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Adding custom textures


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I'm currently creating a megawad 32 levels. For now. I'm getting a little schooled out on the same textures over and over.

Can i add custom textures without screwing up my whole wad. I know how to add the textures etc. But should i wait till i create my next wad or can i do it now? and how would i go about adding them without destroying my wad.

I tried to add custom weapons and they worked. I saved my wad and opened it again in Doom builder. But then the weapons and all the custom stuff was gone.

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Adding resources into a wad in progress is always OK. Your problem of disappeared resources was probably a result of your own mistake of some kind.

Never open the same wad in multiple editors at the same time (for example editing it in SLADE3 while having it opened in Doom Builder), and always use "Save Map Into" when saving new maps into existing wads, NOT "Save Map As". Also, don't use XWE, it's bugged and may corrupt wads at random. Those are typical causes of lost content.

As for adding custom textures: http://doomwiki.org/wiki/Adding_custom_textures

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When i start a new level what WAD should i put in?

If i add Doom2.wad and my map wad it will save the custom stuff for my next map. If i don't add in my map.wad it won't save it for next map i'm making so how would i go about that?

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When you start a new level in Doom Builder?

Then you simply put in the wad or wads that you will use resources from. Normally we add Doom2.wad, because we normally use resources like textures, weapons and monsters from Doom2.wad, and Doom2.wad is by now the standard in user-created content. It used to be Doom.wad, before DOOM II came along. The standard-wad never changed from Doom2.wad to any of the Final DOOM wads (TNT.wad and Plutonia.wad).

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The "Resources" you're including when starting new maps in Doom Builder are not actually being added into your wad at all, they're just to tell the editor that these wads are expected to be loaded alongside with your wad, so that your map can use their resources. These resources can theoretically vary per different maps in the wad, that's why the editor lets you select them anew for each new map. The editor will automatically load these resources each time you test your map from within the editor, but when playing it externally, all of the resources need to be loaded manually or by other explicit means. If you want to truly add textures into (as in actually inside) your wad, you need to use a wad content editor such as SLADE3 + follow specific steps as shown / described in tutorials and guides such as the doomwiki page I previously linked to.

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No. Putting wads into your map in Doom Builder simply means that Doom Builder will read those wads while mapping.

If some of your map-wads got corrupted, then it happened elsewhere and not while adding "resource-wads" to your map in Doom Builder.

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Tereith2050 said:

what Wad is put into my map.

You don't put wads into maps, you put maps into wads. Please speak in a way that it's clear what you mean. Maybe you're still talking about "Resources" in Doom Builder, maybe you're talking about managing wad content in SLADE3, I can't quite tell. Also, "it doesn't matter" is pretty vague too. What doesn't matter, what doesn't it matter for, and under what circumstances?

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