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Random Map Name Generator v2.0.1


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I need a extensive list of words to add to the current word list so that the names seem more original and natural!

Current word list:

#Change this to change the words used in themes.
#This is how the list works:
# Words list --> Theme --> Prefix/Adjective or Adjective/Substantive
Words = [[["Old", "Big", "Small", "Great", "Final", "Ultimate", "Prime", "Maximum", "Extreme"], ["The", "Her", "His"]],[["New", "Military", "Scientific", "Gauss", "Normal", "Invaded"], ["Military", "Industrial", "Zone", "Reactor", "Power", "Plant", "Base", "Military", "Tech"]],[["Ghostly", "Eternal", "Fleshy", "Bloody", "Stretched", "Netherly", "Fiery", "Organic", "Supernatural", "Abnormal"], ["Ghost",  "Halls", "Flesh", "Blood", ]],[["Tall", "High", "Low", "Lakeside", "Riverside"], ["Hills", "Mountains", "Lake", "River", "Beach"]],[["Marble", "Deep", "Red", "White", ], ["Dens", "Marble", "Halls"]]]

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Gustavo6046 said:

Also updated the preview, to show how much sense it has, and to show the filesize limitation is OVER! :)

Picking out single examples from this is futile. I laughed so much that I now have a stomach ache.

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And now on to marble! We got FOUR themes, not just Tech!

There are TWO white houses in the Marble preview, I though they were only one, and only in Washington :P

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I find it amazing that for using so few words, this thing can't seem to make one logical map name, the closest I've seen so far is Marble Marble Marble.

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For a easter egg, next version'll have Terry map names!
A preview:


Ass Asshole Fuck

Final Asshole Asshole

Cock Her Shit

Old Her Ingenual

Great Shit that Fucks in your Asshole

Extreme The that Fucks in your Asshole

Maximum Cock Cocky

Powerful The Whore

Shit Whore Whore

Piss His of Terry

Whore Cock Cock

Ingenual Bitch Shit

Ultimate Piss Assy

Whore Whore that Fucks in your Asshole

Assy Cocky Fuck

Extreme The that Fucks in your Asshole

Big Cock Ingenual

Cock The of Piss

Maximum Her that Fucks in your Asshole

Ingenual Ass Shit

Cock Shit that Fucks your Cock

Ingenual Asshole Cock

Extreme Fuck Asshole

Ass Her of Fun

Shitty Asshole Ass

Prime His Fuck

Shit Ass of Shit

Prime Whore Piss

Shitty Whore that Fucks your Cock

Maximum Fuck Cocky

Cock Fuck Bitch

Cock His of Fun

Powerful Cock Shitty

Bitch His Fuck

Ultimate Asshole Shitty

Fuck Ass that Fucks in your Asshole

Powerful Ingenual Bitch

Maximum Cock Piss

Final Whore Cocky

Cocky His that Fucks your Vagina

Great The Ingenual

Ass Asshole that Fucks in your Asshole

Whore Ass of Terry

Small Shitty that Fucks your Vagina

Shitty The of Fun

Cocky Asshole Bitch

Great Her Cocky

Ass Her Shit

Asshole Fuck Whore

Prime His Asshole

Extreme Shitty Ingenual

Hard The Cocky

Shit Cock Bitch

Cock His Cock

Assy Her that Fucks your Cock

Shitty The of Terry

Assy Her of Fun

Shit Her that Piss on your Asshole

Ultimate Ingenual of Fun

Many His Shitty

Bitch Asshole of Terry

Cock Whore Ass

Cocky His Bitch

Extreme His that Fucks in your Asshole

Piss Ingenual Fuck

Assy Ass Cock

Shitty Assy of Terry

Powerful Piss Asshole

Old Piss Ingenual

Assy Assy Ass

Asshole Her of Fun

Old His Shitty

High Asshole Cocky

Ultimate Whore Shitty

Piss Asshole of Fun

Asshole The Cock

Assy Ass that Piss on your Asshole

Fuck Bitch that Fucks in your Asshole

Ass Bitch Piss

Ultimate Bitch Cocky

Final Asshole of Terry

Cock Her Shit

Bitch Shit of Shit

Cocky The Asshole

Easy Shit Ingenual

Super Cocky Piss

Fuck Ass that Fucks your Vagina

Shitty Shit Bitch

Ass Shitty that Fucks your Cock

High Ass Assy

Asshole Shit of Terry

Asshole The that Fucks in your Asshole

Ingenual Whore Fuck

Final Ass of Terry

Extreme Ingenual Assy

Bitch Cocky Cock

Whore Asshole Shit

Asshole Ass of Shit

Final Shit Cocky

Whore The of Piss

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Gustavo6046 said:

For a easter egg, next version'll have Terry map names!

I'm not sure that's a good easter egg...


Old Scientific Tech New

Even the map name contradict itself.

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People can't have fun adding easter eggs now to their programs? It's super hard to find and NOBODY will ever find 666 theme! :P And that preview... much more fun can be possible with feeding the generator a high number for namerate... like 10000 names... because more possibilities!

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Stuff like "Cock her shit" or "Super Cocky Piss"! This made me scratch my headlaugh out very loud! Okay, I'll do a community poll, to see if there should be the Terry MapNames easter egg or not. Mods please?

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Gustavo6046 said:

Stuff like "Cock her shit" or "Super Cocky Piss"! This made me scratch my headlaugh out very loud! Okay, I'll do a community poll, to see if there should be the Terry MapNames easter egg or not. Mods please?

It's Terry's mapnames, the general consensus will already be "No" not Worth a community poll.

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