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Post Your Opinions About Doom (Whether Controversial or Not)

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2 minutes ago, Archfiend said:

Then again, shotgunners can also snipe you, and if you waste too much time with the pistol, they could get a few good shots in.

yeah you have to find a good vantage point. Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do though. You might take damage or you might not. I'm a reckless player anyways lol

Edited by Dubbag

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On 3/15/2021 at 8:44 AM, Dunn & Dunn said:

There is tons of platforming in games wherever you go, whether jumping and climbing over obstacles to get to hidden areas, or a little platformer-based flash game. 


Why is it a cardinal sin in Doom?


I, for one, stand by the old adage (was it by Richard "Lowtax" Kyanka?) that jumping puzzles don't work in 3D games, esp. 1st person ones, because you cannot see your feet.


Now, in the context of Doom it on what kind of jumping we're talking about. If we are talking about clearing a reasonably sized platform with normal running (not even a properly executed SR40), and falling off won't have deadly consequences (at least not insta-gibbing or something...) or getting stuck...OK. If it's an optional/secret area I guess you can get away with smaller platforms, maybe a perfectly executed SR40 or even SR50 if it's really-reallly-really-really-really a super-duper secret meant for the 1337est of players only.


Now, if you make a whole map out of precisely jumping and balancing on super-tiny platforms, and punish any failures by instant death, AND require the use of the erratic "jump" key (LA World, I'm looking at you), then it's a big NOPE.

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Plutonia is a good mapset. It was pretty good for its time. But the chaingunner traps were something that are impossible to like.

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2 hours ago, Maes said:

I, for one, stand by the old adage (was it by Richard "Lowtax" Kyanka?) that jumping puzzles don't work in 3D games, esp. 1st person ones, because you cannot see your feet.

Have you ever tried Jumping Flash games? They have a simple and elegant solution for the first person platforming. It works only with true 3d engine though.

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Spectres are useless. Their only purpose is to annoy the fuck out of players. Their usage in dark sectors just feels cheap. 

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P sure I've seen this one before but I still need to remind everyone that Doom II's texture game is fucking weak compared to Ultimate Doom, especially in the computer/lighting department

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Heretic weapons are better because I like having a separate ammo type for the pistol and chaingun equivalents. Melee enemy at a distance and can't reach you because you're on a platform? Pull out the elven wand to conserve better ammo!

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I have read through the whole topic and many times people mentioned Brutal Doom and the "you love it or hate it" community approach.


I personaly don't hate Brutal Doom and I don't mind when people enjoy it (even tho I don't understand why some people play in Brutal Doom only and nothing else). I simply don't like it, that's all.

First, original Doom is already perfectelly ballanced and works just fine and I like as it is, so I play just it unmodded.


Second, Brutal Doom feels... cluttered, inconsistent and ugly (the "cracks" effect (when you take damage) looks like made in MS Paint IMO), the brutality feels somewhat cringy :D And overall I never really got into it, even though I tried couple of times.


Also I noticed many people play my maps I created, in Brutal Doom, which is OK, but in the same times they weren't designed for it, so it's not my fault when it's not ballanced, or there is not enough ammo and health and so on... or even if there are bugs and game crashes, because I was testing it only for unmodded Doom. So don't hate me for this :)

Edited by Matthias

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15 hours ago, Duke of Pathoris said:

Heretic weapons are better because I like having a separate ammo type for the pistol and chaingun equivalents. Melee enemy at a distance and can't reach you because you're on a platform? Pull out the elven wand to conserve better ammo!


Ah, but having multiple weapons that share the same ammo type teach you conserve ammo better overall and making better decisions with your weapons during combat scenarios. That's how I see it anyways hehe

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5 hours ago, Biodegradable said:


Ah, but having multiple weapons that share the same ammo type teach you conserve ammo better overall and making better decisions with your weapons during combat scenarios. That's how I see it anyways hehe

That only works when one weapon is not objectively better than the other. Does anyone really find the pistol advantageous to the chaingun? 

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20 hours ago, Duke of Pathoris said:

That only works when one weapon is not objectively better than the other. Does anyone really find the pistol advantageous to the chaingun? 


Shotgun has different uses to the SSG. Plasma rifle has different uses to the BFG.


The pistol & chaingun relationship is really the only one where the former is objectively worse than the latter, whilst both sharing the same ammo.

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tnt is the greatest of the 32 map iwads.


*not saying this to be controversial, I actually believe this. 

*though that said, just because something is not intended to be controversial, does not necessarily make it not controversial.

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12 hours ago, Tanksy said:


Shotgun has different uses to the SSG. Plasma rifle has different uses to the BFG.


The pistol & chaingun relationship is really the only one where the former is objectively worse than the latter, whilst both sharing the same ammo.


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11 hours ago, bLOCKbOYgAMES said:

tnt is the greatest of the 32 map iwads.


*not saying this to be controversial, I actually believe this. 

*though that said, just because something is not intended to be controversial, does not necessarily make it not controversial.


It's crazy in general that it's controversial to like or dislike something. Unlike you I don't like TNT and yesterday I played Map 25 on Switch and it was soo annoying and ugly map. But if you do enjoy it, who am I to argue? Personal taste shouldn't be "controversial" at all in my opinion :)

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Here I've got one. I don't really like Misri Halek from Alien Vendetta. Now this level is gorgeous. The detailing and the lighting is just wonderful. But it felt far to big for it's own good. It had a high enemy count but nothing to warrant it. There were really no large battles and the few that there were were just kinda boring and simplistic. It also felt a bit to repetitive. For instance, the gray mountain area was so repetitive. Running through those caves and just fighting the same enemies over and over again, just revenants, imps, barons, and knights. There was little variation in these battles to the point that I was actually happy to see an Archvile pop out of the wall. I probably would've liked it more if it was shorter. I another playthrough I hope that I might come around to it, but for now Misri Halek was sadly disappointing to me.

