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what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

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Frisky said:

Dumb work-in-progress Madness Combat WAD I just started on today. Myeh.

I totally thought about doing one of those, but gave up after about fifteen minutes, heh. Just did two sprites and a single graphic for the HUD face. Yours for the stealing if you want them: http://www.teamhellspawn.com/Madness.zip
Only problem with nice, smooth flash graphics is they don't translate particularly well to Doom's palette and look a little blocky.

Has to have a "Somewhere in Nevada" intro, heh.

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It's been 7 months since I first started working on this and 6 months since my first post in this thread.

Here's a pic of part of a new area I've just finished and a layout of the whole map as of right now:


And here's some pics I've already posted in this thread a while back:

The goal is to have this map done by Christmas and when that happens I'll start looking for testers and players to give feedback so I can implement that in map 2 and add some minor fixes to map 1.

Also if anyone's got any idea of what texture would look nice for the walls of the foundry area you'd be welcome to give me a suggestion. Pictured:

I know it doesn't look particularly nice compared to the other maps in this thread but it looks better when you're in-game, I myself enjoy the game flow too - which was really my focus for this map from the beginning. My goal with this map has been a non-linear exploration combat map with some cool secrets and puzzles to solve, and I've tried my best to make it look nice. Sorry if it looks amateur-ish and effortless, I've taken my time with this map and I assure you that's not the case.

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AwesomeO-789 said:

It's been 7 months since I first started working on this and 6 months since my first post in this thread.

I know it doesn't look particularly nice compared to the other maps in this thread but it looks better when you're in-game, I myself enjoy the game flow too - which was really my focus for this map from the beginning. My goal with this map has been a non-linear exploration combat map with some cool secrets and puzzles to solve, and I've tried my best to make it look nice. Sorry if it looks amateur-ish and effortless, I've taken my time with this map and I assure you that's not the case.

I see colored lighting, Slopes and 3d Floors, coupled with classic looking architecture, so this immediately peaked my interest.

The texturing needs a bit of work but overall, It Looks really nice

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A "four-maps-in-one" concept I've been very slowly working on over the last 12 months. It's my first Doom map so learning has been a slow process - I reckon I'm maybe 3/4 done.

One problem I consistently seem to have is my locations just seem rather baron compared to other maps I've played. Surely the solution isn't just to spam Things everywhere, but I'm not sure how to make them more visually interesting! Any advice would be certainly appreciated.











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illuknisaa said:

I made this ceiling lamp:
I think it looks pretty cool. I'm not too keen on those light shaft things you sometimes see in (g)zdoom maps but I think it works pretty well here because this room already has a fog setting making the shaft logical to see. I also don't know if I want to keep the lens flare effect as it tends to clip with ceiling and stuff.

The lamp is made of 5 parts. The lamp (it's solid so the player can jump on top if it), its' electric cord, light shaft, lens flare and the dynamic light.

That's really cool. Can you shoot them out? Please make them so they can be shot out. :D

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Bauul said:

One problem I consistently seem to have is my locations just seem rather baron compared to other maps I've played. Surely the solution isn't just to spam Things everywhere, but I'm not sure how to make them more visually interesting! Any advice would be certainly appreciated.

All of those screenshots look fine to me. The one with the water hallways looks a bit bland but it's whatever. You could try adding some small pathways to the sides of the tunnels but that's really the only advice I have to give. Everything else looks neato!


Bauul said:

I've been very slowly working on over the last 12 months.

Holy fuck kudos to you man. Your dedication is insane. This is my first time making a *proper* map too where I'm not just making small rooms with monsters and items that doesn't flow properly, and I didn't think it'd take as long for me as it has. Your dedication is inspiring. Makes me look forward to the future of my map and what it'll look like at the 12 month mark!

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AwesomeO-789 said:

All of those screenshots look fine to me. The one with the water hallways looks a bit bland but it's whatever. You could try adding some small pathways to the sides of the tunnels but that's really the only advice I have to give. Everything else looks neato!


Holy fuck kudos to you man. Your dedication is insane. This is my first time making a *proper* map too where I'm not just making small rooms with monsters and items that doesn't flow properly, and I didn't think it'd take as long for me as it has. Your dedication is inspiring. Makes me look forward to the future of my map and what it'll look like at the 12 month mark!

Thanks for the feedback, I feel a little more confident in it now!

And yeah, I think your first maps do take ages because it takes a long time to work out how to translate what's in your head into an actual map. I reckon really experienced mappers probably 'think' closer to how the mapping software actually works so are much quicker at replicating it in the software, whereas us newbies aren't quite there yet!

It is totally worth it when it finally all comes together and you can play through a map and think "I made this!". Happy to playtest anything you want feedback on, I'll definitely be sharing mine as a beta when I've finished it.

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Taking a break from The NIGHTMARE! Palace and working on MAP02 for The Soul's Inferno (Infersol.wad), a 4 map wad.

Tricky to get some ideas and the right structure since MAP02 takes place in The Catacombs.

