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Monster fights

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Did anyone catch anything about wheter or not monsters would fight among each other ?
I've always find it fun to make maps where u had to make them fight in order to survive.
Any Q&A or videos around that confirm that ?

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In the campaign trailer you can see a cacodemon kill an imp, also in the e3 gameplay you see an imp look at you and a former human to decide who to fight, in addition to that you see a revenant get pissed at both a specter and a hell knight. Monster infighting doesn't seem like it's instant, but it does seem that demons will grow more and more pissed at each others damage until they fight, that is just speculation though

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No one else likes to speculate about this topic?

I really hope that infights between demons reappear in the new Doom! It did added much to the universe in what you have played. Sure, on one hand the infights seem to be stupid. Why should your enemies kill yourself? But on the other hand it made all enemies appear so hatedriven against everything. It gave the gameplay / demons a lot of character. They just want to kill and the make no exceptions. And it also could be used in a strategic way too.

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