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Almonds said:

'oh no I got shamed publicly on the internet for spouting stupid shit and got nothing else to say to back myself up i feel so diminshed now wow'
'i know, ill aggressively tell the guy calling me a faggot to back down because i cant take it'

holy shit i wasn't ready

I didn't called you Faggot, but If you feel a Faggot you have the right to be a Faggot

and btw, did you know fat mens have titties too?, I'm not saying you're fat because I don't know you

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I really wish there was a way to disable the Singleplayer Campaign somewhere in the options.
It's really going to detract from the "DOOM" experience, and ruin the overall game.

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I'm seeing some PC players are childish like some console players
and the best part is PC players keep saying they are Mature, but of course this was a lie

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twinspectre said:

I didn't called you Faggot, but If you feel a Faggot you have the right to be a Faggot

and btw, did you know fat mens have titties too?, I'm not saying you're fat because I don't know you

You seem like a really good contributor to this forum. I'm real glad I go here

twinspectre said:

I'm seeing some PC players are childish like some console players
and the best part is PC players keep saying they are Mature, but of course this was a lie

Are you really gonna complain about immaturity?

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I sincerely, honest to god hope youre trolling fam

because if not, then you might as well start pretending you are now because folks here are avin a giggle

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mistercow said:

You seem like a really good contributor to this forum. I'm real glad I go here

Are you really gonna complain about immaturity?

no, I'm seeing some Pc players are not better than some Console players

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Can we not make this thread a VS arena between two or more users? This is the Doomworld forums, not Tumblr.

Also never never never EVER use the words "console/PC" and "peasant" together in ANYTHING. it just ignites more shit on fire than it should.

I REALLY don't want to continue this post in hell, but the way we're going, seems like it's going to be a guarantee.

MrDope. You are our savior. Get us another string and quick (but take your time, honestly! You've been doing way more for us than we could've imagine).

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Potatoguy said:

Can we not make this thread a VS arena between two or more users? This is the Doomworld forums, not Tumblr.

Also never never never EVER use the words "console/PC" or "peasant" in ANYTHING. it just ingites more shit on fire than it should.

I REALLY don't want to continue this post in hell, but the way we're going, seems like it's going to be a guarantee.

MrDope. You are our savior. Get us another string and quick (but take your time, honestly! You've been doing way more for us than we could've imagine).

I tried to be respectful towards others opinion and they started calling me names because I was worried

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Seriously, can't you guys just make another thread so that you can bitch and moan about how the new doom is COD all over again and about how its not, and stop derailing this post???


Im kinda dissapointed that there's no info that sugest the arachnotrons, but im very surprised that the mastermind is confirmed

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MrDope said:

- Some Archvile strings (enemy resurrection).

I'm very much interested in this! I'm glad the Archvile is going to be included in the monster roster, and I wonder how they will handle his resurrection ability?

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I completely forgot about a unique thing the old doom games had that this new one doesn't so far.


If there's a string about that, then my mind will go wild if the enemies can do glory kills ON THEMSELVES. Like a revenant glory killing an imp or such!

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Potatoguy said:


enemy infighting has been confirmed to have been ingame since qcon 14

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Potatoguy said:

I completely forgot about a unique thing the old doom games had that this new one doesn't so far.


If there's a string about that, then my mind will go wild if the enemies can do glory kills ON THEMSELVES. Like a revenant glory killing an imp or such!

In the new trailer you can see a caco biting an imp so probably

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Piper Maru said:

I'm very much interested in this! I'm glad the Archvile is going to be included in the monster roster, and I wonder how they will handle his resurrection ability?

There's a Summoner-type enemy that already covers that part of the Archvile's ability set, so I imagine either Archviles are nastier Summoners or aren't the same as they used to be altogether.

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RikohZX said:

There's a Summoner-type enemy that already covers that part of the Archvile's ability set, so I imagine either Archviles are nastier Summoners or aren't the same as they used to be altogether.

