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Post Your Opinions About Doom (Whether Controversial or Not)

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13 minutes ago, Summer Deep said:


Agree with you about crouching and jumping, but surely the original creators of Doom would have included mouselook/freelook in the game if it had been a straightforward option at the time (or maybe if it had occurred to them)?

Mouselook breaks the game in several places by allowing you to aim at things you otherwise wouldn't be able to, and it also breaks several puzzles.


Romero himself even said he considers mouselook cheating in Sigil. Same should apply to the other classic Doom .wads.

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56 minutes ago, stinkfist said:

Doom 3 bfg edition isn’t that bad.

I hate pretty much any version of Doom 3, but I did put some miles on Doom 3 BFG on 360 simply because of the split screen in the included versions of the Classic Doom games.

Edited by famicommander

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13 hours ago, Rainne said:

If I'm mapping, my target audience is people who do care about the map. (If I'm a chef, my target audience is people who will enjoy the meal, rather than just dump my hard work on the floor in order to reach the clean-plate state more quickly.)

The reason speed runner's spend hours even days learning every aspect of doom's movement, physics and code it because THEY DON'T CARE.

They spend time finding the best routing, the best weapons, the best movement because THEY DON'T CARE.

They bother to upload demos of they PBs everyday becuase THEY DON'T CARE.

they just do it to piss people of right? RIGHT?


but based on your responses, you have a pretty narrow minded view of speedrunning so i guess you don't care either.

Edited by jazzmaster9

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17 hours ago, Summer Deep said:


Agree with you about crouching and jumping, but surely the original creators of Doom would have included mouselook/freelook in the game if it had been a straightforward option at the time (or maybe if it had occurred to them)?


You could use the mouse with Doom back in 1993. Just not many people did.

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The vast majority of the sounds in Doom are terrible. The sound effects that most monsters make when they get hurt, wander, or are alerted, or die, aren't consistent with one another. The shotgun sounds like somebody imitating a fart noise with their lips. A dying Baron sounds more like a chainsaw than the actual chainsaw. The gib sound sounds like somebody crumpled a piece of paper into a microphone.

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While DOOM’s soundtrack is overall better than Doom II’s, Into Sandy’s City, Shawn’s Got the Shotgun, and The Demon’s Dead are better than any song in DOOM except maybe At Hell’s Gate.


Also, Into the Beast’s Belly is one of the best official Doom tracks.

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Doom 3 was awesome and a generally good time.


Play Doom 1, 2 correctly: no mods, ultra-violence, no vertical mouse look. Turning off infinitely tall actors is OK though.

Edited by DOEL

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Modern pwads these days are too hard. Turn the Dark Souls down a notch. (This one is serious.)

Edited by warman2012

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2 minutes ago, warman2012 said:

Modern pwads these days are too hard. Turn the Dark Souls down a notch. (This one is serious.)

Finally! Someone said it. Thank you!

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1 minute ago, AD_79 said:

^ please use difficulty settings, they exist for a reason

Some of us don't use baby man difficulties below HMP.

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On 1/27/2020 at 11:55 PM, Summer Deep said:


Agree with you about crouching and jumping, but surely the original creators of Doom would have included mouselook/freelook in the game if it had been a straightforward option at the time (or maybe if it had occurred to them)?


I dislike the modern idea that FPS games are meant to have vertical aiming/freelook. Sure, lack of vertical aiming in classic Doom probably came partially from technical limitation but the game was designed around that extremely well and more importantly it is very easy and fun to play. Especially in modern times, lack of vertical aiming makes the classic Doom feel very unique and special. And as a fan of shmups, I personally love how Doom with classic controls feels and plays alot like top-down "twin-stick" shooter but from a first person perspective.

Edited by banjiepixel

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39 minutes ago, warman2012 said:

Modern pwads these days are too hard. Turn the Dark Souls down a notch. (This one is serious.)

We can blame Doom 2016 and Brutal Doom for that... /s

34 minutes ago, warman2012 said:

Some of us don't use baby man difficulties below HMP.

Be good enough to beat 'Big man difficulty', if not then accept that you just aren't that good of a player.

It's called "Hard" for a reason.

Edited by jazzmaster9

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On 1/28/2020 at 5:02 AM, GrogLoopy said:

The pistol can be useful at times.


  • Shooting switches.
  • Stunlocking a lone, low-tier enemy (imps, lost souls, all 3 zombie types) when a better gun isn't available for some reason.
  • Conserving ammunition.

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1 minute ago, TheNoob_Gamer said:


  •  when a better gun isn't available for some reason.
  • Conserving ammunition.

If a better gun isn't available within 5 mins of play the map is already gone wrong. Doom is not about conserving ammo.

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ITYTD is a legitimate difficulty setting if HNTR is still too rough. When it comes to challenging maps, there is only so much the author can tone down a fight for HNTR before it loses its core essence. For instance, swapping out Cybers for Mancs is often done on lower skill settings, but the impact of that is significant since a Mancubus takes far less ammunition to remove even with wimpy weaponry. I am a big fan of Cyberdemon focused encounters, where they are the main threat and anything else is supporting them. Handling multiple Cyberdemons is inherently more challenging because of the danger of eating rockets, so a fight involving multiple Cybers is likely to be "hard" on any difficulty unless the whole fight is reworked. This was something I noticed when working on my DMP2017 map, where HNTR was still pretty damn hard in comparison to other maps.


My point being: ITYTD automatically gives the player more ammo and provides more room for mistakes due to taking half the damage. The difference is especially huge when multiple Cyber rockets are flying around.

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Just now, warman2012 said:

 Doom is not about conserving ammo.

In many PWAD maps, it is.


On 1/28/2020 at 10:18 AM, noshutdown said:

prboom is the best sourceport in the world.

plasma gun and chaingun's fire rate should be swapped.

  • You can't disable infinite height actors in PRBoom, so no.
  • Then the plasma gun should be removed.

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27 minutes ago, warman2012 said:

Doom is not about conserving ammo.

is this what the Call of Duty culture has gotten us?

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I'm not a fan of maps that are with stingy with the ammo, but if the mapper has decided that's the way their campaign is gonna go, I either suck it up and switch on double ammo, or I play something else.

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I have one.


-Ultimate Doom Episode 4 is my favourite episode in the Game.

-Memento Mori should have been No.10 in the top 10 wads of 1995.

-Eviternity is more Doom 3 than the actual Doom 3, hell I want it to replace Doom 3.

-Mount Pain > Odyssey of Noises!!

-Map24 from Community Chest 2 "The Mucus Flow" is Trash!

-Map24 from Hell Revealed is Terrible.

-Valiant is actually Good. it's a bit hard, but I enjoyed playing the game, especially the new features and the upgraded enemies.

Edited by sincity2100

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On January 27, 2020 at 10:01 AM, noshutdown said:

4. e4m2 is not a hard map.

I like this map too, my most hated map in Ultimate Doom is e4m1, this map sucks ass.

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