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Post Your Opinions About Doom (Whether Controversial or Not)

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Why does every popular megawad just become a huge mindless slaughter map that looks like Nuts but with pretty textures. It feels like mappers put more time into the look of a level and not the gameplay. Plus, I really don't like slaughter maps much, so a lot of megawad just get boring to me.

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23 minutes ago, N1ck said:

Why does every popular megawad just become a huge mindless slaughter map that looks like Nuts but with pretty textures. It feels like mappers put more time into the look of a level and not the gameplay. Plus, I really don't like slaughter maps much, so a lot of megawad just get boring to me.

...what megawads do this?

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12 hours ago, Omniarch said:

Having an unironic preference for Evilution over the other IWADs seems to be the second most popular Doom hipster take around here, after 'Sandy Petersen is underrated'.


Nah. The 'fireblu is the best texture' take is easily more popular hipster take than the 'Evilution is the best iwad' take.


12 hours ago, Omniarch said:

If anything, outright saying that Romero was the superior mapper would now be the controversial opinion.


Alright then. Romero is a better mapper than Petersen. There I said it.

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3 hours ago, LateNightPerson said:

Doom Jaguar mapset sucks.

The only map that I found superior in JagDoom is Hell Keep. It's longer, better layout and overall more enjoyable. Though I think it relies on infighting too much.

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16 hours ago, i suck at nicknames said:

when its not even Kims best map in Alien Vendetta (which is Blood Sacrifice). 

This is the actual controversial opinion of your post, I believe most people consider Toxic Touch his best level in AV (for me it's also Blood Sacrifice, no question).


14 hours ago, Fairen said:

Honestly, I always find it weird when people complain so much about the tunnels in Evilution's Habitat when it's not even one-tenth as obnoxious as Plutonia's Hunted.

As someone who enjoys both levels, absolutely. If Hunted were in Wolfenstein 3D it'd be the maziest level in the game, to put it into perspective.

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12 minutes ago, Andromeda said:

This is the actual controversial opinion of your post, I believe most people consider Toxic Touch his best level in AV (for me it's also Blood Sacrifice, no question).


As someone who enjoys both levels, absolutely. If Hunted were in Wolfenstein 3D it'd be the maziest level in the game, to put it into perspective.


Here is one of my "controversial" opinions on Doom. I wish people would put the map numbers as well as the names. e.g. "I believe most people consider Toxic Touch (map 10) his best level in AV (for me it's also Blood Sacrifice, (map 23) no question)"


This is because I know map numbers really well, but have no freaking idea which maps these names are referring to without going to the relevant wiki (which I did in this case.) I only know the name "Habitat", mentioned above, because that tnt level is so infamous.


Obviously this controversial opinion is me being pedantic and difficult, but hey, a guy can dream, right.


(*apologies to you Andromeda, for using your perfectly valid post as an example for me to whine about.)

Edited by bLOCKbOYgAMES

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6 minutes ago, bLOCKbOYgAMES said:

Here is one of my "controversial" opinions on Doom. I wish people would put the map numbers as well as the names. e.g. "I believe most people consider Toxic Touch (map 10) his best level in AV (for me it's also Blood Sacrifice, (map 23) no question)"


This is because I know map numbers really well, but have no freaking idea which maps these names are referring to without going to the relevant wiki (which I did in this case.) I only know the name "Habitat", mentioned above, because that tnt level is so infamous.


Obviously this controversial opinion is me being pedantic and difficult, but hey, a guy can dream, right.


(*apologies to you Andromeda, for using your perfectly valid post as an example for me to whine about.)


Haha no worries, it's funny because I actually always put the level numbers alongside their names, this time I forgot :P

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@bLOCKbOYgAMES I agree with you. I also have the same issue. I too tend to remember map numbers very well. But when people mention map names, I have to look at doomwiki to know what map they are talking about.

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Very controversial: Texture filtering looks somewhat acceptable with (and only with) xBRZ upscaling to me. I prefer it over pixelated textures nowadays. Hit me!


Maybe even more: TNT's Habitat (Map 10) is an awful map but ultimate doom has even worse maps.



Edited by entrywayy

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"Texture filtering" is far too vague a term because it can cover completely different things.


As far as GZDoom is concerned, for example, you have, in texture options, "texture filter mode" (which is what people usually rail against), "anisotropic filter" (which IMO should be left on as it does improve texture rendering at extreme angles without having any impact on the texture's pixels), and the resize filters a.k.a "high quality resize mode" (which I only enable for fonts as I don't think they fit the aesthetic of the game's sprites and textures).

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7 minutes ago, entrywayy said:

Maybe even more: TNT's Habitat (Map 10) is an awful map but ultimate doom has even worse maps.




Pray tell, dost thou referrest unto E4M4, "Unruly Evil"?

