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Post Your Opinions About Doom (Whether Controversial or Not)

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I hope the Arch-Vile doesn't return in Doom III!


Doom is a simple game about shooting demons. Why does the Arch-Vile force me to take cover? Unlike zombies, Arch-Vile hitscan is guaranteed to hit me. This is the only demon in the game to make me consider my surroundings and think about line-of-sight. This is at odds with the first Doom's game design where I had to focus solely on shooting demons and only had to side-step to avoid fireballs. But now id Software wants me to move completely out of line-of-sight? It's a total distraction from the otherwise fun gameplay.


Not only that, but he resurrects demons too! Which means I can't shoot whoever I want if an Arch-Vile is nearby. Now I need to start prioritizing enemies in a Doom game? What happened to shooting the demon closest to you? The Arch-Vile punishes me for playing how I want.


Plus, considering how deadly he already is, the Arch-Vile has too much health! I make sure to shoot him once with the SSG or RL before I hide from his attack, and it takes too long to kill him! I usually get swarmed by other demons that I was forced to ignore to focus on the Arch-Vile by the time I kill him (EDIT: they should make a tutorial to inform players that you can hit him twice before having to hide).


I hope id Software learns a valuable lesson and nerfs/removes the Arch-Vile in any hypothetical Doom II expansion packs.



I'm poking fun. Here's my serious answer:


- Doom II is an expansion pack.


- Doom: Annihilation is slightly better than Doom 2005.


- Doom 3 is a good Doom game. I also like the Doom 3 shotgun and weapon SFX.


- Brutal Doom is a good way to introduce newcomers to the Classic games.


- PSX/64 sound effects are better than PC's sound effects.


- "ITYTD" and "HNTR" are not very good difficulty names. It's probably why many people don't tend to pick them.


- I like E2M9, E3M8, and MAP30. Maybe I'm drawn to simple designs with a central gimmick.


- I'm glad there's no Pistol in Doom Eternal


- I liked Doom 2016's multiplayer


Edited by AtimZarr1
Added more to spoiler section

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On 8/29/2020 at 1:12 PM, aca1 said:

doom 2 is a lazy sequel and it felt somewhat rushed. I do enjoy some of the levels but it felt more like it could've been an addon for doom 1, not a separate game.

I know this is the "Controversial Opinions" but I'm going to agree with you. I'll give ole Sandy and his levels a break, but it has always felt rushed to me. 

Glad to see someone shares my opinion. 

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On 8/31/2020 at 3:22 PM, STILES said:

BFG Division is a *tad* bit overrated 

The Only Thing they Fear is you is way better.

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The SM is an okay boss. Nothing really special about her. if in E3M8 there had not been a building to hide behind, it might have been a difficult boss, but she is really easy to take out by hiding until the caco reaches you, and then turning the corner for the SM to be distracted by the demon. she's too easy in the game. I say she's okay because in some maps, I'm sure she can really be difficult to take out.

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5 hours ago, Endless said:

The Only Thing they Fear is you is way better.


S K U L L H A C K E R 

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2 hours ago, TheEvilGrin said:

Arachnotrons are scaled-down spider masterminds. Therefore, they're actually female.


The Spider Masterminds, at least in the original Doom games, have an undisclosed gender (they might even be genderless). Arachnotrons are in the same situation regarding their gender.


Of course this doesn't apply for the new Dooms.

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8 hours ago, whybmonotacrab said:

Chaingunners are by far Doom's worst enemy. When used well, the Archvile is one of the best.

Well the thing is, the chaingunner has 80 hp and the revenant has 300, the only in-between being the lacking-a-ranged-attack pinkie. So when a map needs a low-to-mid tier enemy, and the mapper doesn't know/want to use DeHackEd or decorate or zscript or whatever, he/she has no choice but to use one of these two, leading to......the Plutonia syndrome (overuse of revenants and chaingunners). If you think about it, most of the custom enemies are low-to-mid tiers (stealthy aliens) or high-tiers who are also not enough.....

So yeah that's about mt opinion on why chaingunners are overused.

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On 9/6/2020 at 2:07 PM, ReaperAA said:


The Spider Masterminds, at least in the original Doom games, have an undisclosed gender (they might even be genderless).


Is this really true? In the Doom Wiki the following is stated as a quote from the Doom 2 manual:


""You guess the Arachnotrons had to come from somewhere. Hi, Mom. She doesn't have a plasma gun, so thank heaven for small favors. Instead, she has a super-chaingun. Crap.""


