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LOL, alot of people are complaining on youtube about the armors...


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I went to youtube and checked out the comments just for the hell of it and it made me cringe at how they're starting to rant about how "generic" and "halo-ish" they look. I just can't believe how much they can bitch about a game. I mean Halo isn't that bad, sure the story has gone to shit over the years but it's still a nice game to play, the designs on their armor match how a space marine is supposed to look like due to fighting on another planet and the vacuum of space, what do they want? a guy wearing a flak jacket, combat pants, a backpack, and a helmet? Do they even realize that space marines are a common staple on sci-fi video games?

Is Halo really that bad now that it's being treated like CoD?

sorry for the rant...just wanted to let it out. I should've listened to AirRaid about youtube comments.

people say it looks halo but I think it's the other way around, Halo looks like DooM.

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It is Youtube. People complain about any and everything on Youtube. I think a lot of the complaints come from kids and young teens who don't know shit about Doom. Many are comparing Doomguy to Master Chief which is a complete joke. You can only be that stupid if you are basically 12 or something. And even at that age it's ridiculous. Master Chief is almost a 100% carbon copy ripoff of Doomguy. Oh the irony.

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DooM_RO said:

I care. I want this game to be successful.

the term "successful" when you say it is subjective. Everyone has their own opinion on how the game should be.

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ID and Bethesda might be doing this to lure Halo players to play this "Gorier and cooler Halo" and get more sales.

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Winged_Warrior said:

ID and Bethesda might be doing this to lure Halo players to play this "Gorier and cooler Halo" and get more sales.

might be a good idea...maybe make them realize what FPS used to be.

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DooM_RO said:

I care. I want this game to be successful.

I also want the new Doom to be successful, but Youtube comments have nearly no correlation to a successful game title. You might mention things like Steam reviews or later on Metacritic score, but Youtube never was, and never will be a gauge of how successfull a game is or will be. I would go as far and say that Youtube comments is the lowest "sink" when you go through the ranks of dedicated gaming forums, reddit, somethingawful, 4chan and way deeper you arive at the level of Youtube comments, where you have to shield your own brain from not getting permanently hurt (and thus getting dumber) when reading them...

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Winged_Warrior said:

ID and Bethesda might be doing this to lure Halo players to play this "Gorier and cooler Halo" and get more sales.

Is Halo good? Never played it.

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DooM_RO said:

Is Halo good? Never played it.

Yes, It's a cool game itself. 1-3 were awesome...4..is..mediocre and 5..well 5 is just kind of dumb.

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There are ways to make the armors look more Doomish, I mean make them in such a way that they can be associated with Doom instead of Halo or Toxikk.

Like I've stated before I know what would give these armours a Doom touch and that would be replacing the blue armors with green armors because green is a more representative color for this game, I can't really think any other way than that, but there are probably more ways to do this. In my opinion this would help the game stand out more and build a better identity of it's own, this is what every game should aim for.

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HellVain said:

Yes, It's a cool game itself. 1-3 were awesome...4..is..mediocre and 5..well 5 is just kind of dumb.

The only thing I didn't like about halo 5 was the campaign, that sucked. Everything else was awesome

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Marnetmar said:

Neo-Doom looks like Halo because there are former Bungie employees on the art team.

The MP is also being co-made by Certain Affinity , which also co-developed MP modes for Halo games and some COD games , so , there's that .

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Well, the armors do look generic.
That's not id's nor Doom's fault, there's so many space marine FPS games out there that its impossible not to look generic without changing the entire setting, which would be beside the point of what Doom is.
Warhammer is the only game/franchise where the space marine armor looks different than all the others.

Xerge said:

There are ways to make the armors look more Doomish, I mean make them in such a way that they can be associated with Doom instead of Halo or Toxikk.

Like I've stated before I know what would give these armours a Doom touch and that would be replacing the blue armors with green armors because green is a more representative color for this game, I can't really think any other way than that, but there are probably more ways to do this. In my opinion this would help the game stand out more and build a better identity of it's own, this is what every game should aim for.

Master Chief's armor is green, so that would only fuel things further.

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wheresthebeef said:

Master Chief's armor is green, so that would only fuel things further.

The point is making MP teams look different with a more representative color instead of using the same team colors that are being used in other MP games, I mean using a brighter green than Master Chief's, like the one in the original Doom. Besides there's no "green team" in Halo is there? That would give the game its own look in MP and make it stand out. Armours already look similar you might at least change team colours to give MP it's own personality.

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Xerge said:

The point is making MP look different with a more representative color instead of using the same colors that are being used in other MP games, I mean using a brighter green than Master Chief's, like the one in the original Doom. There's no "green team" in Halo is there? That would make the game his own look in MP.

People are already saying its like Halo, having green space marines with helmets, no matter the tint, will only make people mimic about it more.
I understand where you're coming from, and I find it odd the team colors are blue and white, but it is what it is. Green space marine armor automatically equals Master Chief, even though Doom Guy was first

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wheresthebeef said:

Green space marine armor automatically equals Master Chief

The thing is Doomguy already looks similar to masterchief, I mean the single player campaign already looks similar to Halo in one aspect, however they still have the option to at least make MP appearance stand out and look different than Halo's MP to help build the game's personality, yeah I know the armors look similar but hey at least there's a green team here.