[copyrighted material removed]

I guess Summoners summon and Archviles revive.

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RikohZX said:

There's a Summoner-type enemy that already covers that part of the Archvile's ability set, so I imagine either Archviles are nastier Summoners or aren't the same as they used to be altogether.


the summoner is basically a dude that shows up, opens a portal that a certain number of dudes rush in from, thats radically different than the 'bring em up from the dead and blow shit up w/ evil 666 flames' classic pissed off martian we've been reading about judging by the pics in this same thread

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This makes me think the filthy martian's fire is now an AoE radius blast, or just a flametrail like in D3.

Inb4 "omg dum 5 haz aeo ateks 5 mnstres iz 3 mush liek Werld of Dooty".

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MrDope said:

- MP Demons: Revenant, Mancubus, Baron and "Harvester".

And another playable demon is the Prowler.

Imagine a fucking Mancubus on a jump pad.

MrDope said:

- Compass/Automap: Markers and Active objectives.

It seems that active objectives/checkpoints/waypoints are togglable, lets hope it's not referring to snapmap only.

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Hofmann said:

And another playable demon is the Prowler.

Imagine a fucking Mancubus on a jump pad.

It seems that active objectives/checkpoints/waypoints are togglable, lets hope it's not referring to snapmap only.

I really hope objective markers can be disabled, because I want to explore all by myself

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twinspectre said:

I really hope objective markers can be disabled, because I want to explore all by myself

You can explore without disabling it, you don't have to follow it.

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Hofmann said:

You can explore without disabling it, you don't have to follow it.

no, what I mean is I want to search a way all by myself :)

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The Civ said:

I really wish there was a way to disable the Singleplayer Campaign somewhere in the options.
It's really going to detract from the "DOOM" experience, and ruin the overall game.


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I'm done with the .exe, but hey I've found new strings and some interesting asset and animation data inside the gameresources.index that seems to be linked to the main .RESOURCES file (no shit, Sherlock). Brace yourselves, possible spoilers:

[copyrighted material removed]

- The name "Succubus" appears in some of the text lines. A female demon? I remember a girly-looking insectoid/demon inside of some test-tubes in the MP trailer from the reveal.

- A new location inside the "cinematics" folder, "The Subway" (a train system under the Mars base?).

- Female scientists.

- A new sub-class of zombies: The Unwilling.

- Codex/Bestiary files with the name of the demons.

- UAC and Hell colored Keys (plus a new "Argent Key").

- The hand reader device from the Quakecon/E3 reveal.

- TAUNT files in the MP section of the game.

- A new Titan Realm section: "The Altar".

- A bot named Phobos (something something Quake III reference).

- BFG Fire Mods.

- An event/section or cinematic from The BFG Division: "The Barge".

- A possible pick-up animation/cinematic for the BFG.

- Armor Customization: Helmet, arms, torso and legs.


- Mission selection GUI (Argent Tower).

- A Lazarus Lab cinematic involving the Cyberdemon.

- An Echo/Drone device cinematic.

- A new map: "The Polar Core".

- Some "corpse remove" animation (maybe the bald guy from the campaign trailer?)

- A monster intro for the Imp ala Doom 3.

- Another Echo animation (the one from the reveal).

- Something about a Cacodemon eating a zombie or some shit, I don't know.

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MrDope said:

I'm done with the .exe, but hey I've found new strings and some interesting asset

Amasing! So there's zombie_shotgun)) I really like the names of locations...and I guess they all have their very recognisable unique look))

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The Civ said:

Anybody got a list of commands for starting maps and getting weapons?

map game/mp/mp_heatwave/mp_heatwave
For weapons try this:
give weapon_shotgun
give weapon_chainsaw
give weapon_plasmarifle
give weapon_chaingun

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Look what i become :D

[copyrighted material removed]

You guys are still playing Multiplayer? xD
[copyrighted material removed]

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