terminator Posted May 28, 2021 14 hours ago, John Wheel said: Skelegant has you covered https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?t=61919 I'm pretty sure people care more about the "your tastes are bad because I don't like them" thing than about whether or not you like those wads or how good or bad you're at the game. many thanks to you too, @John Wheel :) 1 Share this post Link to post
terminator Posted May 28, 2021 (edited) wow! even after all these years, the debate whether slaught*rfests are good or bad even in wonderful maps such as sunlust is still red hot. imo, it is merely a personal preference really. for example, some people like joke maps, some can't even comprehend them. some like hard platforming and intricate puzzle solving, some don't and rather use the "noclip/idclip/fly" cheats to get past narrow platforms. some like to kill lots of monsters, while others are more "nature loving" and do pacifist runs. some like to walk slowly while marvelling at the maps' architecture etc, while others don't even "walk straight", prefering lots of strafe40/50. same as slaught*ry maps, i guess. some even like slaught*rfest gameplay mixed with vanilla gameplay, disguised as the term "big brawls"(?). since slaught*ryness is just a matter of personal preference, i guess everyone is correct with their personal opinions and judgements. as long as arguments are healthy and non personally attacking, they are quite fun to read. and sometimes they do contain hidden gems such as reasons some dislike pure slaught*rmaps but like "big brawls" instead, etc. such info could be used by mappers to spice up both slaught*rmaps or vanilla maps to cater a larger group of players, unless the maps specifically mention their target player type of course. just my humble 2 cents. still learning how to make a map though, so my views above are still on the amateurish newbish side and may contain lots of mistakes. tq. Edited May 28, 2021 by terminator 3 Share this post Link to post
mrthejoshmon Posted May 28, 2021 TNT is still the best IWAD and you are quite literally physically unable to change my mind. 3 Share this post Link to post
Liberation Posted May 28, 2021 3 minutes ago, mrthejoshmon said: TNT is still the best IWAD and you are quite literally physically unable to change my mind. I happen to think that MAP01 of TNT is the best first level of any of the Iwads. 6 Share this post Link to post
out_of_service Posted May 28, 2021 1 hour ago, mrthejoshmon said: TNT is still the best IWAD and you are quite literally physically unable to change my mind. I always did prefer TNT over Plutonia. 5 Share this post Link to post
Wavy Posted May 28, 2021 (edited) Doom SFX sound better without the low-pass filter applied to them. They sound more crispy/raw and less muffled Edited May 28, 2021 by Wavy 0 Share this post Link to post
Koko Ricky Posted May 28, 2021 12 hours ago, SuperPIter_DoomWorldthe2nd said: Yes, i don't see why it's even that hated since it's just a town-thingy kind of map. I played a bit of it a while ago but don't remember where or when. I find it charming myself, but it's not a very intuitive level. There's a gigantic arrow signaling the player where to go, which suggests the map is a bit too open for its own good (protip: it is). It can take awhile to orient yourself, whereas most maps are better designed and thus easier to navigate. I also feel this way about The Citadel; it has way too many nooks and crannies, making it overly challenging to memorize the layout. 0 Share this post Link to post
Samz707 Posted May 28, 2021 (edited) 16 hours ago, leodoom85 said: Pistol sucks and it's easily replaceable. The only good thing about the pistol is that it's 100% accurate if shots are controlled. Other than that, it sucks balls. Even the fist does a better job than the peashooter. Yeah the Pistol is literally just a slightly more accurate slow-firing chain-gun stats-wise I think. I think in Doom 3 it manages to come into it's own, with decent accuracy (In a game where the Chaingun is inaccurate and the Machine Gun has a noteworthy drop in damage.) and damage. Then Doom 2016 made it trash again, I'm pretty sure the Quake 2 Blaster does more damage relatively and that has the excuse of existing in-case you need to hit switches but are completely out of ammo and the general changes to combat means it basically feels even worse than the Basic Pistol from Doom 1/2. It really only feels there as a crutch for if the melee combat decides to not work. (Since it's heavily automated, I once had Doom Slayer get stuck on a slight upwards incline, fail to hit the zombie on that incline, who managed to hit him and then Slayer got launched backwards.) Quake 1 kinda did it well, since they buffed the regular shotgun's range I think in comparison to Doom 1/2, so it fit double duty as a pick-off dudes from a distance weapon (For Quake 1's map sizes anyway) and a close-combat weapon to replace the Pistol. Edited May 28, 2021 by Samz707 1 Share this post Link to post
