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Action Doom 3 rumours


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alterworldruler said:

Action Doom 3 ends on you impaling the villain using the american flag because fuck yeah america and eagles and explosions which is done using a single button press with no timeout.

Then the game reveals it's plot twist that YOU WERE the russian terrorists and the game ends on a pointless cliffhanger with 30 minutes of rolling credits. And a genuine middle finger at the end.

In other word, COD MW3 :P, pretty much same ending .

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Following the SMB sequel theory, Action Doom 3 will be a magnum opus that goes back to the roots of where the series started.

SMB1/AD1 = original
SMB2/AD2 = gameplay mechanics change completely
SMB3/AD3 = back to roots of game 1 - world based, expanded levels and gameplay features

Soon we will have a bumper wad pack called Action Doom All Stars which will feature the lost Japan only sequel, "Action Doom: The Lost Levels"

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dew said:

I heard Scuba is joining the modern indie SJW bandwagon and he's working on Actionless Doom, an introspective journey into coming to terms with your inner demons.

I wouldn't mind seeing someone try to make a "walking simulator" in Doom.

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AD3 will be a Platforming game about collecting coins and Jumping on enemies , Featuring custom Camera scripts and that kind of stuff ...

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Personally I'm more excited for Action Doom 4, I heard the 3rd one totally disappointed fans of the first two, you couldn't even use your flashlight while shooting!!

alterworldruler said:

Your name is Max Force, you are the commando in the elite squad of commandos working for the undercover american agencies which actually are not subtle.

This is amazing

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Doomkid said:

Personally I'm more excited for Action Doom 4, I heard the 3rd one totally disappointed fans of the first two, you couldn't even use your flashlight while shooting!!

Action Doom isn't Doom :v, well sort of .

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DMGUYDZ64 said:

do i look like someone who cares about what may annoy you .

Do you think I care what you look like, or simply care about you at all? You're dead to me, you were dead to me from the day you were born. You were born a dead man, like Benjamin Button but even worse, because you died as you lived and lived as you died: dead.

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Linguica said:

I wouldn't mind seeing someone try to make a "walking simulator" in Doom.

...Hm, now I'm comprehending a monster and weapon replacement mod that adds some wandering critters or randomized decoration and environment sounds and just allows you to stroll about enjoying a random level's architecture.

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Jaxxoon R said:

Do you think I care what you look like, or simply care about you at all? You're dead to me, you were dead to me from the day you were born. You were born a dead man, like Benjamin Button but even worse, because you died as you lived and lived as you died: dead.

Oh no, i'm dead .

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Linguica said:

I wouldn't mind seeing someone try to make a "walking simulator" in Doom.

Too far man, too far.

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Doomkid said:

That looks like a terrywad.. It SMELLS like one.. Yet, I love that ending. I think I'd actually rate this highly.

..I think I'm broken.

All is madness.

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