VGamingJunkie Posted May 20, 2016 Or, alternatively... 0 Share this post Link to post
Quagsire Posted May 20, 2016 Am I the only one who enjoys all of Doom II's levels as they are? 0 Share this post Link to post
Yousuf Anik Posted May 20, 2016 Sgt Ender said:Am I the only one who enjoys all of Doom II's levels as they are? No. I enjoy all DOOM 2 levels too. 0 Share this post Link to post
VGamingJunkie Posted May 20, 2016 Well, I don't hate any of the Doom 2 levels, although some of them are more forgettable than others. I know I'm harping on this a lot but I'm most annoyed by The Spirit World simply because of the guide-dang-it moment that requires you to shoot a symbol to get to the exit, something you don't do in any other level. I could understand if it was a secret area but to make it mandatory to beat the level just seems douchy. If you're going to make a shootable switch, make it a recognizable shootable switch. 0 Share this post Link to post
Dragonfly Posted May 20, 2016 MetroidJunkie said:Well, I don't hate any of the Doom 2 levels, although some of them are more forgettable than others. I know I'm harping on this a lot but I'm most annoyed by The Spirit World simply because of the guide-dang-it moment that requires you to shoot a symbol to get to the exit, something you don't do in any other level. I could understand if it was a secret area but to make it mandatory to beat the level just seems douchy. If you're going to make a shootable switch, make it a recognizable shootable switch. (In my opinion) Pretty much everything about this level is crap if I'm completely honest. 0 Share this post Link to post
VGamingJunkie Posted May 20, 2016 Well, that's the only spot of the level that actually legitimately irks me. 0 Share this post Link to post
hex11 Posted May 20, 2016 Heretic E1M6 has the switch to lower the exit staircase tucked away in a secret area. I didn't think anything much of it back in the day. I mean, secret passages feel normal for castles & stuff. I think it's only in more recent years that people really start making a fuss about "not following proper game design". 0 Share this post Link to post
Danfun64 Posted May 20, 2016 I really don't like guide-dang-it moments like when you HAVE to shoot the wall in order to move on (if it isn't obvious like it is in Map02 of Eternal Doom) or moments when I a supposed to push use on a certain wall or lift where it isn't obvious/doesn't look like a lift. 0 Share this post Link to post
damerell Posted May 20, 2016 While we're on level design pet hates, I've been playing Sunlust (as a result of discussion earlier), and if there's one thing I hate it's the "Admiral Ackbar" moments where: * it's a trap * I know it's a trap * to _not_ know it's a trap you'd have to be been hiding under the bed from FPSes since 1993 * nevertheless there's nothing you can do but trigger the trap anyway and take your lumps. 0 Share this post Link to post
Koko Ricky Posted May 20, 2016 The constant attempts by the community to rehash the blocky old D1/D2 maps pretty much sucks every single time. 0 Share this post Link to post
Quagsire Posted May 20, 2016 MetroidJunkie said:Well, I don't hate any of the Doom 2 levels, although some of them are more forgettable than others. I know I'm harping on this a lot but I'm most annoyed by The Spirit World simply because of the guide-dang-it moment that requires you to shoot a symbol to get to the exit, something you don't do in any other level. I could understand if it was a secret area but to make it mandatory to beat the level just seems douchy. If you're going to make a shootable switch, make it a recognizable shootable switch. I kinda agree, but it's still a nicely detailed level in my opinion. 0 Share this post Link to post
Robo_Cola Posted May 20, 2016 rileymartin said:Maybe the Petersen > Romero comment but lots of people consider Plutonia to be the best IWAD and TNT the worst. Plutonia really set the scene for the kind of hard encounters everyone knows and loves, including the infamous Revenant spam, multiple Viles and Chaingunners perforating you from every direction. My ranking would be: Plutonia >>> E3 > E2 > E1/Doom 2 >> E4 >>> nuts.wad >>> TNT >>> Terry Wads >>> Eternal Doom I was mostly referring to the Petersen > Romero comment. Plutonia's good and all, but the Chaingunners really grated on my nerves quickly, to the point I couldn't finish the game. TNT seems to be hated by quite a bit of people, I always thought it was OK. 0 Share this post Link to post
Robo_Cola Posted May 20, 2016 Now don't kill me DoomWorld, but I actually like "The Chasm." 0 Share this post Link to post
VGamingJunkie Posted May 20, 2016 STILES said:I was mostly referring to the Petersen > Romero comment. Plutonia's good and all, but the Chaingunners really grated on my nerves quickly, to the point I can't finish the game. TNT seems to be hated by quite a bit of people, I always thought it was OK. TNT just seems to be chokeful of hitscanners, tbh. 0 Share this post Link to post
