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2 hours ago, Doomkid said:

IF they instapop right in your face that's pretty janky, but if there's room it's really not. Even if it's chaingunners, a well designed map can use "distant instapop" just fine and will provide cover when it faces you against lots of hitscanners. Often used in a frustrating way but not at all inherently janky!


I use it all the time to prevent monsters from waking up until the player has entered the right area. I guess doing it in a distant or not immediately visible way isn't what people think of when they talk about instapop, though.


Yes, that was what I was referring to. Having a bunch of enemies spawning in front or around you once you enter a new area is janky and absolutely cheap, it just screams "hey yo, player, FUCK YOU", and that's not fun to me.


There are a million other ways to kill the player, but instapops are the laziest way to achieve that goal.

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4 hours ago, Tanksy said:

It's a weirdly rapid-fire yet perfectly accurate sniper.


It's only accurate if your target stands still or moves in a straight line at you, otherwise it's about as good as the SSG for sniping. Even the rocket launcher is more reliable for sniping.

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4 hours ago, omalefico32x said:

it has its uses

its usefull to flank people on hallways like in map01 or to kill lots of people when theres an big arena with players running around

though i dont think it has too many uses on modern dm maps

i think its a weapon that is way more usefull in duels


Yeah it's like i said, it's fun to use in deathmatch and it's got good uses in that, just not in co-op or singleplayer.

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The SSG is slow, the rocket launcher is quirky, and the BFG is both slow and quirky. But with the plasma gun, you can just hold the trigger until your problems go away.

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TZ_THEME.MID from Dwango5 is the best midi of all time, and whoever says the opposite is wrong! (I believe it's from there, @Doomkid am I right?)

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I like Doom 64 monster sprites more than OG PC Doom’s monster sprites. The Revenant would’ve especially looked better D64 style.

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12 hours ago, MattFright said:

Here's my (first?) hot take here: Deathmatch aside, the Plasma Rifle barely fills a niche in Doom's arsenal and as a consequence is just really boring to use (both as a player and mapper).


I disagree. The two most versatile weapons are the SSG and plasma gun. If you can only have one gun, you want one of these two.


I would rank them:

S - BFG, Rocket Launcher

A - SSG, Plasma Gun

B - Chaingun

C - Shotgun, Berserk

D - Chainsaw, Pistol

F - Fist

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Plasma Gun is my "Fuck you all" weapon when a BFG or Rocket Launcher doesn't fit, and when SSG would be too weak. It's an incredible weapon. I love it! 8.88/10.

Edited by Rytrik

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I believe that TNT's MAP31 "Pharao" lack of yellow key in single player mode was entirely deliberate. What kind of an "ancient mysteries" map would it be anyway, if it didn't require you to pull off some kind of Indiana Jones in order to progress? The entire Doom community has been shortsightedly missing the point for nearly 25 years on this one.

Edited by Maes

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1 hour ago, Maes said:

I believe that TNT's MAP31 "Pharao" lack of yellow key in single player mode was entirely deliberate. What kind of an "ancient mysteries" map would it be anyway, if it didn't require you to pull off some kind of Indiana Jones in order to progress? The entire Doom community has been shortsightedly missing the point for nearly 25 years on this one.


Ah, but you see, it was immediately patched, just not in the original release since they didn't have the time to implement it anymore.

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15 minutes ago, seed said:


Ah, but you see, it was immediately patched, just not in the original release since they didn't have the time to implement it anymore.


I dunno, the fact that it didn't even receive a proper RTPatch fix (one that would quite literally patch the IWAD) always struck me as a half-hearted/begroaned fix. IIRC initially it was just a ZIP file with the entire fixed level to be loaded just as any PWAD, aka something clearly not meant to replace the original vision completely....but maybe it's just me :-p

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22 minutes ago, Maes said:

I dunno, the fact that it didn't even receive a proper RTPatch fix (one that would quite literally patch the IWAD) always struck me as a half-hearted/begroaned fix. IIRC initially it was just a ZIP file with the entire fixed level to be loaded just as any PWAD, aka something clearly not meant to replace the original vision completely....but maybe it's just me :-p


Yeah, at first it was a second file that needed to be loaded just like a typical wad, then, I think already patched versions were produced, first seen in the Anthology pack.


GOG actually sells that pre-patched version. I wonder if the downloadable Final Doom from Unity is also the fixed version tbh, never tried.

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I think EP4/Thy flesh consumed was pretty fun.

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5 hours ago, seed said:

GOG actually sells that pre-patched version. I wonder if the downloadable Final Doom from Unity is also the fixed version tbh, never tried.

I think it is

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9 hours ago, Maes said:

I believe that TNT's MAP31 "Pharao" lack of yellow key in single player mode was entirely deliberate. What kind of an "ancient mysteries" map would it be anyway, if it didn't require you to pull off some kind of Indiana Jones in order to progress? The entire Doom community has been shortsightedly missing the point for nearly 25 years on this one.

I can't believe TNT Evilution was a massive ARG this whole time /s

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Doom 2016 is great, but I much prefer Doom 64, which I think deserves to stand right alongside Doom and Doom 2. 

