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I need to buy a candy van just so I can get it wrapped with the second cover.

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B ALL THE WAY! Honestly i don't like at all the option A, looks fan-made. But what's with the pinky floating mid air above Doomguy?

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Winged_Warrior said:

B ALL THE WAY! Honestly i don't like at all the option A, looks fan-made. But what's with the pinky floating mid air above Doomguy?

If you look past the logo, it appears to be part of a cliff formation resembling a hand and arm.

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I feel I can't really judge what type of game the new Doom is gonna be, but the first option looks very dark, I guess it would fit a game like Doom 64 or Quake which had very dark ambientation (dark colours and low illumination), but from what I can tell the new Doom uses bright colors.

The first option also lacks movement, making it seem like the game is kinda slow, like a horror game, I really think it doesn't do the game any justice.

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Job said:

If you look past the logo, it appears to be part of a cliff formation resembling a hand and arm.

It's based on This piece of art, which is concept art for the "Titan's Realm" -

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So fucking good, both of them. Is A cover hinting towards the final baddie? If the final boss is a titan Baphomet, my dream from childhood would come true.

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B it is for me...so awesome!

Also: Icon of Sin 100% confirmed, forget Olivia and Spider Mastermind. 100% confirmed, no discussion, m'kay?

;) ;) ;)

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Oh hell yes the second option is perfect! That is a WAY better cover than the shit we're currently getting! Option A is good too, but a little too dark considering the tone of the game is something more similar to option B.

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RUSH said:

Oh hell yes the second option is perfect! That is a WAY better cover than the shit we're currently getting! Option A is good too, but a little too dark considering the tone of the game is something more similar to option B.

True, but it would be a great Quake cover art.

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MrInternational said:

Nice and big thank you. This is now officially my new desktop wallpaper. Also you can now clearly see a new demon, he's on the left side just on top of the Barons head. He looks neat.

It is one of those unnamed Demon troopers that we see in the Hell video and one of the screen shots. It seems to act like a stronger/smarter version of a converted UAC Hell Soldier.

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Job said:

Very interesting. Was that just a good hunch on your part or is it quoted somewhere? It's awfully close to the reference you posted, so that must be it.

I instantly recognised it when i saw the artwork, tbh. The hand and skull are pretty much identical, just from a slightly different perspective.

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DooM_RO said:

True, but it would be a great Quake cover art.

It makes me wonder if maybe deeper into the game it gets darker :)

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Echoing what others said, option B needs to be the game's actual cover art. Reminiscent of the Doom 1 box art in the best way possible.

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I can't stress just how fucking badass and A C E this is. This legitimiately made my fucking afternoon and possibly my week holy fuck.

what I don't get is, if this, from what I understand, is a poll asking for what we want the main box cover art to be (well, what with B going to beat the shit out of A no doubt), what's keeping them from using the other option as the reverse cover? just split it into two promotional posters or turn them into shirts, whatever fits better. They literally ////CAN'T//// afford to lose the other if one out of both ends up winning.

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Almonds said:

I can't stress just how fucking badass and A C E this is. This legitimiately made my fucking afternoon and possibly my week holy fuck.

what I don't get is, if this, from what I understand, is a poll asking for what we want the main box cover art to be (well, what with B going to beat the shit out of A no doubt), what's keeping them from using the other option as the reverse cover? just split it into two promotional posters or turn them into shirts, whatever fits better. They literally ////CAN'T//// afford to lose the other if one out of both ends up winning.

It's a poll asking what we want as a reverse cover art I do believe

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yyyeah B would look baller as fuck as the reverse cover now that I'm actually paying attention to what I'm reading, lmfao sorry

downside would be that the backside of the box would probably end up splattered with 'ENGAGE THE FORCES OF HELL' alongside pictures and rating signatures and all that shit

but if we're talking MAIN cover, then I think A should win if only because it's INFINITELY better than the one we have now by lightyears and is visually more striking by far. On that matter, was it ever confirmed that the cyberdemon cover was the actual final one??

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I'd prefer original revenant version over any of those. But I voted for A.

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Doomkid said:

Either one is a HUGE improvement, smart move Bethesda! Love them both!

These are not replacements for the Doom Marine cover. These are designs for inside the sleeve, on the reverse.

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And here i thought the Pinky would be on his two back legs, and not all 4. Interesting redesign on it.

Now i think its a demented wolf-bear thing.

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someone edited it option B and compared it w/ the original

now a game wrapped in that... I would throw $60 at

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I'd say it's a safe bet that option B takes it :) Does suck that it's not replacing the actual cover art though.

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i just can't fucking believe they sat on that piece of art, yet never even thought about making it the actual cover art for the game? certainly they must have voted to choose one and some retards chose halo 5 guardians version.

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sleepii said:

i just can't fucking believe they sat on that piece of art, yet never even thought about making it the actual cover art for the game? certainly they must have voted to choose one and some retards chose halo 5 guardians version.

Maybe, I wonder what kind of games the new guys working at ID like and play.

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