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Interview With Doom Model-Maker Greg Punchatz


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The website Develop has an interview with Greg Punchatz about the work he did on the iconic Doom monster models. An interesting aspect that he covers is how stop-motion models for games improved over time before being phased out by computer-generated models. One tidbit at the end stood out:

“At one stage id offered me points on the backend to take $500 off the price of one of the characters and I turned that down," he says.


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I had no idea this guy worked on stuff like RoboCop. I also assumed all the Doom 64 models were CG renderings.

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I bet Greg could make a "rejected" Doom model and make thousands off it. Wouldn't be ethical though. That is, if he even has the rights to sell any if he did.

P.S. I loved RoboCop and its stop motion. This man is talented.

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david_a said:

I had no idea this guy worked on stuff like RoboCop. I also assumed all the Doom 64 models were CG renderings.

This seems like a great opportunity to shamelessly plug the Artwork of Doom article I wrote for the Doom wiki a couple of months ago.

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