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Stuff I noticed in the Multiplayer Trailer


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So just some things I would like to point out in the new Multiplayer trailer that particularly caught my eye and may or may not fuel my hype train.
Ill try to go through these things chronologically so if you watch the trailer you can follow along.
If youd like... Im not going to make you lol

First up, the gore. Yes!! Its in the multiplayer. I was a bit worried that bodies would vanish quickly or that the blood would be minimal (a la COD or BF).
This scene clearly has bodies (full or half), gibs and pools of blood all over the place telling the player a crazy battle took place. It also gives a quick glance at some of the armor customization. More on this later.

The next bit we get is a first look at some kind of energy wall. I do believe this sort of equipment mechanic was mentioned in the gameinformer articles along with few others that will come up in the trailer.

This quick look at the Vortex Rifle was super brief and I almost missed it. What I noticed here was that this particular Vortex Rifle is sporting a weapon skin. Definitely not the Grey/White variant we saw in the Alpha video.

Quickly after the player pops a shot off with the Vortex Rifle, he hops up a lift and switches to his shotgun. Now I noticed 3 things about this following setup. First, the shotgun is clearly the Grenade Launcher mod mentioned in GameInformer. Second, he has equipped a new piece of equipment (I cant remember the name of this device but it seems to show enemies through walls within a short radius). Third, this could very well be the Hell Armor included in the preorder bonus. I could be wrong though. A user here on the forums mentioned it looks alot like the Hayabusa armor from Halo and I completely agree.

Maybe its just me, but Im damn excited the Heavy Machinegun made it into Multiplayer.

Right after the machine gun, he swaps to his Rocket Launcher and makes his way to a portal. Its just a small detail thing, but this portal here has a different effect compared to the alpha version. Maybe an aesthetic change. I didnt see a problem with the old one. Oh well ! And the heck is this player dancing around the demon rune for ? Just pick it up !

Baron of Hell. Pretty self explanatory. Also, holograms! We've seen this game mechanic before, but I think its a nice diversion tool in what may be some hectic gunbattles. Then we get a new look at what Ive dubbed "Gauss Vision", the wallhack mechanic specific to the Gauss Cannon. Again, its different from its Alpha counterpart.

Now to wrap this up, we get a look at a new demon! Could be any of the ones named in the Alpha Leak, but Ill let you speculate as to what/who it may be.
*Edit: it's been announced that this demon is indeed the Prowler. While his full range of attacks or abilities have only been teased at this point, he certainly seems to be a lot of fun.
Also some Quad-Damage (the announcer... meh) and a new gun! What this laser spewing deathmachine is actually called is anyones guess. Looks mighty weird, but meh. Also a quick look at an outdoor section of a multiplayer map (or perhaps the whole level is outdoors...)

And we end with a Mancubus (the military variant weve seen in some concept art) forcibly having an armcannon shoved into his face. Beautiful !

Well thats it for my LENGTHY observations. If theres anything you may have spotted or wish to correct/add to this, feel free to do so !

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oh..the one that posted the hayabusa armor thing was me on the multiplayer trailer new post. The resemblance is disturbingly uncanny.

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Would be cool if there was a skin that looked EXACTLY like the original marine, like Mortal Kombat 9 did with the Wii skins.

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DooM_RO said:

Would be cool if there was a skin that looked EXACTLY like the original marine, like Mortal Kombat 9 did with the Wii skins.

I think you could customize the helment and armor...I mean look at the new cover on doom...It showed the doomguy with a somewhat white helmet and green armor.

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HellVain said:

I think you could customize the helment and armor...I mean look at the new cover on doom...It showed the doomguy with a somewhat white helmet and green armor.

I feel like the armor in the MP will differ from the SP though.

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daltontca said:

Now to wrap this up, we get a look at a new demon! Could be any of the ones named in the Alpha Leak ....

It's Prowler

EDIT : Mtf

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CreamCheese said:

OP the new demon is called the Prowler.. it was mentioned on their Social Media so NDA doesn't apply :)

Awesome thanks ! I'll see if I can edit the original post to reflect this :)

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HavoX said:

Heh, it looks like the Baron is going OM NOM NOM NOM on that poor marine.

He does haha, in the trailer i think the Baron is biting the player's head off.

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Baron of Hell-Omnomnom is confirmed via this trailer.

If only the uninterested Banker would make that sound during the animation...

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Nice thread.

Well, i heard lot of ppl comparing the new doom to halo. Well, remember that doom came 1993 and Halo 1999-2000. I think doom is doing its own thing, but with a modern touch.

I dont mind the narrative. Besides, i read somewhere that the new gun you see in the video is a lightning gun. I dont remember where i read it though. It sure could be.

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Great breakdown. I love the inclusion of blood and gore in multiplayer. Call of Duty: World at War had gore as well. That was the last CoD to feature gore. You could blow the legs off people with the shotgun in that game. Or take off limbs with the bazooka. Or stare at charred flesh after using the flamethrower. IT WAS GREAT! We need more of that in multiplayer these days. No more pandering to the supposed innocence of 10 year old kids!

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RUSH said:

Great breakdown. I love the inclusion of blood and gore in multiplayer. Call of Duty: World at War had gore as well. That was the last CoD to feature gore. You could blow the legs off people with the shotgun in that game. Or take off limbs with the bazooka. Or stare at charred flesh after using the flamethrower. IT WAS GREAT! We need more of that in multiplayer these days. No more pandering to the supposed innocence of 10 year old kids!

The over the top gore/gibbing in the multiplayer of the Treyarch CODs was removed because of Xbox360/PS3 technical limitations once they introduced the character model customization in BO1. Multiple models meant having to account for different bodyparts flying around instead of the generic Allies/Nazis ones in WaW. It had nothing to do with sanitizing it.

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Ahh interesting. Never thought of that. Thanks for the info. But even without flying gibs though they could still add blood, right?

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The gibbing/dismemberment stuff was brought back for Black Ops 3 since the character creation was semi-scrapped and replaced with a handful of predefined character models again (with a bunch of texture swaps).

For Doom I'd assume they don't have to worry about any of this partly because there's no last gen versions coming out.

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MrSkeltal said:

The gibbing/dismemberment stuff was brought back for Black Ops 3 since the character creation was semi-scrapped and replaced with a handful of predefined character models again (with a bunch of texture swaps).

For Doom I'd assume they don't have to worry about any of this partly because there's no last gen versions coming out.

I'm sure due to technical limitations the bodies will disappear over time, but I'm pretty id software put alot more emphasis on the gore than the 3 COD studios. It might just be that seeing gibs flying all over the place isn't the focus for COD. In either case it's absolutely welcome in Doom lol.

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daltontca said:

So just some things.....

Wasn't gore in alpha?
I'm pretty sure portal effect was simplified due to performance reasons on consoles..alpha portal defenately looks better.

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The pre-emptive sight of an enemy through a wall around the shotgun part is probably one of the hack modules at play, one-use consumable items.

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@up -whoa that's nice I was thinking I'm mad cause every time I watch this moment I hear alice in chain them bones and thinking about Barrels of fun :D

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