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Post Your Opinions About Doom (Whether Controversial or Not)

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Soldier993 said:

"Into the Beast's Belly" & "Death's bell" are horrible songs.

Brutal Doom is not a good mod.

Plasma gun's firing sound is annoying.

Super Shotgun is a very boring weapon.

Icon of Sin is one of the worst bosses I've ever fought.

Slaughter maps are frustrating & boring too.

Never was a fan of metal remixes of doom soundtrack.



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Controversial Opinions About Doomworld:

* I think a lot of topics get too easily derailed over barely related tangents or trivial details/arguments.

* I like most of King REoL's Doom 2 maps.

* I have never had trouble understanding a gggmork post.

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I despise doom 2's maps and am firmly convinced that E1 did it best.

I wish the zombies were more threatening and firearms were more of a real danger.

There are no (FPS) games that've really replaced doom in my mind and from the glut of them coming out, I don't see it getting topped any time soon. Though Castle Wolfenstein the New Order did have some spirit to it.

Doom 4 is not a Doom game. Period, full stop. No.

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plums said:

I like most of King REoL's Doom 2 maps.

His maps are good, his attitude isn't. (Or rather, wasn't)

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T_Silverwolf said:

Doom 4 is not a Doom game. Period, full stop. No.

And that's why Doom 4 was never released and we got Doom instead ohohohoho

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T_Silverwolf said:

Doom 4 is not a Doom game. Period, full stop. No.

Looks more like Doom then anything I'v ever seen. Can't wait wait till non-doom Doom comes out.

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Yousuf Anik said:

REAAAALLLLYYYY????!!! oh god no, are you really saying all these?

Brutal Doom is shit. I have said this fifty thousand times before, but It's cancerous to the Doom community.

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Superluigieth1 said:

Brutal Doom is shit. I have said this fifty thousand times before, but It's cancerous to the Doom community.

Then why do you say such thing which is cancerous, my friend? ;D

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It's hard to truly emotionally hate on Brutal Doom and seem rational about it. The issues I'm guessing are:
- Sometime ago lots of random noobs requested everything to be built around BD
- Doom and its modding scene finally got massive public recognition since a long time but BD took the glory
- Lots of effort behind sourceports, assets and scripting was a combination of hard work from a good amount of contributors but many people not attuned to the Doom Community gives all the praise to Brutal Doom
- The mod has obnoxious taunts and Demon Ball kicking (but are totally optional)
- It strays far from vanilla purity and introduced modern gameplay elements like ion sights

Personally I don't see any of these reasons justifiable to HATE the game, just can easily not be someones cup of tea.

Also is loathing Brutal Doom controversial in Doom World? I thought that's what all the cool kids do.

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I never cared about the Brutal Doom public controversy, to me BD was always just an apparently good mod that I don't play because I prefer the game unmodded.

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I only prefer the game modded in terms of smoothed animations and blood decals as well as some weapon sounds.

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I like BD for what it is, a way to experience classic Doom in a more modern style. I only like it in small doses however, nothing beats vanilla.

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Superluigieth1 said:

Brutal Doom is shit. I have said this fifty thousand times before, but It's cancerous to the Doom community.

And just think, to a legion of people who've never experienced unmodified classic doom, this is going to be their first introduction by way of Doom 2016. Some might say they were 'inspired' by the popularity of the mod and the massive amount of money they could make off the idea.

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Doom 3 is a great game and a very good Doom game - maybe not as good as the old ones, but still a very nice piece of art.

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T_Silverwolf- "And just think, to a legion of people who've never experienced unmodified classic doom, this is going to be their first introduction by way of Doom 2016. Some might say they were 'inspired' by the popularity of the mod and the massive amount of money they could make off the idea."

You do realize Doom 4 has been in development since before Brutal Doom right? It's not like "oh Brutal Doom was popular, why don't we just copy that".

(edit) sorry deatheye.

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MrGlide said:

You do realize Doom 4 has been in development since before Brutal Doom right? It's not like "oh Brutal Doom was popular, why don't we just copy that".

I was neither talking about doom 4 nor brutal doom

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MrGlide certainly meant to quote the post above yours but mistakenly quoted yours, Deatheye.

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MrGlide said:

You do realize Doom 4 has been in development since before Brutal Doom right? It's not like "oh Brutal Doom was popular, why don't we just copy that".

You're thinking of the scrapped Call of Doom. Doom 4 was restarted in around ~2011 and probably didn't exit pre-production until about late 2012 to 2013, while Brutal first came out in 2010 and received its Cacoward in 2011.

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Ironically, the Brutal Doom Starter Pack is eerily similar to the plot I've been able to infer from Call of Doom's leaked assets.

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Why do people keep saying this "Doom4 is like brutal Doom" line? There's literally nothing "brutalish" but the friggin' fatalities, besides that it looks like the natural successor to Doom3 that blends elements from Doom2. Moving quickly while gunning loads of demons was how Doom has always been. If all it takes to make something a "ripoff" is fatalities, they're all Mortal Kombat ripoffs!

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Doomkid said:

Why do people keep saying this "Doom4 is like brutal Doom" line? There's literally nothing "brutalish" but the friggin' fatalities, besides that it looks like the natural successor to Doom3 that blends elements from Doom2. Moving quickly while gunning loads of demons was how Doom has always been. If all it takes to make something a "ripoff" is fatalities, they're all Mortal Kombat ripoffs!

It's definitely inspired by Brutal Doom without a doubt and Brutal Doom probably took inspiration from the Mortal Kombat fatalities. The over detailing of maps is also an element from Doom 3. The only different based on the few leaked videos / trailers is that it's not nearly as dark.

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Hmm...i guess my most "controversial" opinion would be that i prefer the music in the SNES port over any other ports.

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