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who knew dehacked was so easy?

I present to you apu's opiate adventure


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Edited by gwain

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33 minutes ago, gwain said:

who knew dehacked was so easy?

I present to you apu's opiate adventure


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i did...

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3 hours ago, Snaxalotl said:


Could an in-level snow environmental effect be done? I think it would look perfect with some lightly-falling snow.

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6 hours ago, Alex S. said:

Could an in-level snow environmental effect be done? I think it would look perfect with some lightly-falling snow.

you could add a script that will spawn white partic... ol... al... part-tick-cal-sss... that would be randomly placed across the map... ya that would work...! i think... ya it would it's just 3 axis randoms stuff... i would make it but i don't use UDMF

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10 hours ago, Snaxalotl said:


we need more snow levels 6870% NEED more... i like ice platforming...

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Working on a mod that I hope will be okay... But I don't know if it'll be successful.


Here are 4 Screenshots to showcase my progress. The mod name is BJ Blaze and these screenshots are outdated. Here is a 1-level demo that I think can be okay.









[EDIT:] 3 reacts? That's got to be impressive.


[EDIT #2:] Due to some second thoughts. The mod is now BJ Blaze.

Edited by AlphaSoraKun

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12 hours ago, CoalNova said:

 New to doom mapping, made  a 3-map deal that should "just work" with DOOM2.

It's fun, some areas get too cramped but the variation in room sizes helps deal with that. Certain small things like making the light brighter around a switch in the sewer section of the third map is good.

There is a problem though: In the third map, I manually closed one of the doors in the blue UAC room from the outside and when I tried to open it again from the other side, I couldn't. That prevented me from continuing the map. Check that your doors are setup for repeatable open/close on both sides of the door. Also, some of the door tracks move with the door.

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13 hours ago, RDETalus said:

It's fun, some areas get too cramped but the variation in room sizes helps deal with that.

Thank you, the feedback is appreciated. I'm glad you enjoyed what (little, admittedly) was presented. Scale, texture options, and knowing how to get doors to do what I want has been... interesting

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More progress regarding Denial_of_Sheol_Death_Match(DSheolDM):



I am utilizing Twitter to document the level editing and development of DSheolDM.  Please feel free to comment or respond via Twitter.

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I've been working on updating my Hellbreach mapset over the last few months - I have split them up into a PK3, and separate maps, and a menu for each map.


So far, I have done three maps - Breach Containment, Breach Scars and a massively expanded hub-type map, Hell's Atrium. Quite pleased so far - I think they are better than before, I'd love t know what you guys think...




Breach Containment:









Breach Scars








Hell's Terminus














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Some screenshots from my latest map-in-progress.










It's very early in development, hence the lack of details.

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11 minutes ago, Arrowhead said:


Made a new deathmatch map today, DM144. This is the cave section of the map. :)

Are you using Ukiro's OTEX texture pack? This cave is beautiful, and it gave me ideas

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Just now, K_Doom said:

Are you using Ukiro's OTEX texture pack? This cave is beautiful, and it gave me ideas

Yes, I use it for most of my projects. It is very versatile - and thanks!

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4 minutes ago, Arrowhead said:

Yes, I use it for most of my projects. It is very versatile - and thanks!

I also plan to use this texture pack, but currently I want to explore all the textures in the 32in24-15_tex_v2 pack, it looks interesting despite being "inferior" to OTEX.

Edited by K_Doom

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1 hour ago, Arrowhead said:


Made a new deathmatch map today, DM144. This is the cave section of the map. :)

change up the shape of things, like not move walls over and re-shape them, i mean to lower the ceiling in some spots, maybe stairs up to a window to make it look like it has more shapes, instead of bland wall place, stairs are cool, short 1 step ones are REALLY cool.

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18 minutes ago, dededenova said:

change up the shape of things, like not move walls over and re-shape them, i mean to lower the ceiling in some spots, maybe stairs up to a window to make it look like it has more shapes, instead of bland wall place, stairs are cool, short 1 step ones are REALLY cool.

But none of that is useful to good DM design, stairs need to be as standard as possible as to facilitate reliable movement. And I don't really want to make this cave 'claustrophobic' or have too low of a ceiling, as that will hamper projectile gameplay. I don't believe what I've posted is 'bland' as it is simply a subregion of a bigger map - I also don't want too much height variation in the floors, other than the standard stairs, or a tiny bit of variation in the ground like can be seen in the screenshot - this is because I don't want people getting jostled up and down by having to run over bumpy floors. You can only do so much detail without interfering w/ player movement.


Sincerely not trying to be rude, but this is my 144th go at this. I think I'm starting to get the hang of it.

Edited by Arrowhead

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