but it's probably my port which is fucking things up because I for some reason see the sky. the pop-up barons (arch-viles on UV, I think) before the next stair set are quite annoying too, and the invisible staircase to the key is alright. the room with the teleporting barons strikes as completely odd and annoying, I personally hate it. The final yard has a final teleport ambush from where you entered, but the exit is literally right there. I found out the enemies that teleport are triggered by shooting in the room with the teleporting barons. Note that they do not appear at all on ITYTD/HNTR, so it actually could be possible to miss them altogether if I don't fire a shot in that particular room.

The more I play levels like this, the more I realize that the major challenges lie on pistol start and on maxing the levels. this one in particular is quite ripe for speedrunning when compared to, say, MAP14.

oh, and those blocks look hilarious at the end courtyard. I am wondering if anyone notices them.

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ZDoom - Continuous Play - HMP

MAP20 – Judgement Day

A quick ammo check at the start reveals I'm almost out of rockets, and nearly fully stocked on shells. I guess it's time to dig out the SSG.

It's a linear 1-2-3 sort of affair, and there are parts you can rush, but even on HMP some routes require a degree of luck, and there's even a few deliberate blocks throw in. If I had started with more cell ammo, I might have blasted my way through, but settled for selectively clearing some bits and legging it through others. Visually it's got the whole Pantheon thing going for it, which lends it some atmosphere.

Like a lot of Hell Revealed it's not a bad outing if you're willing to die a dozen or so times to learn the map, and in that respect it's a throw back to the 1980's arcade style of games, which Doom itself was moving away from.

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MAP20 - "Judgement Day" by Yonatan Donner

I nearly gave up on this map. The start seems to require you to shoot a bunch of barons and hellknights followed by a small army of mancubi with only a shotgun. Surely not? Assuming I had to just run past all that meat I found myself having to go back through both teams of monsters, who are now blocking the way out, and though you have bigger weapons now, you don't have the ammo to kill them. If it wasn't for the secret SSG and the fact that zdoom allows you to run over enemies heads there was no way I could do this, and I was hesitant to use such a method given this is a vanilla wad, but shit, I got better things to do. I even looked up a video of someone uv-maxing this map to see if there was some technique I was missing out on, but it basically boils down to shooting a wall of meat through a doorway for 4 minutes. And thats just the first leg of the journey. Despite giving you the rocket launcher and eventually the plasma rifle most of the time is spent grinding away with SSG (if you even found it), occasionally stepping to the side to dodge stuff. Tedious stuff. You eventually reach a point where you can just run past a load of enemies to the exit, thank god for that.

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MegaSphere said:

HR is shit. The maps feel more outdated than vanilla ones.

And why do you think this? If you don't like the wad than why are you here?

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Lingyan203 said:

And why do you think this? If you don't like the wad than why are you here?

Because the club makes us do this! :D

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