Azazel Bloodfucker Posted May 20, 2016 GoatLord said:The constant attempts by the community to rehash the blocky old D1/D2 maps pretty much sucks every single time. I agree wholeheartedly with that. 0 Share this post Link to post
VGamingJunkie Posted May 20, 2016 That's why I like Classic Doom 3, it's one of the few that actually takes the original design and adds onto it instead of going for an ugly 1:1 remake. It modernizes it without sacrificing the design, it's like if SnapMap had more flexibility. 0 Share this post Link to post
DoomzRules Posted May 20, 2016 MetroidJunkie said:That's why I like Classic Doom 3, it's one of the few that actually takes the original design and adds onto it instead of going for an ugly 1:1 remake. It modernizes it without sacrificing the design, it's like if SnapMap had more flexibility. If SnapMap had more flexibility then I would work on remaking all the original Doom maps in a way that modernizes them.... Remember that feeling you got climbing stairs for the first time? Well I would encourage the player to double jump and mantle up for the armor on E1M1 up some platforms and stuff... Just saying that'd be pretty cool IMHO. 0 Share this post Link to post
Robo_Cola Posted May 21, 2016 MetroidJunkie said:TNT just seems to be chokeful of hitscanners, tbh. TNT has a lot of hitscanners, but less chaingunners from a distance sniping away (like Plutonia) from what I recall. 0 Share this post Link to post
Robo_Cola Posted May 21, 2016 scalliano said:You are more to be pitied than scolded. LMAO...If that comment was directed towards me, I'm absolutely delighted then. It reminds me of many years ago when my father told me "Son, I'm not angry at you... Just severely disappointed in you." 0 Share this post Link to post
Robo_Cola Posted May 21, 2016 STILES said:LMAO...If that comment was directed towards me, I'm absolutely delighted then. It reminds me of many years ago when my father once told me "Son, I'm not angry at you... Just severely disappointed in you." 0 Share this post Link to post
june gloom Posted May 21, 2016 If I picked three maps I'd want to see gone, replaced with something that isn't shit, it'd be The Chasm, The Courtyard and The Citadel. I'd also like to see a major overhaul to The Pit. 0 Share this post Link to post
damerell Posted May 21, 2016 STILES said:Now don't kill me DoomWorld, but I actually like "The Chasm." Now that is odd. The Chasm made me appreciate the later Unreal-ism where if you aren't running you won't walk over a ledge with an appreciable drop next to it (in Doom terms, it could be any vertical drop you can't step back up). 0 Share this post Link to post
VGamingJunkie Posted May 21, 2016 One positive thing I'll say about Chasm is they're nice enough to make platforms rise as you get through certain spots to make it a bit easier to traverse on repeat visits. I think the level's biggest flaw is the final area not having a teleporter to flee if you fall in. 0 Share this post Link to post
jazzmaster9 Posted May 21, 2016 damerell said:Now that is odd. The Chasm made me appreciate the later Unreal-ism where if you aren't running you won't walk over a ledge with an appreciable drop next to it (in Doom terms, it could be any vertical drop you can't step back up). I really appreciate The Chasm for the fact that It had gameplay elements that emphasized Doom's verticality and generally just broke conventions of a "regular" Doom map. 0 Share this post Link to post
plums Posted May 21, 2016 I really like The Chasm, quite fun from pistol start. 0 Share this post Link to post
Danfun64 Posted May 21, 2016 The Chasm may have had mildly annoying elements, but so did other Doom 2 maps, and I liked how unique it was. IDK how to explain it, but it kind of gave an outdoorsy-miney feeling to it that most doom maps lacked. 0 Share this post Link to post
schmerr Posted May 21, 2016 STILES said:Now don't kill me DoomWorld, but I actually like "The Chasm." Not a "great" map, but I get my kicks from it. 0 Share this post Link to post
T-Rex Posted May 21, 2016 For a map that is placed in the hell episode, The Chasm seems so out of place as it felt more like a map that still takes place on Earth. Then again, TNT had its share of out-of-place maps like Habitat, Lunar Mining Project, and Quarry, all of which looked techy and man-made rather than hellish. 0 Share this post Link to post
Gez Posted May 21, 2016 Keep in mind Doom II's subtitle is "Hell on Earth". The Hell you visit in Doom II is literally in the bowels of the Earth. The end text after you kill the Icon of Sin even has you walking back home! In Doom, after killing the spider mastermind, the text has you getting back home through a teleporter (and you get to find out the demons used it before you did, lol) but in Doom II, you leg it back up. 0 Share this post Link to post
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