I think you are wrong, the fact that they've used a Blue team aswell just makes the whole game more similar to Halo in more aspects, because there's also a blue team in Halo MP. Besides Doom is totally justified to use a green team, I can't say the same for a blue team, and those reasons help to justify it's appearance to anyone.

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There are three different kinds of people, dicks, pussies, and assholes.

It's not the people saying the armor looks like Halo, in a way they're right... it's generic space marine armor. Dicks.

But there are people saying the GAME looks like Halo, BECAUSE of the armor. These people are stupid. They fail to understand what actually makes a video game unique. Assholes.

Then there are just the ignorant people that think Halo is the grandfather of arena shooters or w.e they're thinking. Those people just need to be educated. Pussies.

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Xerge said:

The thing is Doomguy already looks similar to masterchief, I mean the single player campaign already looks similar to Halo in one aspect, however they still have the option to at least make MP appearance stand out and look different than Halo's MP to help build the game's personality, yeah I know the armors look similar but hey at least there's a green team here.

I think you are wrong, the fact that they've used a Blue team aswell just makes the whole game more similar to Halo in more aspects, because there's also a blue team in Halo MP. Besides Doom is totally justified to use a green team, I can't say the same for a blue team, and those reasons help to justify it's appearance to anyone.

I was going to stop posting, but I see you edited your post to say that now I'm apparently wrong.
Sorry to break it to you, but green space marine armor in the general gamer's eye means Master Chief, plain and simple. The older gamer will say the Doom marine, but thats no longer the general consensus.
Making the multiplayer skins look even more like Master Chief doesn't help at all when there is already misconception that the armor resembles Halo right now. Making them blue doesn't make it more like Halo, because damn near every FPS game uses Blue vs Red for team modes; oddly, instead of a Red team, it is now a White team.
I'm not saying I wouldn't like other team colors, nor am I saying Doom wouldn't be justified to have a green team; my favorite fix for this has always been to let players choose what their team and the opponent team's colors look like for every match (so no matter what, you and your teammates are always whatever color you pick, the enemy is always red or whatever you pick, etc etc) however making a team all green will just make the kids scream how much more its just like Master Chief. And thats unfortunate.
I don't know about you, but I grew up in the 90s and Doom, Duke, Outlaws, and Goldeneye was my shit. When Halo came out, console gaming boomed, and the vast majority of people attribute green space marine to Halo now because it was their first big videogame. I wish that wasn't the case, but it is. Everything space marine/sci fi FPS related will be compared to Halo now.

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The Xbox 360 was pretty good.... Halo was good up to 3 IMHO. AFter 3 it went downhill from there.

Now Halo 5 is just a terrible COD ripoff, don't even bother with it or the Xbox One.

It's worth it more to invest in a PS4 + Doom (2016).

After all IMHO, Doom 2016 is way better. Besides, Doom is better than Halo and always will be better than Halo.

Those immature 12-year olds don't even know what Doom is. Doom is love, Doom is life, Doom is fucking awesome, and those COD kiddies can go back to eating their Doritos, drinking Mountain Dew, and forking out $120 total just to get the complete game, because the company hates them so much they have to cut out an entire half of the game and sell it as DLC.

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wheresthebeef said:

Making them blue doesn't make it more like Halo

Yes it does, you don't seem to understand that this is a matter of visual identity, this includes the overall appearance of the games, Halo's visual identity includes SP: Green marine, MP: Blue and red teams.

wheresthebeef said:

green space marine armor in the general gamer's eye means Master Chief, plain and simple.

Yeah, green space marine armor is associated to Master Chief, does this mean they should change Doomguy from green to some other color? No, right? You know why not? Because that's a representative color for Doomguy and Doom, using it for MP helps make MP appearance more distinctive from Halo and other sci fi shooters thus making Doom's visual identity more distinctive from Halo and other sci-fi shooters, why? Because Halo and other modern sci fi shooters aren't using a green team in MP, it's really as simple as that, so if someone sees a green team in a sci fi shooter on screen they would easily recognize it's Doom thus helping the game build it's OWN distinctive visual identity which eventually gives the game more personality.

Anyway I'm actually thinking the guys at Bethesda want this game to look similar to Halo in every aspect they can to attract Halo fans (hey kids, look this way we have a green dude and a blue team this looks just like the game you love, we now got your attention keep watching and if you like it go buy the game), they seem to be more interested in that than in giving MP a more dinstictive appearance and bulding a more distinctive visual identity for the game, but I don't think it's really neccesary to copy aspects of Halo's visual identity to achieve that.

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Touchdown said:

Wow, a futuristic armor looks like another futuristic armor. Unbelievable.

This is truly a fascinating topic which we can only hope is discussed for many years to come

They're all dirty ripoffs of of Aldrin and Armstrong, the original OG space marines

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They could have give them exposed arms and maybe even exposed parts of the face to stand out among modern sci-fi games (dont get me started with "exposed skin in Mars and Hell doesnt make sense") because we are talking about multiplayer. But nope, they just had to go and start a Doom vs Halo drama.

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