About the arachnotrons, however, I don't know about any "official" statement clarifying their gender (only that they were called "baby spiders" probably).

Edited by erzboesewicht

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I find the music on MAP01 of DOOM II to be equally as good and iconic as E1M1. When I think of DOOM, both these songs come to mind as DOOM's theme song. 

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11 hours ago, Horus said:

I enjoy the first 10 levels of Hell Revealed


Why is this controversial tho.

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15 hours ago, TheEvilGrin said:

Well the thing is, the chaingunner has 80 hp


70 HP actually, but good job pointing out the lack of any in-between HP values between that and the pinky/revenant. That extra 10 HP compared to an imp however doesn't show that much in actual gameplay, other than their being able to survive a direct shotgun shot a little bit more often. They are still pretty "glass cannon"-y compared to the rest of the bestiary above them, or even an imp that has closed melee distance.

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On 8/22/2020 at 5:00 AM, GuyMcBrofist said:

There's nothing wrong with the shotgun in Doom 3

There's only a few of us out there :pensive:

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On 9/9/2020 at 5:59 PM, Eric Claus said:

I find techbase can often be a boring aesthetic...


Well, it was nice knowing you, Eric. <loads SSG>  

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On 9/8/2020 at 1:18 PM, TheEvilGrin said:

Well the thing is, the chaingunner has 80 hp and the revenant has 300, the only in-between being the lacking-a-ranged-attack pinkie. So when a map needs a low-to-mid tier enemy, and the mapper doesn't know/want to use DeHackEd or decorate or zscript or whatever, he/she has no choice but to use one of these two, leading to......the Plutonia syndrome (overuse of revenants and chaingunners). If you think about it, most of the custom enemies are low-to-mid tiers (stealthy aliens) or high-tiers who are also not enough.....

So yeah that's about mt opinion on why chaingunners are overused.

It's not the threat void between 70 HP and 300 HP that drives that. Those monsters stand out even among their neighbors in danger level and versatility. In designed setups, mappers tend not to think "I want to use a low-to-mid-tier -- a monster that has such-and-such HP" and chuck one in, but focus more on roles and behaviors that create scenarios.


Revenants are skinny, fast, and have an attack more interesting than a straight-line projectile. Chaingunners are one of a couple low-HP monsters that can be really dangerous in low numbers (and have less fickle damage output than shotgunners). A HK-like monster with something other than a basic fireball or a threatening glass cannon fodder monster both would fall out of that range, but they would provide rev/CG'er alternatives better than a basic straight-line ranged monster with ~180 HP.


Also, in flow/incidental combat where HP can be more of the driving factor in usage, you can mix and match different species to get the total HP you want, so you don't really need a thing with ~180 HP to effectively simulate what that would add. 

Edited by ‹rd›

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9 hours ago, Biodegradable said:


Well, it was nice knowing you, Eric. <loads SSG>  


I should clarify I don't find it a terrible aesthetic all the time, but I have seen many maps where the aesthetic was overly used/not used well and it gets old quickly in my opinion.  Some have done very well with it though and actually convinced me it was some semblance of a place.

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2 hours ago, Major Arlene said:

mods for doom are for people who don't like doom :)


I like Doom, but it got a bit tedious. Although I undoubtedly do get a few fun kicks and chuckles out of occasional extraordinary situations every once in a while. Like knocking those Revenants off their pillars without actually killing them.


In fact, I feel the opposite way; mods are for people who do like Doom, because they prove the success of Doom as a fun and open platform for mods and modders. It has always had a relatively low bar for entry, compared to games like Quake or Half-Life, where mapping is a pain and modding a martial art of its own.


I guess that's part of what made Unreal so successful, too; it was relatively easy to mod, especially compared to Quake and its spawn (no pun intended), and even mapping was made a breeze thanks to things like CSG¹ and tools like UnrealEd.


¹ short for constructive solid geometry.

Edited by Gustavo6046

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5 hours ago, Major Arlene said:

here's my awful hot take

mods for doom are for people who don't like doom :)


I just like using cool weapons with nice animations, you big meanie! ;^) :^P

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Honestly I agree with Arlene here, preferences or not, if you play exclusively with gameplay mods and cannot stand vanilla at all, then it's probably a safe bet that you enjoy the idea of Doom more than Doom the game itself.

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