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Hypothetical situation. There is a girl from school or work you DESPISE. What DooM monster do you set them up for a blind date with?

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The mancubus.

Unless the chaingunners know a bunch of really cheesy jokes.

Or better yet, John Romero.

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I kinda was hoping I'd get more replies that didn't say "mancubus". Oh well, I'd prolly say the same thing, unless she could get really drunk and decide to try to sleep with a cyberdemon :)

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I'd send her on a date with an Imp. Because she can't have sex with an imp. Remember those spikes? That's gonna hurt for a while.

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It's the nameless man.....

well, we'll just call him "The newbie"...

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Damn now we can't check ip of user and unmask people who are pretending to be someone else :(

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Umm... how do you know how well hung Barons, and Knights are there???? Got desperate did we??

Anyway, I'd set her up with an Arch Vile. Not only would he blow her to pieces, but If you wanted to see that happen over again a few times ( If you despise her, I think you would ) He can make it happen!

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John Carmack. He could bore the girl to death by talking about C++ programming and the GeForce3 graphics card.

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Mmmh, I'll say the DooM Marine. After all, he can kill millions of the other monsters...Besides he's not pretty, judging by the little face, and he only knows how to run, use and shoot.

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ill go against the crowd and say TSM or an arachnotron...i cant imagine that...now that i think of...i dont want too

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