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Pain Elemental?


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Has the Pain Elemental been confirmed? I don't think so and I don't think we will see him in this game, last time we saw him was in Doom 64, and he had a very different look, I miss that guy, although I always hated him, specially in Doom 64.

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I'd be very surprised if he's not in Doom 2016. Why would they exclude any monsters from the original classic roster? Maybe the chaingunner, just because he falls into the whole "human zombie" category that is kind of interchangeable weapon wise. The Arch-vile and Spider Demon haven't been shown either, but I doubt they'd leave them out. They better not. The Pain Elemental is iconic in my opinion. I've always liked him. One of the ugliest demons too. And he's pretty strong and requires strategy to fight.

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Well the arachnotron has also not been confirmed. Neither has the archvile.

This doesn't mean they're definitely not in the game, just that they might be among the multitude of things they haven't really shown off.

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I would also like to see the Pain Elemental return; but I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't. He WAS missing from DOOM 3.

Also, wasn't the Arachnatron indirectly confirmed through the leaked ALPHA code?

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AirRaid said:

Well the arachnotron has also not been confirmed. Neither has the archvile.

This doesn't mean they're definitely not in the game, just that they might be among the multitude of things they haven't really shown off.

Actually ********************************, through the clusterfuck of a leak that happened earlier this month.


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Also consider the Pain Elemental plushy. I know they're only paying homage to the original Doom games, but still. Obviously they haven't forgotten about him, which means he's likely to return:

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AirRaid said:

Well the arachnotron has also not been confirmed.

Some people have digged deep inside the game, and found what looked like a Prototype model of Arachnotron (which can also be spawned ingame) , but has no AI .

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Jet1337 said:

I don't understand how it's a spoiler to tell about a returning enemy. If it really bothers you that much you should just stay the fuck off the internet.

thing is ID employees don't and would most likely track down people here sharing the leaked stuff around and the likes and permanently ban their beta privileges for breaking the NDA

also 'stay the fuck off the internet' is a rlly rlly farfetched solution especially for a discussion forum solely dedicated to discussing anything about the new game and moreso when we have been ruled to strictly not post that kind of stuff time and over

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I don't think the pain elemental will be in the game, it's a large flying enemy that spawns smaller, faster flying enemies, in a 3D game it would be a pain in the ass.

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Well, there always has been a cap on how many a pain elemental can spawn, just make it shoot fireballs after a certain number has been reached.

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Jet1337 said:

I don't understand how it's a spoiler to tell about a returning enemy. If it really bothers you that much you should just stay the fuck off the internet.

Couldn't agree more. At the very least, IF I wanted to stay spoiler-free, I'd avoid any websites/forums dedicated to the game.

Let's face it: SPOILERS are gonna happen.

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Jaxxoon R said:

Well, there always has been a cap on how many a pain elemental can spawn, just make it shoot fireballs after a certain number has been reached.

Just imagine, we could have another Doom game where the PE doesn't use its arms for a melee attack.

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I'd like to see the PE in the game. Doom 64's PE was so different, but I really enjoyed the design. It had a mullet! The lost souls in D64 were real bastards too, faster and attacked relentlessly.

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Face23785 said:

I'd like to see the PE in the game. Doom 64's PE was so different, but I really enjoyed the design. It had a mullet! The lost souls in D64 were real bastards too, faster and attacked relentlessly.

It was one of the only hairy monsters in the game and was perhaps the most gruesome design. I remember always being on the verge of shitting myself (not really) whenever one appeared. It has an incredibly menacing look to it.

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GoatLord said:

It was one of the only hairy monsters in the game and was perhaps the most gruesome design. I remember always being on the verge of shitting myself (not really) whenever one appeared. It has an incredibly menacing look to it.

I think that was because he looked angry while the Doom 2 version didn't, his redish colour plus his frowned eye made him look more enraged and his two mouths made him look really disturbing and grotesque. I think it was a huge improvement.

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Xerge said:

I think that was because he looked angry while the Doom 2 version didn't, his redish colour plus his frowned eye made him look more enraged and his two mouths made him look really disturbing and grotesque. I think it was a huge improvement.

I remember him being more purple than red. But who knows? Low resolution plus dark as fuck. Such a blast to play though, I loved D64.

