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Hello, New DOOMer here.

Guest MIND

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Welcome to the forums!!!! DooM 1 was a classic, DooM 2 was different, and Heretic weapons can be compared almost 1-1 to the DooM counterparts - give it a whirl, it'll grow on ya.

If anything, HeXen is tough because you go back and fourth between levels in a hub, and it wasn't structured so obviously. But generally - if you DooM, you HereTIC. ;)

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AirRaid said:

Yeah I don't know why anyone would type this


as DooM.

No really, even if the M is bigger, it's still a dumb way to captilise. You don't see metal fans going round saying they love MetallicA, right?

I see "MetallicA" often, actually.

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I actually can't enjoy any of the original D00M games anymore as I tend to develop a kind of motion sickness from them. =\

However when I was younger I did enjoy playing Final D00M on the PSX.

Ooorah Marine, welcome to the community.

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