mrthejoshmon Posted May 28, 2021 I would also like to say that the PSX/N64 sound effects are also, in my mind, much better, I have taken to autoloading them whenever I boot up any port of Doom (I even went as far to convert them to a format usable in DOS/Chocolate Doom). 4 Share this post Link to post
leodoom85 Posted May 28, 2021 12 minutes ago, mrthejoshmon said: I would also like to say that the PSX/N64 sound effects are also, in my mind, much better, I have taken to autoloading them whenever I boot up any port of Doom (I even went as far to convert them to a format usable in DOS/Chocolate Doom). Do you like shooting the shotgun in PSX non-stop? Cuz that's one of the best sounds, coupled with the gibbing splat sound. Delicious. 2 Share this post Link to post
mrthejoshmon Posted May 28, 2021 15 minutes ago, leodoom85 said: Do you like shooting the shotgun in PSX non-stop? Cuz that's one of the best sounds, coupled with the gibbing splat sound. Delicious. Absolutely, the PSX shotgun is pure bliss to fire. 1 Share this post Link to post
Bauul Posted May 28, 2021 19 hours ago, leodoom85 said: Pistol sucks and it's easily replaceable. The only good thing about the pistol is that it's 100% accurate if shots are controlled. Other than that, it sucks balls. Even the fist does a better job than the peashooter. For Elementalism I resisted changing any of the vanilla weapons in any way for the longest time. But eventually I came to the conclusion that the standard pistol is just crap. It has absolutely no role once you get the chaingun. I ended up adding an option to make it faster firing and always infinitely accurate (ala the Eviternity pistol). But perhaps more controversially, I also added an option to buff the standard shotgun too, because similarly it has a very minimal role once you get the SSG. I made the spread of bullets much tighter, making it a much more effective medium-long range weapon than the SSG. It sounds a little blasphemous, but even this small change makes it feels so much better to have it be an actually viable tool again. 6 Share this post Link to post
leodoom85 Posted May 28, 2021 1 minute ago, Bauul said: It sounds a little blasphemous, but even this small change makes it feels so much better to have it be an actually viable tool again. Blasphemous would be that the shotty acts like one with slug shells but does less damage than the one with lots of pellets. 0 Share this post Link to post
roadworx Posted May 28, 2021 5 minutes ago, Bauul said: But perhaps more controversially, I also added an option to buff the standard shotgun too, because similarly it has a very minimal role once you get the SSG. I made the spread of bullets much tighter, making it a much more effective medium-long range weapon than the SSG. It sounds a little blasphemous, but even this small change makes it feels so much better to have it be an actually viable tool again. the shotgun is still pretty useful even after getting the ssg tho - it's pretty decent at longer ranges already 1 Share this post Link to post
Somniac Posted May 28, 2021 4 hours ago, mrthejoshmon said: I would also like to say that the PSX/N64 sound effects are also, in my mind, much better, I have taken to autoloading them whenever I boot up any port of Doom (I even went as far to convert them to a format usable in DOS/Chocolate Doom). The PSX plasma gun sound is automatically superior by virtue of being the exact sound from the Terminator films. That and it just isn't hideously grating like the standard PC sound. 3 Share this post Link to post
DOEL Posted May 28, 2021 On 5/27/2021 at 3:51 PM, Fairen said: (Oh, and I checked out Sunlust's MAP29. Standard "press 7 and hold fire" slaughtermap. Exciting! /s) watch a UV-Max run of it on Youtube... that's really not the case. it's a demanding as hell combat puzzle 1 Share this post Link to post
out_of_service Posted May 28, 2021 22 minutes ago, VisionThing said: The PSX plasma gun sound is automatically superior by virtue of being the exact sound from the Terminator films. That and it just isn't hideously grating like the standard PC sound. I absolutely love the PSX plasma gun sfx! It's such a satisfying sound unlike the original pc sfx for the weapon which is grating on the ears. 2 Share this post Link to post
Spectre01 Posted May 29, 2021 4 hours ago, Bauul said: But perhaps more controversially, I also added an option to buff the standard shotgun too, because similarly it has a very minimal role once you get the SSG. I made the spread of bullets much tighter, making it a much more effective medium-long range weapon than the SSG. It sounds a little blasphemous, but even this small change makes it feels so much better to have it be an actually viable tool again. The issue I have with the vanilla Shotgun is its inability to consistently one-shot Imps. It's one of the things that really bugs me about Shotgun gameplay, especially in Ultimate Doom and wads for it. Having it shoot 9 pellets would be ideal, which is how it works in Supercharge, IRC. 1 Share this post Link to post