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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, SPIN said:

The chaingun is op

funny you say that because i always though the chainguns was way too weak compared to the versatility that the shotgun and super shotgun gives if you know how to use them and when to switch with each other

chaingun still has its uses as a long range sniper but everything from close to middle range the shotgun will do a better job

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6 minutes ago, omalefico32x said:

funny you say that because i always though the chainguns was way too weak compared to the versatility that the shotgun and super shotgun gives if you know how to use them and when to switch with each other

chaingun still has its uses as a long range sniper but everything from close to middle range the shotgun will do a better job

Those are mostly my thoughts though I wouldnt call it ‘too weak’ in comparison. While you can get by with one of the shotguns in most situations, I feel the chaingun is safer in areas you know to be filled with hitscanners. There are levels (especially in the first version of Sigil) where i felt the chaingun was sorely missed. The chaingun shines as a rapid hitscan weapon on high pain chance low hitpoint enemies, especially when youre surrounded and needing to spread the damage around. Against demons though, the shotguns are generally preferred of course.


As for my opinions:

  • Knee-Deep in the Dead isn’t as fun to play through as The Shores of Hell or Inferno - not just because theyre the most played but particularly because of the atmosphere (mix of hellish environments with tek stuff) or memorable moments of those later levels. Might also be the bright white sky and what I feel are boring base textures that are less appealing to me.
  • I appreciate and enjoy most of Sandy’s Doom II maps, with the exception of Maps 9, 10 (which to my knowledge are levels other people tend to appreciate). Lost Soul presence in The Chasm aside, I feel the experimental ideas he used in such levels were actually really cool, and for the most part were each backed up with a pretty interesting atmosphere/aesthetic design (with exceptions - the area with the shotgunners in Nirvana wasnt too nice, but then I liked the area with the rock platforms.
  • And that brings me to my last (sub) point - to me many of Sandy’s environments are what best represent Doom to me. I appreciate his surreal (not sure if thats the right word) but design and creativity with his environments. What i appreciate most about many Doom maps is that they dont necessarily resemble logical or realistic places. Many games that followed such as Duke 3d, Quake, Dark Forces etc, all had classic memorable maps. But theres something about the unique fun and interesting design of many Doom maps that I really appreciate. When I mess around in GZdoom builder its something i tend to try to explore and a style i try to replicate. While I appreciate many of the modern custom pwads out there, to me theres just something ‘just right’ and unique about many of Sandy’s levels that mange to encompass the experience for me, that’s almost never (or rarely) replicated.

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8 hours ago, omalefico32x said:

funny you say that because i always though the chainguns was way too weak compared to the versatility that the shotgun and super shotgun gives if you know how to use them and when to switch with each other

chaingun still has its uses as a long range sniper but everything from close to middle range the shotgun will do a better job

There's two major exceptions to this:

  • Larger, spread-out groups of zombies where the delay on the shotguns gives enemies the opportunity to get shots in, whereas the chaingun will clear out these enemies much faster and stun-lock them more effectively.
  • Playing with Fast Monsters enabled, where interrupting attacks is all the more important. Especially so against groups of Demons, who'll swarm you and chew you up during your super-shotgun reloads if you don't have room to dodge.

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I've honestly come to just not care about the lore of the new Doom games, specifically Eternal. The story and lore that Eternal and its DLC brought in feel so convoluted and complicated that I just don't give a shit anymore. Especially compared to 2016, which had a very simple story and its lore felt in line with what was established by the other games at the time, Eternal just goes too far IMO.


I don't want my Doomguy to be some immortal super-dude or whatever, I just want him to an angry space marine killing demons.

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I don't quite understand why decino is popular, beyond that Americans (probably both continents) like a sexy European accent, regardless of how monotonous his voice may be. He's quite good at Doom, of course, and I do genuinely appreciate his analysis videos, but yeah.

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I've had this on my mind for a while, but I have a weird issue with Karl Jobst's videos on doom, Zero-Master in particular. 


I have absolutely nothing against Karl or Zero, I think Jobst makes some absolutely great speedrunning videos and he was the one who introduced me to Doom, and Zero-Master definitely deserves praise for his amazing runs, but my issue is that I think Zero gets too much from Karl's fanbase. It kind of bugs me whenever Zero-Master uploads a new run and his YT comment section is so overwhelmingly run down by Karl fans calling him an "absolute legend" and referencing Jobst's videos, also throwing around uneducated doom speedrunning lingo. I just cant help but have a problem with all of these people pretending to know so much about speedrunning and act like they are so involved in the community when they've only seen a guy talk about doom for 15 minutes a pop. I'm sure most of the people in Zero-Masters comments dont actually respect him or care about him outside of the view that Karl has given them. It isnt Karl's fault and I guess it's kind of like this for every community. Obviously a top-tier player of any game will get tons of attention and praise from big youtubers or media sources that call them out. Anyways, that's my opinion. I just wish there were more people commenting on Zero-Masters runs who actually celebrated and gave feedback on the run itself instead of these brainless doom noobs who are just there for a pat on the back for a redundant compliment.

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