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Doom Collector's Edition - UK


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Hello All.

I'm sure you're all aware that the Doom Collector's Edition is now available. I am interested in getting one; however I am from the UK, not US. I can't seem to find anyone selling/shipping it to the UK. Has anyone else had any luck?

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Demon Multiplayer Pack, uh huh.
I just hope that thing isn't in the disk, because if it is, well, you know what's gonna happen.
Other than that, the Revenant statue looks neat, but dosen't compare to the good ol' D2 revenant.

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I also bought mine last week. Looking forward to it. As for the whole £100 being an issue, I look at things with this price: £1 per hour of entertainment.

I imagine with Snapmap etc being a thing, I'm easily going to put more than 100 hours into this.

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Hmm, I have doubts that the model can be moved much to do something like that. Might be easier (and much cheaper) to rip the model from the game and go from there?

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Someone's gonna get annoyed at me for bringing this up again. And I know we've seen some earlier versions of it before but holy crap, look at this:

Now THAT is a decent cover for a DOOM game. Just a quick glance and there's no mistake. I love it.

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Touchdown said:

Someone's gonna get annoyed at me for bringing this up again. And I know we've seen some earlier versions of it before but holy crap, look at this:


Now THAT is a decent cover for a DOOM game. Just a quick glance and there's no mistake. I love it.

Meh. Not even close to DOOM/DOOM II box art.

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Here's a little insight into the prices in Poland. While it does say that the prices might change, the current ones are: 175zl for a standard edition and 560zl for the CE, which is roughly $45 and $143. What? You could buy THREE copies of the normal edition and that would still not entirely cover the cost of the CE. That's almost a 100 bucks extra.

The regular edition price is much better in retail though because on Steam it's 60 Euro which would be a whooping 264zl which is even higher than our price for the console versions - 240zl.

But 175zl is freaking expensive as well over here. A lot depends on whether a game has a full Polish version or not. For example, I bought XCOM: EU day one for 120zl but XCOM2 is 170zl because it's English only. Dishonored was 100zl. So I generally avoid Steam purchases unless a game is digital only.

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AirRaid said:

A lot of eastern european companies get really boned hard on game prices. Same with NZ/Australia.

Especially when 120$ become 120 euros. That right there is bullshit.

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Tompig said:


Excuse me what?!?

No sir... nope... no... the answer is no.

Yeah, Europeans always get fucked in the ass when it comes to electronics. Guess I'll have to get it off Ebay at a later time.

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Tompig said:


Excuse me what?!?

No sir... nope... no... the answer is no.

If I didn't get alot of paid weekend work in Jan I probably would have reacted the same. But hey, for half the price you still get the game! That's all that matters, right? ;)

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Why did they wait so long to announce this?! That's pretty shitty for people who pre-ordered non-deluxe copies at more or less the same price!

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Dragonfly said:

Why did they wait so long to announce this?! That's pretty shitty for people who pre-ordered non-deluxe copies at more or less the same price!

No idea why, but it doesn't stop people from cancelling existing ones and pre-ordering this new one.

With that said, I am a bit annoyed that the handbook isn't included in the more expensive Collector's Edition..

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My computer doesn't have a prayer of running this game but I still want to pre-order just to get that sweet, sweet aggravated revenant statuette.

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