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Should you be able to get damaged during glory kills?


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Johnatone said:

Killed players drop armor shards; I believe this was true for GKs as well. Shit was pretty hectic. I almost always had a good chunk of armor anyway; unlike 90% of people I played against on PS4 I actually understand item management in the heat of the battle (MrDeAd did a good job of taking my megahealth though, lol).

Also, did they get a point even if the GK was cancelled out? I never got one when I was killed mid GK, and I don't remember seeing the enemy score go up when I saved my buddy from one. Seems like forever ago since I played, so sad they decided to skip the third alpha. (Also, not sure why people were celebrating having "called it" in regards to the cancelled third alpha. Like, you pessimistic cunts, some of us were really hoping for as much hands on time as possible and you're gloating about us getting denied. Lol)

We're gloating about FINALLY THE FREAKING BETA.. yeah it sucks there's no more Alphas but come on the games gotta come out sometime.

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