SuperPIter_DoomWorldthe2nd Posted May 29, 2021 Here is a BIG one: I despise DOOM 64's Unmaker, why? Because it makes the game too easy, and i hate things that makes a game (any game, really.) way too damn easy. It makes me feel like i'm cheating, which is not a feeling i want to have while i play any DOOM game legitimately without any cheating involved. Hopefully i don't get Twitter'd (aka. A lot of toxic comments, etc. etc. We know what Twitter is, a DUMPSTER FIRE.) 0 Share this post Link to post
roadworx Posted May 29, 2021 45 minutes ago, SuperPIter_DoomWorldthe2nd said: Hopefully i don't get Twitter'd (aka. A lot of toxic comments, etc. etc. We know what Twitter is, a DUMPSTER FIRE.) someone obviously had a bad experience on twitter :p 0 Share this post Link to post
SuperPIter_DoomWorldthe2nd Posted May 29, 2021 3 minutes ago, roadworx said: someone obviously had a bad experience on twitter :p Yup. 0 Share this post Link to post
leodoom85 Posted May 29, 2021 53 minutes ago, SuperPIter_DoomWorldthe2nd said: Here is a BIG one: I despise DOOM 64's Unmaker, why? Because it makes the game too easy, and i hate things that makes a game (any game, really.) way too damn easy. It makes me feel like i'm cheating, which is not a feeling i want to have while i play any DOOM game legitimately without any cheating involved. Hopefully i don't get Twitter'd (aka. A lot of toxic comments, etc. etc. We know what Twitter is, a DUMPSTER FIRE.) The Unmaker feels like a reward for searching those damn elusive demon keys (before saying anything and scream at me, yes I know that it's also found in map 12), which ALSO helps in the last fight against the mommy demon. The simplest solution is to not play the secret maps or find the demon keys. The Unmaker without the keys is like the plasma gun. 0 Share this post Link to post
roadworx Posted May 29, 2021 10 minutes ago, leodoom85 said: The simplest solution is to not play the secret maps or find the demon keys. The Unmaker without the keys is like the plasma gun. not using it is also another good solution 1 Share this post Link to post
Final Verdict Posted May 29, 2021 5 hours ago, PSXDoomer said: I absolutely love the PSX plasma gun sfx! It's such a satisfying sound unlike the original pc sfx for the weapon which is grating on the ears. Most of the PSX sound effects are superior in my opinion, from Zombiemen grunts to Hell Knights and the shotgun. Then you have the elevator sound and the excellent 'squelch' sound you get when something gets crushed into red paste. I prefer the Pc version in general, but the PSX version of Doom really nailed down the atmosphere when it comes to sound effects. I loved the coloured lighting sectors as well, it was a simple and effective way to add variation to Dooms stock textures in maps. Within reason of course, too much can make your head spin. In any case as far as I'm concerned PSX Doom having superior sound effects isn't controversial, it's a straight up fact. 3 Share this post Link to post
Diabolución Posted June 2, 2021 As for the forum system itself... Disabling all notifications is bliss. In my opinion, notifications just tend to drag discussions and arguments out, artificially and unneededly. 0 Share this post Link to post
Terraformer9x Posted June 2, 2021 I really dislike the Inmost Dens, but I can't exactly explain why. If I had to guess, I think it's the overuse of tan bricks makes the entire level look very monotonous and dull to go through for me. I think the whole "sewers" section is pretty cool but not really too interesting. It's definitely one of Doom 2's memorable and admittedly better looking maps, but I just find it to be a very dull looking map. 2 Share this post Link to post
Pirx Posted June 2, 2021 On 5/29/2021 at 12:15 AM, VisionThing said: The PSX plasma gun sound is automatically superior by virtue of being the exact sound from the Terminator films. That and it just isn't hideously grating like the standard PC sound. ah that phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range. much more pleasant sound indeed (as long as it doesn't hit your ears i guess) 1 Share this post Link to post
Caco Bell Posted June 8, 2021 Don't know how controversial this is, but does anyone agree that Doom 2 can be a complete ass to play on pistol start? I'm not talking about hard starts cause that's fun (Tricks and Traps and Suburbs are good examples), I'm talking about desperately running around the level trying to find a box of shells after having spent all of my ammo on cacos and/or pain elementals (happened to me on The Pit and Abandoned Mines). I'm currently playing Plutonia on pistol start and it's honestly much less frustrating despite the nominally higher difficulty. 6 Share this post Link to post
BoxY Posted June 8, 2021 (edited) Yeah the pistol starts on Doom 2 are often pretty ass, it's one of the things I enjoy least about replaying it. Edited June 8, 2021 by BoxY 2 Share this post Link to post
Deleted Account Posted June 10, 2021 Hell Revealed is my favourite megawad of all time. 2 Share this post Link to post
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