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Doom theories

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DooM_RO said:

Not in the new one.

he explicitly mentioned the IoS in his post which refers to Doom 2

and if the canon ''story'' made up for the rev in D2 was anything to go by then yes, he was indeed supposed to be the reanimated corpse of a dead demon while the new boners in this game are canonically explained to be reanimated UAC soldiers put through several experiments involving lazarus wave exposure, cerebral augmentations and battle armor strapped on

EDIT: lmao link deleted, srry

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Almonds said:

he explicitly mentioned the IoS in his post which refers to Doom 2

and if the canon ''story'' made up for the rev in D2 was anything to go by then yes, he was indeed supposed to be the reanimated corpse of a dead demon while the new boners in this game are canonically explained to be reanimated UAC soldiers put through several experiments involving lazarus wave exposure, cerebral augmentations and battle armor strapped on

EDIT: lmao link deleted, srry

I actually said this could apply to all canons really.. I was just grabbing hints from different places.

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I have just come up with another theory as to the revenant's origin.

RobbingSnake said:

or when people die they are transported to hell with whatever objects they were buried with. That would explain the weapons as free Norse men were buried with their weapons.

RobbingSnake said:

I have another theory; that the Revenant's suit may have used for mining/construction/maintenance, the reasoning for this is that the facilities on Mars are very vertical, and may have required jetpacks to get around. Only staff that have been on Mars longer than usual could use them as it would require training, the staff have been on mars long enough for the lower gravity to have an effect on them making them (slightly) taller.

Revenants are undead made purely for revenge, they range anywhere from skeletal to fully fleshed. I think that the revenants were miners equipped with jetpacks, the UAC must not have placed safety measures for the miners, and they were killed by a cave in, or a different catastrophe. The miners blamed the UAC for their deaths, and wanted revenge, turning into revenants. The demons weaponized the revenants, to help them take over Earth. The revenants are then trying to destroy everything UAC for their revenge, even if it means dooming Earth in the process.

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RobbingSnake said:

I have just come up with another theory as to the revenant's origin.
Revenants are undead made purely for revenge, they range anywhere from skeletal to fully fleshed. I think that the revenants were miners equipped with jetpacks, the UAC must not have placed safety measures for the miners, and they were killed by a cave in, or a different catastrophe. The miners blamed the UAC for their deaths, and wanted revenge, turning into revenants. The demons weaponized the revenants, to help them take over Earth. The revenants are then trying to destroy everything UAC for their revenge, even if it means dooming Earth in the process.


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CreamCheese said:


Oh I'm sorry am I boring you, well at least my theories have some research and reasoning behind them, rather than yours, which are shots in the dark. Here's a question for you, regarding your theory, if some enemies were from the same civilizations, then why do they still fight each other?

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RobbingSnake said:

Oh I'm sorry am I boring you, well at least my theories have some research and reasoning behind them, rather than yours, which are shots in the dark. Here's a question for you, regarding your theory, if some enemies were from the same civilizations, then why do they still fight each other?

lol bro its just a theory.. shit getting all upset

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This whole thread is full of dumb theories that are going to be so far off the mark they might as well be fanfiction.

Quit insulting each other over your dumb crackpot theories please.

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AirRaid said:

This whole thread is full of dumb theories that are going to be so far off the mark they might as well be fanfiction.

Quit insulting each other over your dumb crackpot theories please.

I didn't post it for plausibility tho.. I posted it for cool.

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The UAC publicly call themselves United Aerospace Corporation, but secretly it actually stands for Unholy Attack Clan. The hell invasion actually already happened and they are actually building up their forces and making a portal to escalate the hell invasion which already actually happened because it actually stands for Unholy Attack Clan.

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The UAC is derived from NASA and has been conducting teleportation experiments since the 1950s. Of course, they've failed frequently and the US Government had to cover up any trace of evidence; including the people who went to Hell and had delusions and started spewing out vulgarities before exploding into gibs.

Later on in the year 2145, experiments have been going smoothly; suddenly, an anomaly is detected on Phobos and Deimos.

The anomalies that have been excavated by archaeologists and scientists; indicate a civilization of some sort....

