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what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

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On 4/10/2021 at 3:42 AM, KubaloBlackMT said:

This one's a WAD that I stopped working on for a while because I wasn't satisfied by the fact that I used the regular Doom format that doesn't allow for any gzdoom features or custom assets, and so I worked on another wad for a bit. But now, I've decided to make this WAD a with the purpose of just having normal level design and nothing insane.


It's called "The Unspoken Operator" and the story goes that you're a Cadet that has just graduated to an advanced academy on Phobos. Eventually a demon attack happens on the base and on Earth and now you have to fight your way to the demonic mastermind behind the portals AKA "The Operator".


E1M3 acid room


E1M3 terraformed room


E2M1 demonic swarm at a park


E2M1 gazebo-y room


E2M1 wooden hell room


E3M1 dark hell fort


E3M1 triple Cyberdemon escape!


E3M8 unfinished "Operator" fight


Episode 4 will be set in a demon swarmed paradise



As you can see, It's not fully complete, currently holding E1M3, E1M9, E2M1, E3M1, E3M8, and E4M1. It won't have much custom stuff in it cause literally I can't with the format I'm using. So expect this to be a regular old Doom 1 WAD. I'm also trying to up the spook factor which made Doom so great in the first place. I sure I'm still allowed to have custom level names and all so that's fine. You will also have pretty much the same monsters throughout because you'll meet every demon in the first episode I'm pretty sure, so in turn I'll have to make the level design enough of a challenge.

Where did you get that E2 skybox?? I love how it looks!

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13 hours ago, ognjen said:

Where did you get that E2 skybox?? I love how it looks!

Literally looked up a burning city on google and found this, it'll probably show up as one of the first few results. Best part is that it appears to be used seamlessly, so no ugly lines like for what I have for episode 3 and 4. Also the way one of the buildings tilt like episode 3's tipped over mountain is as if this image was meant to be used for a DOOM wad or something.


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4 minutes ago, smeghammer said:

Just an experiment.

Probably not, but looks really cool I think:



That looks really cool, not only the sky (that looks like an interesting setpiece and a good way to get you in the game really quickly) but the map itself look pretty good

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On 4/9/2021 at 8:32 AM, franckFRAG said:


I’m used to seeing your work as very square structures. I’m surprised and as happy to see that you try more tortured structures. I can’t wait to see more.


Yeah, not as much symmetry as in WOS (a little bit here and there, but not entire layouts) and a lot more lon-linear with a lot more interconnection. But E4M8 is probably the most linear map in the wad and has a bit of Whispers of CTRL+V in it, but it is a boss map, the tortured area is first then you enter a dirty base (with crushing ceilings galore) where you venture underground and the ending is inside a Sigil-like cavern with wooden structures with two masterminds. My other vanilla Doom 2 project (Zone 300 sequel) which will be released in a few months time has virtually no square structures, trying my butt off to make it as interconnected as possible and making it SP and DM friendly. Ultimate Doom project is limit removing/Boom.

Edited by pcorf

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36 minutes ago, 1Destro3456 said:

That looks really cool, not only the sky (that looks like an interesting setpiece and a good way to get you in the game really quickly) but the map itself look pretty good

Thanks for the compliments @1Destro3456 - I might leave the sky - trouble is, I actually felt nauseous after playing it for a couple of minutes! That never happens!... I agree that it adds a nice unreal, hellish quality, but honestly not sure how unplayable it will make it, unfortunately.


I'll put a link to the WiP in a bit, but be aware if you have a go, that it is very alpha at the moment, without an exit.


>>> EDIT <<<




It is a WiP bigtime, so keep that in mind if you do play it.


Edited by smeghammer
added link

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18 minutes ago, smeghammer said:

Just an experiment.

Probably not, but looks really cool I think:




That's a really cool (and slightly nauseating) look. I think it looks more like the arena is spinning rather than the sky though, not sure if that's the intended effect.

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1 minute ago, Nimiauredhel said:

That's a really cool (and slightly nauseating) look


Well, I guess I'll leave it for now...  Thanks!

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10 hours ago, TheGreenZap said:

I have started to map for the first time.






I think you will really excel at mapping. You already have the feel for it.

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1 hour ago, 1Destro3456 said:

That looks good for the first time 

Thank you, I really appreciate that.


43 minutes ago, pcorf said:


I think you will really excel at mapping. You already have the feel for it.

Oh thank you so much! I really enjoy doing it and I wasn't sure if I could figure it out, but I'm having fun. I still have a long way to go.


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1 hour ago, smeghammer said:

Just an experiment.

Probably not, but looks really cool I think:




wow that gives it a spin  ;)


i just thought, is there a way to extract an image of the black hole's accretion disc from interstellar? having that swirling, warped monstrosity above would befit a nail in the world...



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Hi there !


I'm working on a super duper ambitious Single-Map WAD called Black N' Blanco : Adventures In (mostly) Monochrome, which is also a partial Doom II conversion using custom-made textures created by me !


Inspired by games such as Antichamber and Marble Madness (to name a few), it will be a platformer with shooting gameplay here and there, and some back and forth between the "real world" and "Black n' Blanco" world.


Thank you for your consideration ! :O















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41 minutes ago, Origamyde said:

Hi there !


I'm working on a super duper ambitious Single-Map WAD called Black N' Blanco : Adventures In (mostly) Monochrome, which is also a partial Doom II conversion using custom-made textures created by me !


Inspired by games such as Antichamber and Marble Madness (to name a few), it will be a platformer with shooting gameplay here and there, and some back and forth between the "real world" and "Black n' Blanco" world.


Thank you for your consideration ! :O


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That looks cool. Got some Portal Test Chamber vibes in there!.

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1 hour ago, Origamyde said:

Hi there !


I'm working on a super duper ambitious Single-Map WAD called Black N' Blanco : Adventures In (mostly) Monochrome, which is also a partial Doom II conversion using custom-made textures created by me !


Inspired by games such as Antichamber and Marble Madness (to name a few), it will be a platformer with shooting gameplay here and there, and some back and forth between the "real world" and "Black n' Blanco" world.


Thank you for your consideration ! :O


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That looks amazing, I really want to play it just because of the screenshots

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I am currently working on hexenish fantasy TC/wad/game/whatever (I am not sure):




Not much to show so far as I was implementing classes, weapons, items, monsters, etc., but almost nothing concerning maps yet.

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I started making Doom maps last summer, right now I´m working on my fifth level:







But in december I got sidetracked a bit working on my first Quake maps:











Edited by MrBaskerville

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Area is almost fully detailed - though the dev textures in the courtyard kind of ruin it. This will be the last one of these for a while... PROMISE!



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My first time mapping in classic Doom: Doom II (Doom format). I had to make a 'shitty spaceship' as part of the We Draw it, We Map it project :p. Took me a while to come up with a way to simulate 3D sectors and a floating object in the middle of the room. Quite proud of the results :). 



Edited by Peccatum Mihzamiz

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