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Colored lighting in PSX Doom looks stupid and out of place. Jaguar Doom has the best lighting and palette out of the console versions.

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As someone who loved Doom 2016, I straight up dislike Doom Eternal. It's at the top of "most disappointing sequels" for me. Everything from the story to the new gameplay mechanics. Whereas 2016 lore was mostly rooted in dark sci-fi, Eternal really cranks up the fantasy elements hinted at in 2016, with Argent D'Nur and all, which do not mesh well with how I like Doom's story or atmosphere.


Likewise, all the new gameplay mechanics result in there being too many buttons to mash and cooldowns to track, like I'm playing an APM-based RTS or MMORPG. The dash is especially unnecessary. Rather than being strategic like the roll/doge in Dark Souls or other games, the cooldown is short and has no resource cost so it becomes another key you have to constantly hammer. Extra lives are a bad mechanic and lets you faceroll challenging encounters like Slayer Gates. I don't like the hub, the lack of continuity between levels, and basically everything else that diverted majorly from the good base iD had in 2016.


Hoping for another reboot in 10-20 years at this point.

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I played through Doom 64: The Lost Levels for the first time ever recently. I never realized just how bad the balance changes on the Doom 64 weapons were.

  • Super Shotgun fires way too fast and its range is too long compared to in Doom II. It makes every weapon besides the Unmaker and BFG9000 obsolete.
  • Faster-firing Chaingun isn't bad, but the screen-shaking recoil makes me instantly nauseous and I end up avoid using it at all times.
  • Faster-firing Chainsaw makes my ears bleed, again causing me to never want to use it.
  • Plasma Rifle is basically worthless with how slow it fires. I know it was due to console limitations, but the least they could've done was increase the damage per projectile. I think the 64 Chaingun might be able to kill enemies just as fast as the 64 Plasma Rifle. Also, the looping idle sound is grating.
  • Rocket Launcher isn't that much worse than in Doom II, but the rooms in the Lost Levels are so tiny and full of Lost Souls that you can never even use it without dying in the process. I ended up with maxed-out rockets halfway through the episode and it pretty much stayed that way until the end.
  • I know the fully-upgraded Unmaker was designed to be broken, but the autoaim seems to be unintentionally broken. All three shots just fire in a straight line if you're close enough to an enemy. What's the point of the spread effect, then?

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3 hours ago, I Drink Lava said:

I played through Doom 64: The Lost Levels for the first time ever recently.

I started playing them ages ago, but I think I gave up on the second level or something, as I got stuck in an area with some -apparent- switch hunting. Never bothered to check if something broke, check the map or even idclip myself out of it.

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8 minutes ago, Maes said:

I started playing them ages ago, but I think I gave up on the second level or something, as I got stuck in an area with some -apparent- switch hunting. Never bothered to check if something broke, check the map or even idclip myself out of it.


Ah, I find such laziness to finish some D64 extra content out of place. Not like we get too many of these 🦊.

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1 hour ago, seed said:


Ah, I find such laziness to finish some D64 extra content out of place. Not like we get too many of these 🦊.

Well, sure, but I got absolutely convinced that the map was broken at that point. Maybe I should revisit that savegame from 10 years ago...


Edit: well, memory plays tricks sometimes, doesn't it... it was the Outcast levels for the original Doom 64: Absolution TC, and for some weird reason I was still stuck on Outcast 1: Destroy. Seems I didn't bother to backtrack enough to get out of what I thought was a trapped-in area, and find the exit.

Edited by Maes

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On 3/6/2021 at 6:48 AM, Mr.Rocket said:

The Cyberdemon has an endless supply of ammo, but Doomguy doesn't.. what's up with that? 

He's not jack'n it from other monsters that die, like the Chain gunner might get away with..

That's fuck'n UAC shit man!

he has a secret build-in micro replicator that replicates new doom rockets/ammo as needed

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I'm sick of doomguy's face in the status bar. The only thing worse than an 80 damage revenant rocket is doomguy's stupid ouch face. I now play full screen.

Edited by paturn

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9 minutes ago, paturn said:

The only thing worse than an 80 damage revenant rocket is doomguy's stupid ouch face.

Play with Vanilla Doom then. There, you will only get the ouchface if you are seriously damaged AND you manage to get super-healed really fast. Which I thought was the intended way for it to occur, and thought it was a "very surprised" kind of face.


...then again who'd ever code a check and draw a face for just such a specific occurrence?

Edited by Maes

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- plutonia is the best doom
- doom64 is the worst
- doom3 is better than nudoom
- odyssey of noises is overrated
- the chasm is a good map
- downtown is not a good map

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@KillPixel You would not happen to be the KillPixel behind the upcoming WRATH: Aeon of Ruin, by any chance?


Edited by Rudolph

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I am replaying Evilution and it is much more Fun than Plutonia, even if it has its Stinkers like Map 08.


Plutonia is a pure trial and error Stinker.

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4 minutes ago, KillPixel said:

- plutonia is the best doom
- doom64 is the worst
- doom3 is better than nudoom


I do not understand the world that you live in.

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