Curious, they explore around. They find an Ancient Sumerian text which bears the incantation "KLAATU BERATA NICTO!". One of the scientists decides to pull out a cassette tape which he then records himself chanting the incantation.

This unknowingly releases the hordes of Hell, and Hell portals start appearing all over Phobos, Deimos, and Mars.

Soldiers start to get possessed and turn into Deadite Soldiers; Imps, Barons of Hell, Hellknights, Lost Souls, Pinkies, all the demons start to appear all over the place.

Doomguy, the one person who had been researching the teleportation experiments and how they kept failing tried to warn the UAC.

The UAC shut him up as a "delusional conspiracy theorist" and threw him in jail and took away his guns.

After what he said came true "Hell is invading! Something fraggin' evil is comin' outta the gateway!"

They gave him back his Beretta M92FS with 50 bullets in the pistol, and his brass knuckles.

He and a squad of 5 lead an investigation into the Phobos UAC Hangar #1001.

Upon arriving, he's left to guard the place with another squad member. Codename? Doomguy #2.

After hearing the garbled screams of his squad members; he recieves a voice message from one survivor who's crawling through the entrails of his fallen comrades.

"If anyone is recieving this transmission, get the hell out of here! It's not safe here! There's these demons.... I don't know how they got inside of the Hangar, but GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE BEFORE IT'S TOO *static* LATE! *static* Oh no... not the Lost Soul!!!!!!"

Abruptly, the Sargent gets transformed into a Former Shotgunguy; as for the rest of Doomguy's comrades they become Former Zombiemen.

Doomguy #2 decides to go inside, he hears the sound of what sounds a bit like a Xenomorph. He turns around and sees an Imp which pounces on him and rips out his entrails before scurrying away.

(This explains the dead corpse you see in E1M1).

Doomguy is the sole survivor of the Teleportation Incident, and as the only survivor he's the only one who can tell the truth about the UAC and their corrupt teleportation experiments.

Eventually, it's revealed that the UAC had been experimenting on humans, and trying to fuse demonic technology with humans.

Bizarre experiments were found in the Deimos and Phobos Lab, and this ultimately convinces Doomguy that the UAC are up to no good.

P.S At this point it wouldn't surprise me if the UAC sent in soldiers to kill Doomguy.... that wouldn't happen.... would it? I mean it's all part of a cover-up am I right? =3

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DoomzRules said:

P.S At this point it wouldn't surprise me if the UAC sent in soldiers to kill Doomguy.... that wouldn't happen.... would it? I mean it's all part of a cover-up am I right? =3

If it was taking place on Earth then they might send in more soldiers, but since it's taking place on Mars they're more likely to just nuke it and wipe all record of it. P.S. If the Uac sent in soldiers people may call it a rip off of Half-Life, and we don't need that.

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RobbingSnake said:

If it was taking place on Earth then they might send in more soldiers, but since it's taking place on Mars they're more likely to just nuke it and wipe all record of it. P.S. If the Uac sent in soldiers people may call it a rip off of Half-Life, and we don't need that.

Yeah.... but Doom's the Half-Life before Half-Life came out! =P

I mean after all, Half-Life 1 was inspired by Doom in a lot of ways.

Xen = Inferno

Vortigaunts = Imps

Stuff like that.

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DoomzRules said:

I mean after all, Half-Life 1 was inspired by Doom in a lot of ways.

In one way, really. Valve wanted to make a scifi shooter than "scared you like Doom did". A lot of the thematic inspiration for HL came from Stephen King's short story "The Mist". (The working title for HL was Quiver, a reference to The Arrowhead Project from that story.

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AirRaid said:

In one way, really. Valve wanted to make a scifi shooter than "scared you like Doom did". A lot of the thematic inspiration for HL came from Stephen King's short story "The Mist". (The working title for HL was Quiver, a reference to The Arrowhead Project from that story.

That's rather interesting. I'll have to read that short story at some point.

If I made a first-person shooter, it'd probably be a mix of Half-Life 1, Doom, and Diablo.

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AirRaid said:

In one way, really. Valve wanted to make a scifi shooter than "scared you like Doom did". A lot of the thematic inspiration for HL came from Stephen King's short story "The Mist". (The working title for HL was Quiver, a reference to The Arrowhead Project from that story.

