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what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

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This is from a work in progress named "Denial_of_Sheol"; it's still in its early beta phase, so improvements are inevitable.



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More Slayer Gate arenas - Each with their own theme


Ice Cavern -   Ice Damage also briefly chills the player.




A bad attempt at making Doom 2016 Hell Steppe.  Its fine for now.




A ancient Labyrinth ihabited by hells highest minions.  It is guarded by a belphegor, one of the ranking nobles.  He shoots purple because purple.




The city of Dis - where hell and flesh fuse together.  This area is visted as a arena and becomes a full on level in episode 3.  Inhabited by cyber variations of demons.




A small lost city.  Otherworldly creatures are held in prison here, guarded by wardens of hell.



Edited by Zemini

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More of the first room/area is complete, and the lighting for this area has been finalized.  There is still more to do with regards to expanding the battlefield.

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Just a super-short preview to demonstrate the fact that the new portraits are now integrated into the game along with new character select graphics (which you may not have seen yet if you don't frequent the Walpurgis topic! If you haven't, let me know what you think!).


Things are progressing reasonably well for the next version; though not much concrete to show off right now, and I may have to stall development over the next week since I've just got a promotion at work, which is great, but it means I'll need to do another intensive training course. -_-'

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Between working on Calisto Science Station and Unreal Tech for Headless Chicken, I made a couple of maps to help answer a dilemma someone was having regarding a simple query: Do Barons like opening doors?




MAP16: Maraudoor



MAP26: The Pizza Guys Are Here!





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42 minutes ago, Chookum said:

Between working on Calisto Science Station and Unreal Tech for Headless Chicken, I made a couple of maps to help answer a dilemma someone was having regarding a simple query: Do Barons like opening doors?


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MAP16: Maraudoor



MAP26: The Pizza Guys Are Here!





dude this is frack-in amazing...! never thought those textures would look so good when used that much...

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A tower to to stand under while monsters are approaching from all directions. And if you try to leave, you get arch-violated.

PS Is it just me, or does the odd shape of the ceiling make it look slanted?

Edited by ViolentBeetle

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Joining the already re-written intermission text for Doom and Heretic, and the re-written Hexen Chess Ending, I've put together more unique intermissions for the transitions between the hubs in Hexen, including new text and graphics, when you play Walpurgis. In the base game, they are notably really sparse!


Now I know we don't play old-skool FPS for epic storylines, but it always kinda bothered me that Hexen has probably EVEN LESS text than Doom! So I've added a thread of basic plot and sense of place into these screens. Hardly epic prose, but it'll do. :D


Should probably support ultra-wide as well, I made the new backgrounds the same size as the GZDoom widescreen assets.

Edited by eharper256

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16 hours ago, ViolentBeetle said:



A tower to to stand under while monsters are approaching from all directions. And if you try to leave, you get arch-violated.

PS Is it just me, or does the odd shape of the ceiling make it look slanted?

the slant in it is uhh... i think it's because of the cam angle being slightly of... and the not at all cardinal position just makes it look like it's leaning to you in the picture but also to the other spot to the left of you off the camera's sight... i don't know exactly

Edited by dededenova

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Revisiting an old WIP map for Hexen that's been gathering dust, adding some new areas and expanding bits:





Edited by VisionThing

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I was working on a industrial themed arena shooter wad ala killing floor 2, but ended up immensely burnt out after coding half a shop system, and I really needed to unwind


So i decided to say fuck it, and i started working on a trippy, psychedelic-ish wad that's meant to feel like some kind of demented fever nightmare amalgamation of a sauna/bath house


Here's a few areas I'm proud of






I also added a very out of the way secret dedicated to my girlfriend of I'd say 2-3 years now,





"D <3 A"


It plays a midi rendition of Heart Shaped Box whenever you find it


I don't intend for this wad to be good. I just wanna throw shit at the wall and see what sticks, and more importantly just unwind from a lot of the frustration I experienced coding for the aforementioned arena shooter wad.

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11 hours ago, Drywtler said:

Experimenting with DeHackEd

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i was going to do a thing like that but for triggering lines by moving it backward a little bit so i go's across a door line or lift line... ya'know... idk if it's possible to move objects in a solid direction... crap...

but i used old BFG states to do some things, that's what i'm planning on using...

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Better perspective of what I've been up to recently:




Mapping for Hexen is definitely more challenging, but this map has really been forcing me to get to grips with ACS and designing more natural looking outdoor areas, not to mention playing with verticality more as a gameplay tool. Still got a lot to do including balancing for the 3 classes, but its getting there.

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holy s*** i'm gonna look at light maps, hope doom format works

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