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Fonze said:

I'm interested in what you mean by 4-in-one map. Please elaborate

Nothing that revolutionary I'm afraid. The basic concept for the map is a single large hub-like corridor with four mini-maps leading off. Each mini-map is self-contained and has its own style, theme and gameplay. That's why some of the screenshots look quite different from one another.

At the end of each mini-map is a switch that opens the door to the next one, and one quarter of the door to the boss room at the end of the corridor. Only once the player has flicked the switch at the end of each mini-map the end-level is accessible.

Originally I was going to allow the mini-maps to be accessible in any order, but realized that would only work if the player came into the map fully armed (I.e. no progression needed in terms of weapons and enemies) such as in a megawad. So now there's a specific order for the mini-maps with escalating enemies and weapons. There's a little bit of optional backtracking for secrets between the mini-maps if the player wants, but generally their autonomous.

Whether the concept actually works and is fun to play is another question altogether. :)

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Omegalore said:

Taking a break from The NIGHTMARE! Palace and working on MAP02 for The Soul's Inferno (Infersol.wad), a 4 map wad.

Tricky to get some ideas and the right structure since MAP02 takes place in The Catacombs.


Pretty cool, I like the texture and color choices. It gives it a sinister feel.

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Benjogami said:

Crosspost from Doom General B) Toilet of the Gods 3, so far.


Oh God, yes!

Bauul said:

Nothing that revolutionary I'm afraid. The basic concept for the map is a single large hub-like corridor with four mini-maps leading off. Each mini-map is self-contained and has its own style, theme and gameplay. That's why some of the screenshots look quite different from one another.

At the end of each mini-map is a switch that opens the door to the next one, and one quarter of the door to the boss room at the end of the corridor. Only once the player has flicked the switch at the end of each mini-map the end-level is accessible.

Originally I was going to allow the mini-maps to be accessible in any order, but realized that would only work if the player came into the map fully armed (I.e. no progression needed in terms of weapons and enemies) such as in a megawad. So now there's a specific order for the mini-maps with escalating enemies and weapons. There's a little bit of optional backtracking for secrets between the mini-maps if the player wants, but generally their autonomous.

Whether the concept actually works and is fun to play is another question altogether. :)

Still sounds cool; very similar to something I want to do. I look forward to playing this when you are ready to share it.

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Still working on something that might eventually become a mapset. 5 maps complete so far, probably aiming for 12/13 total - maybe test build at 8 maps or so...

I also have another map WIP, but I haven't been feeling like working on it particular.

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floatRand said:

Still working on something that might eventually become a mapset.

I'm a bit hyped. You've posted some really awesome screens.

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Give some depth to the ceiling and floor as well. Little architecture/detailing up top or below could go a long way :)

Also, add more contrasting colors (obviously not conflicting with one-another) and contrasting brightness levels to accentuate those colors and give something to draw the eyes to.

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A mega wad of about 20 levels that focuses on a ground troop during the initial invasion of demons on earth.
Story doesn't matter. I want the environments to really suck you in. That's what's important in doom.

(These were taken months ago and have come a lot further. If you'd like to try it I can sent it your way.)

It will be a hub of a city with random generation of enemies and then hubs into the building which will be the maps. You won't be able to progress until beating them all and getting whatever it is you need to move on.
I'll probably do two different city sections. (Already done with the build up into the city) from there I'll do like four levels in each hub. So eight (the beginning has 4.) then I'll do four more to finish it out.
Which will probably be fighting through neighborhoods and stuff to get home. To be hornet im gunning for maximum detail and fun and all the good shit because I don't want to ever make another map pack again hahaha. It's extremely time consuming.

This shit better get me a cacoward.

Anyway. Here are the galleries.




This one has the most images


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cortlong50 said:

This shit better get me a cacoward.

Looks good so far, but (if you were to release this this year) keep in mind you'd be competing with wads such as Ancient Aliens.

In addition, your mapset is clearly zDoom, which already is going to have a lower player base than Boom mapsets, like AA, so even if your wad was objectively better than the rest, it would still have a tougher time garnering the same number of / more votes than a mapset of the same quality, but in Boom. Or Vanilla, for that matter.

Also, that statement isn't gonna get you votes ;D

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currently populating two big Doom 2 levels whose layouts I finished months ago but then got discouraged in all things Doom. on "easy" it's going to be the absurdist type of challenge I like with Lost Souls everywhere, secret progressions and mandatory chain gun use, while on medium/hard it'll be more arcade-like so that real people will play the levels :P~

Map 1's called "Spidersilk", has 240 monsters on painful mode. the other map is called "NATO" and has more like a thousand, although lots of them are skulls and cops. this isn't slaughter gameplay and most of the monsters are in battle positions already rather than teleporting into to set-pieces

I made some of my own crappy textures for both levels but there's also a few Wolfenstein 3D originals in the latter. both stages have original music but you'll already recognise the tunes if you've visited my bandcamp thingy

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Just something I've been working on most of my dooming life, this is the 4th remake of it, as I learn new things and how to execute them I mess around with them and see how or if I can implement them into it. (It's no where near close to done, I'd say probably like 1/6 done.. maybe?)

TwoPlay (Version 4)

:: GZDoom Builder ::

:: GZDoom ::

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