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The Animated Blood textures...


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Eehhh... I've been slowly but steadily working on a Bloodfalls map... and the more I look at it the more I dislike the animated blood textures... Bfall1,2,3,4 and the 3 flats. I know the saying goes 'If you don't like it, make one yourself'... and I tried.... But I actually suck at creating original art. I tried recolouring/touching up the 'sfall' patches, but I can't get it to look like anything decent. I like the look of the sfall ones... and I'd like to see the Bfall ones looking similar.... I mean, bfall and sfall were identical in the original WAD, (probably just id being lazy, but meh), so I think they should tile in Freedoom too...

I'm done now.

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How would the texture look if static, and scrolled using the boom special effects? I was thinking of submitting the sfall texture again as a custom so it didn't animate for e1m1.

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Eh. Does boom just scroll it smoothly? I can't remember seeing many boom effects...

Anyway, I think I can scratch this topic already... I just spent an hour on this (I'm bored OK? :P) and I think I got it looking pretty good...


I included the current Freedoom one for people who are to lazy to go look at it. I think the reason mine was looking too crap before was because it was too bright... I moved it to the greyer red scale in the palette and it looked a lot better. I'm rambling.

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OK, so I missed that in my absence. I still think my blood texture is better... :P And ya, of course it'd look better smooth-scrolling rather than doing 4 frames looped.

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Doesn't BOOM require line types for scrolling ? If so, the BFALL (etc) textures can't be static as it would mess up old pwads. Having a new version (like BFALLNA) that didn't animate would still be a good idea.

BTW, what do you think about adding a waterfall animation (basically a blueified BFALL or SFALL). That's one texture I always missed in standard DOOM.

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Ajapted -

Jon said:

How would the texture look if static, and scrolled using the boom special effects? I was thinking of submitting the sfall texture again as a custom so it didn't animate for e1m1.

That's precisely what he said.

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Ajapted said:

BTW, what do you think about adding a waterfall animation (basically a blueified BFALL or SFALL). That's one texture I always missed in standard DOOM.

I think thats a good idea.

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Standard doom actually has support for WFALL[1-4] textures but the textures themselves arent in the wad. Strange eh? Anyway, I'll put them in.

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Fraggle's also created entries to TEXTURE1 for static waterfalls-

where SFALL* (* = 1-4) is the animated textures,
SFALL is the static version;

same for BFALL, WFALL. Now go and make boom-scrolling waterfalls :)

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