The Mist is one of my favorite Stephen King short stories, it was also one of the inspirations behind Silent Hill.

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Yeah The Mist is a great story. You can get it as a standalone novella now since the movie came out, or it's included in the Dark Forces and Skeleton Crew short story collections. The movie was quite good but they changed the very end of it and I did't really like what they did.

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AirRaid said:

Yeah The Mist is a great story. You can get it as a standalone novella now since the movie came out, or it's included in the Dark Forces and Skeleton Crew short story collections. The movie was quite good but they changed the very end of it and I did't really like what they did.

I remember reading somewhere that Stephen King preferred the films ending to his original short story's ending.

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Piper Maru said:

I remember reading somewhere that Stephen King preferred the films ending to his original short story's ending.

I kinda prefer the short story's ending personally, but then again I just feel like the film was eh compared to the short story.

Not that I've read the short story or seen the movie, I've just had friends who told me that the book is better than the film.

9 out of 10 times, that's usually true.

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As someone who first got into Stephen King because of Skeleton Crew (which featured that story as well as my first SK story "The Monkey" I can tell you that both are really, really good. It's just that the short story has a lot in common with the vibe of the original Silent Hill, and the movie is closer to The Walking Dead tv show only not shit. I think it had some of the same actors too.

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doomguy is an everyman, middle class working joe space marine who was sent to mars.

uac is on mars conducting science experiments, and the people on top of uac are rich power hungry fucks who would deal with the devil for profit.

like every faustian bargain, they end up fucked.

doomguy does the obvious thing he was trained to do, regardless of the overwhelming odds bc he is a mans man. that is, he kills all the bad guys.

the end.

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rampancy said:

doomguy is an everyman, middle class working joe space marine who was sent to mars.

uac is on mars conducting science experiments, and the people on top of uac are rich power hungry fucks who would deal with the devil for profit.

like every faustian bargain, they end up fucked.

doomguy does the obvious thing he was trained to do, regardless of the overwhelming odds bc he is a mans man. that is, he kills all the bad guys.

the end.

He's got to be at least, Special Forces.. its always been pretty obvious because of the unique uniform that he's some kind of Special Forces marine.

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Doomguy and his squad went in. Squad died. Doomguy's turn to enter.
He doesn't have a choice.
He goes in and unrealistically and full of luck, kills them all.

Come on. Its just Master Chief of '90s.

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Almonds said:

that's a)old as fuck and b)has nothing to do with the discussion at hand

I thought you guys where discussing theories and story so I just wanted to share this.

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HellVain said:

I thought you guys where discussing theories and story so I just wanted to share this.

fair enough. sorry if i seemed aggressive back then fml

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HellVain said:

I thought you guys where discussing theories and story so I just wanted to share this.

This thread gets really off topic very easily, I mentioned Half-Life, then the thread was all about it, someone said it was inspired by one of Steven King's books, and then it was all about Steven King for a while. So pick your word VERY carefully.

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Voros said:

Doomguy and his squad went in. Squad died. Doomguy's turn to enter.
He doesn't have a choice.
He goes in and unrealistically and full of luck, kills them all.

Come on. Its just Master Chief of '90s.

Nah... not really. Master Chief was based off Marathon Guy.

Doomguy is Doomguy. Simple as that.

Though if I could be real, Doomguy is just Ash Williams from Evil Dead mixed with Corporal Dwayne Hicks from Aliens.

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BluePineapple72 said:

I'm making this thread for all of those theorists who have any ideas or questions about the lore and story of the new doom, for example; who is the doomguy, where and what is the icon of sin, why are there old weapons around hell, why is the cyberdemon ugly, and so on.

1) The Doomguy is John Stalvern, a space marine for 14 years. He must kill the demons!

2) The Icon of Sin is located in hell aka The Realm of the Titans, he was currently taking a siesta for the past billion years until a bunch of primitive apes opened the doorway into his world.

3) The old weapons found in hell are from previous encounters with the same primitive apes, most likely during the time of the mist.

4) The cyberdemon is ugly? Now you're just a meanie.

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