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1 hour ago, bLOCKbOYgAMES said:


Here is one of my "controversial" opinions on Doom. I wish people would put the map numbers as well as the names.


There's nothing wrong with that. It's actually the reason I almost always list the map number followed by the name in brackets.


The way I view it is that I might know the levels in a Wad like the back of my hand, but it's inconsiderate of me to expect everyone to know what Map 23 is in something like Momento Mori. Much like Alien Vendetta it's an popular old Wad, but that doesn't mean everyone has played it to the point of memorizing the maps.


Maybe they only went through it once years ago, or perhaps they have played so many Wads and maps it's getting hard to remember every single one. 


Ultimate Doom was less guilty of this because of it being structured around episodes. So E4M1 can work by itself, though I prefer to put the name in anyway.


Besides that, Map 28 (Spirit World) just looks better than 'map28'. More people can relate to it and join in the discussion. I could rattle off more reasons to do it but you get the idea.  


Edited by Final Verdict

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On 4/16/2021 at 4:05 PM, i suck at nicknames said:

Misri Halek is undeniably an A+ as far as visuals go, but a C- (and that's being lenient) as far as gameplay and navigability goes. Baffles me how its consistently ranked as the GOAT map, when its not even Kims best map in Alien Vendetta (which is Blood Sacrifice). 

Agree with the statement on Misri Halek, it's amazing architecturally and all, but on gameplay it really isn't that much. I still love playing through it, though. It's more of an experience and adventure than anything, not many maps do that, which is why it's so unforgettable. I'd say it's in similar vein to why Half-Life is so widely loved and remembered today: absolutely not because of the gameplay, but it masterfully handles every other aspect.

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No Rest For the Living is far better than the Master Levels for Doom II.


*Not sure how "controversial" this is. I'd think most people would agree with me.

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1 hour ago, Kes Gaming YT said:

No Rest For the Living is far better than the Master Levels for Doom II.


*Not sure how "controversial" this is. I'd think most people would agree with me.

Absolutely. I did not like the Master Levels, save for a few maps.

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2016's Multiplayer was actually really decent and the vocal minority bitching and moaning about it is why we have the mediocre, poorly balanced Battlemode now that no one really wants to play.


It had BETTER player customization too.

Edited by NPC_CO8ALT

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GZDoom's default status bar make me sick, like man, the super duper tiny look makes me want to rip my eyes off.

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2 minutes ago, Lol 6 said:

GZDoom's default status bar make me sick, like man, the super duper tiny look makes me want to rip my eyes off.

yes, i dont know why the default gzdoom hud is so small :/

i had to set its scale to 6

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6 minutes ago, URROVA said:

yes, i dont know why the default gzdoom hud is so small :/

i had to set its scale to 6

Same with text scaling. I set it back to how it would be if you weren't playing with native resolution.

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1 hour ago, Kes Gaming YT said:

No Rest For the Living is far better than the Master Levels for Doom II.


*Not sure how "controversial" this is. I'd think most people would agree with me.

Meeeh, some master levels are rather good.

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13 hours ago, Andromeda said:

This is the actual controversial opinion of your post, I believe most people consider Toxic Touch his best level in AV (for me it's also Blood Sacrifice, no question).


As someone who enjoys both levels, absolutely. If Hunted were in Wolfenstein 3D it'd be the maziest level in the game, to put it into perspective.



misri halek looks good, but the gameplay is rather grindy.


hunted had a unique concept at that time, well executed, but i can't figure it out, it looks everywhere the same. respect to those who did speedruns on it.



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I enjoyed the Master Levels. But to be fair, I played them right after Ultimate Doom and Doom II. I can see how it wouldn't appeal to those who have already played Final Doom or custom wads. 

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16 hours ago, Kes Gaming YT said:

No Rest For the Living is far better than the Master Levels for Doom II.

To be fair, the Master Levels were released in 1995 and No Rest was released in 2010. There's 15 years of level design refinement -- and level editor improvements -- between the two.

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2 hours ago, Gez said:

To be fair, the Master Levels were released in 1995 and No Rest was released in 2010. There's 15 years of level design refinement -- and level editor improvements -- between the two.


I don't even think what Kes said is remotely controversial. The Master Levels, even for their time, are incredibly hit and miss and so brown that it would make Quake blush.

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On 3/10/2021 at 4:09 PM, SF. said:

I'm sick of doomguy's face in the status bar. The only thing worse than an 80 damage revenant rocket is doomguy's stupid ouch face. I now play full screen.


I always play full screen (with some data about health/ammo overlayed of course) because it's more immersive. There wasn't a need for the bar unless to lower screen for slow computers back in time. I know the bar is considered a nostalgia classic, but it makes more sense to go total fullscreen nowadays.

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1 hour ago, CrystalHawk_Doom said:

Doom memes aren't funny.


You could remove doom and this would still hold true

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