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Any good realistic gore mods that aren't Brutal Doom?

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Yeah, hi I was wondering if there's a simplistic gore mod that isn't over-the-top blood and gore like Brutal Doom. I mean I know the realistic option is present in Version 20, but my main gripe with Brutal Doom is that even with vanilla AI the enemies are WAY TOO OP. Like legit, they are too OP.

What I enjoy the most about playing vanilla Doom is that the gameplay is fast-paced, and the enemy encounters are complex while not being OP like Brutal Doom.

Anyway, do you know if there's a gore mod that has simplistic dismemberment? Nothing over the top, just a simple hitbox dismemberment mod?

Like if I shoot someone in the head, their head flies off, if I shoot someone in the arm or leg, their arm or leg flies off respectively. And if I shoot someone with a powerful gun, either their body gets blown away in half, or it gibs.

Anyone know a mod like that? Or is that practically non-existent? =P

Not that I'm complaining, I'm just asking that's all.

I mean I like to play vanilla Doom, I'd just like a tad-bit more gore that's all. Not that I'm a gore-enthusiast (even though I absolutely love Evil Dead II, probably my favorite movie besides Aliens.)

But anyway, are there any realistic gore mods?

If anyone could let me know if there are, I'd appreciate it. =)

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Droplets is probably your best bet if you want pure realism. Blood doesn't gush out of enemies like in a b-movie, instead it just sprays out little drops of blood everywhere, and it even reacts to liquid flats by creating ripples and staining it red, which is a nice touch.

Edit: There's also Clear Brutal(It's made with Trailblazer in mind, but it also works without it IIRC), which is basically only the gore system of Brutal Doom.

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HorrorMovieGuy said:

Droplets is probably your best bet if you want pure realism. Blood doesn't gush out of enemies like in a b-movie, instead it just sprays out little drops of blood everywhere, and it even reacts to liquid flats by creating ripples and staining it red, which is a nice touch.

Oh yeah I have that mod. It's pretty cool. I kinda wish someone would make a realistic dismemberment mod as well.

The realistic blood mod has already been made (Droplets).

Now if only someone would make a realistic dismemberment mod.....


I'd probably try and do it, but I'm a bit lazy. The only thing I can do is maybe code in a few extra death animations but that's about it really.

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Unfortunately, Smooth Doom's gore mechanics have caused slowdowns in maps with a very large numbers of enemies, so in this scenario (until it gets fixed), you'll have to turn them off.

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HavoX said:

Unfortunately, Smooth Doom's gore mechanics have caused slowdowns in maps with a very large numbers of enemies, so in this scenario (until it gets fixed), you'll have to turn them off.

Can confirm that nuts.wad crashed my sourceport with SmoothDoom due to the gibs. Jokes aside, even when turning blood splatter off, SmoothDoom gives me a cinematic <30 FPS in large fights or already demanding maps due to spawning a bunch of small gibs when blowing things up. I know there's the ketchup mod which uses BD's gore without any of the mechanics. I personally use the "no gibs" version of it for the improved blood effects and slaughtermap-friendly performance.

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It's not perfect though. All blood splatters and blood pools, including that from the Hell Nobles and Cacodemon, are red instead of their respective colors.

EDIT: I can't believe that spellchecker didn't catch that one frigging typo...

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Glaice said:

It may not be realistic but it doesn't change the gameplay mechanics at all, so if you're interested you should check out my Random Deaths & Decoration.

This is sort of what I was looking for. I'll just add in some realistic gory deaths for when I feel it's appropriate for the death animations so it's a bit more up my ally, other than that I think I'd enjoy this more than some other mods out there.


I mean all I was really looking for is a gore mod that doesn't change the gameplay mechanics of Doom and just adds in some gory deaths for the demons. =)

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I used to use Nash's Gore mod, but ever since I got Smooth Doom it's not really compatible so I stopped using it.

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Doom Forever for Edge is an astonishing mod. The gore system is good there. It has all the elements of the modern fps's but none of the over the topness of Brutal and all its derivatives. It even adds its own flair. I would recommend spending some time using Edge and trying it out. Even if you do use Zdoom/Gzdoom etc. I do to, but oh man is it fun to play the classics with this mod. Edge has always been a favorite for me though.

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johnnyledger1 said:

Doom Forever for Edge is an astonishing mod. The gore system is good there. It has all the elements of the modern fps's but none of the over the topness of Brutal and all its derivatives. It even adds its own flair. I would recommend spending some time using Edge and trying it out. Even if you do use Zdoom/Gzdoom etc. I do to, but oh man is it fun to play the classics with this mod. Edge has always been a favorite for me though.

Meh, I've played with Edge before. I don't like it because of how slippery it feels, and how it doesn't feel as awesome as GZDoom (no offense to EDGE users. =P)

In the meantime, I think I'll play Beautiful Doom or my personal sub-mod that I just remembered I made.


Yeah.... Gritty Doom... it's kinda shitty, it's something I've been working on since 2014, and I made it for fun. It's a sub-mod of Smooth Doom, and I was greenlit by the man himself (Gifty) to make the sub-mod and release it, and I credited everyone and stuff...

It's kinda meh. I mean it's cool, but it still needs work IMHO. I'm sorta embarrassed about it. =3

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  • 2 years later...

Hello...Brutal Doom can be way over the top with Gore and enabling Janitor removes most of the blood, but if you want something a bit milder and rated PG you have to really go inside the PK3 file using the SLADE Editor and just simply delete some of the Gore+Big Blood Pool PNG files and that's including the Blood droplets from the Ceiling as well...this might take some time on your part browsing and deleting, but it's worth it in the end trust me.


Then after most of the Gore is deleted all you have to do now is go to the Sound folder and delete the Ceiling droplet sound effects as well...After everything is done wrap it up and save your PK3 File and rename it to anything you want.


Load the game up...Set Particles to 100 and Decals to 0


There ya go!  You have a rated PG Brutal Doom...there is no blood splatters on the walls or droplets from the ceiling, and mild body part gibs after an explosion...but still keeping the same Brutal gameplay.



I will not upload my edited file, because this is very easy to do with SLADE...you can fix the Gore Textures to your liking. 





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I wonder why sgt mark doesn't release a brutal doom that's exactly the same as vanilla but only the gore stuff? (and without the annoying on-screen effects like the bullet holes etc) with each brutal doom update?


i know some "clear brutal doom" mods exist but they are always not updated to the latest version


i just want the gore stuff and everything else staying the same, no gameplay changes, so no monster weapons, no kicking, no grabbing of zombies.. etc



Edited by qweqioweuo123

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I've extracted the blood and gore resources from DBT's mods like QC:DE and D4T (two excellent mods) and my only gripe with it is the lack of floor gore: https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=59020





There is also Hellwalker blood made by my friends which is based on Droplets, but has a grittier look and its more "brutal": https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=58677

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