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Face23785 said:

I remember him being more purple than red. But who knows? Low resolution plus dark as fuck. Such a blast to play though, I loved D64.

You are right, it's purple and as a matter of fact that fits better for the pain elemental, because purple if a color easily related to magic and mysticism, he is a bearer of lost souls after all. I think they really nailed it with this one.

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Xerge said:

You are right, it's purple and as a matter of fact that fits better for the pain elemental, because purple if a color easily related to magic and mysticism, he is a bearer of lost souls after all. I think they really nailed it with this one.

too bad the chances of ID actually retconning anything from doom 64 in this day and age are close to non-fucking-existent

what's really, as in REALLY REALLY weird is how unnervingly close some stuff about the new game actually come to resemble doom 64 tho
-ambient/colored lightning
-the presence of vestigial arms on the new caco
-the mancubus' armor and its death animation (which is on fucking point, i might make a comparison picture just to showcase this later on)
-the purple colored imp with silky looking skin with four spikes protruding on its back
-the baron of hell
-the lost soul
-the unwilling (zombies) resembling the former humans' color scheme/armor design
-weapon muzzleflashes (the chaingun even emmits a blue hue upon firing), etcetera.

from what little weve seen of hell in the new trailer it looks nightmarish as fuck and filled with rocks with a garish variation of colors too much like doom 64. literally about anyone can just check out the latest trailer for instance and some of the leaked content out there and see what i mean. there are temples, gigantic gears suspended in midair, statues and all that sorta whack stuff.

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PE should be a mini boss in my opinion. They are a pain the ass.
Basically, those bastards are flying IoSs.

A better design, both gruesome and scary, would make them a great adversary.

Say, two skeletal hands that look like on fire and covered in blood. It raises these two hands and an small explosion of light and a Lost Soul appears. It could have a similar design to D64's PE, but with a bit more creativity like the new imp design.

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Almonds said:

too bad the chances of ID actually retconning anything from doom 64 in this day and age are close to non-fucking-existent

what's really, as in REALLY REALLY weird is how unnervingly close some stuff about the new game actually come to resemble doom 64 tho
-ambient/colored lightning
-the presence of vestigial arms on the new caco
-the mancubus' armor and its death animation (which is on fucking point, i might make a comparison picture just to showcase this later on)
-the purple colored imp with silky looking skin with four spikes protruding on its back
-the baron of hell
-the lost soul
-the unwilling (zombies) resembling the former humans' color scheme/armor design
-weapon muzzleflashes (the chaingun even emmits a blue hue upon firing), etcetera.

from what little weve seen of hell in the new trailer it looks nightmarish as fuck and filled with rocks with a garish variation of colors too much like doom 64. literally about anyone can just check out the latest trailer for instance and some of the leaked content out there and see what i mean. there are temples, gigantic gears suspended in midair, statues and all that sorta whack stuff.

I'd really appreciate the comparison shots because I can't make out a fucking thing in the new Doom. This is a common problem I have with modern shooters, everything blends together for me.

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Face23785 said:

I'd really appreciate the comparison shots because I can't make out a fucking thing in the new Doom. This is a common problem I have with modern shooters, everything blends together for me.

Even after they increased the colour saturation?

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ok so this maybe wasnt proper what i meant to show but ehhh s all i could do what with me being lazy af and ughhh. large image warninggggg


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The hell levels in Doom 64 were good, the temples, the gory sacrifices, etc, so it would be good if they made a similar Hell for the new Doom, unlike the Hell level in Doom 3 which was a Half-Life rip off in my opinion.

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Great comparison image. It makes it very obvious that Doom 64's designs were of interest to id's artists. This is really making me hope the PE makes it in, because that is easily the best design from Doom 64.

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Xerge said:

The hell levels in Doom 64 were good, the temples, the gory sacrifices, etc, so it would be good if they made a similar Hell for the new Doom, unlike the Hell level in Doom 3 which was a Half-Life rip off in my opinion.

I agree on the Doom 64 hell beeing cool, but no way Doom 3 hell is a Half-Life rip off! You mean because Xen had floating rocks as well, or what? In fact Doom 3 hell has a very unique artistic style, a mix of gothic, fantasy, psychedelic and Giger-esque alien influences.

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