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what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

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This doesn't warrant its own thread, yet. Doing some early work on a Hexen for GZDoom mapset since we're virtually done doing layout on E2 of The IMP Act. This will be Hexen, but it will play much more like Doom/Heretic than Hexen, as in more straightforward combat and key hunts rather than Hexen's normal "flip a switch in one map then spend the next 13 hours searching every other map to see what changed" gameplay. It imports a good chunk of the Heretic monsters, all of the Heretic textures, adds a Sidhe player class with a few Heretic weapons, and will probably include a few Realm667 beasts for bosses. No hub gameplay, aiming for 9 maps (8 standard levels + 1 secret level).


Basically, the goal is to make Hexen more friendly to Doom players. "Doom, but it's actually Hexen," or something like that.


First map will be titled "Village of the Damned" and is a bit of an homage to Heretic's E1M1 "Docks".





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The second level of Frantik DM 3's 'cold' episode!









This map is 4 floors tall in some places. Lots of verticality!




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Well, it's been a while.


My medieval village type thing was bloody lost with a HDD failure. This time, I have put it under version control...


Been really busy with my new job, so not much mapping time... I decided to convert my test/snippet WADs into a sort of mini-megawad (as a PK3). I'm taking the mostly tiny maps, adding proper starts and ends, texturing and tweaking as appropriate and adding monsters where necessary:












More to come...


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32 minutes ago, NeilForshaw said:


Looks like interesting. Is there/will there be a thread for this maps release? :)

Yes dude, I've ALMOST completed a 30 map megawad....just map 7 to do.

If you check out the About Me tab on my profile page you'll find some maps there that are included in the megawad (all threads on this site). I can't recall which are still downloadable but most are still on my Google drive.

Cheers HNY.

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The third level of Frantik DM 3's 'cold' episode!


Frantik DM 3: MAP08: COZY IGLOO







The map is centred around control of a lever that opens an area w/ a BFG - that, and careful management of the supercharge on top of the igloo, should make for some interesting DM encounters.



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The fourth level of Frantik DM 3's 'cold' episode! Only one map left to make, and then it's on to the 'nature' episode!









This is a huge winterized upgrade of FDM1's MAP27, Chokehold. The map is now much larger, w/ multiple rooms and paths added. It's had so much added, it nearly feels like a completely new level, despite re-using a small portion of the original map's geometry.

Pressure of the railgun position and attention of the distant supercharge is essential to win in this one.



Edited by Arrowhead

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On 1/4/2024 at 12:03 AM, NeilForshaw said:



for me at least, city maps are notoriously difficult to make due to the non-linear map flow and decoration (specifically, filling in the spaces in-between buildings with something and the outer margins of the city). currently far beyond my newbie mapping skills. but from the screenshot, your map looks spectacular! good luck in your project :)

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New map in the works. Hell themed. There are plenty of surprises (and annoyances) in this map. This is just a single map, it's not part of a wad or anything.




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4 hours ago, TheMightyWhoosh said:

Creating an E3 map . Slightly overdoing the red, as usual... 




Now THOSE are some proper lava lamps!





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Some moving pictures tell a better story, just need to cobble something together for map 7 or just release it and say enough is enough lol



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