purist Posted March 12, 2016 Not officially recognised as official by any official officials. Pick a monster from any map of any IWAD or PWAD, identify them with the THING number, and name them. The monster will now be forever known by the name you chose by everyone who credits this silly thread with any modicum of authority. You only get to pick one so choose carefully. I will start with my own choice: doom2.wad MAP30 T14. The revenant who is the solitary demon guarding the Icon of Sin and brave last line of defence. I've picked him because after 29 levels of slain hell spawn he is the only guy to show for the final before the Baphomet begins spawning reinforcements. From this point forward he shall be known as Neville. Or Nev the Rev for short. Over to the rest of you. Monsters need names too. REGISTER DOOM.WAD E1M1 T8 = Calvin the Imp (named by Shanoa) DOOM.WAD E1M1 T9 = Hobbes the Imp DOOM.WAD E1M1 T63 = Brian Bingo Bogglesnork (named by Six) DOOM.WAD E1M1 T88 = Romero Jr (named by DoomzRules) DOOM.WAD E1M1 T92-PSX = Zombie Fat Daniel (named by BaronOfStuff) DOOM.WAD E1M1 T103 = Sergeant Douchebag Dylan (named by Dylan) DOOM.WAD E1M1 T109 = Sergeant Sneaky Snake-y (named by Scifista42) DOOM.WAD E1M2 T10 = Zombie Scwupp (named by bzzrak) DOOM.WAD E1M8 T58 = Baron Fedor (named by Pseudogold) DOOM.WAD E2M1 T7 = Zombie Philippe (named by HeartstringsStudio) DOOM.WAD E2M1 T125 = Steve the Cacodemon (named by Super Flip) DOOM.WAD E2M2 T77 = "Wrong Floor" Richie the Imp (named by Royal_Sir} DOOM.WAD E2M5 T11 = Baron Dwight (named by ASD) DOOM.WAD E2M7 T37 = Pet Pinky the Demon (named by savagegrant) DOOM.WAD E2M7 T66 = Tom the Imp (named by thesecondcomingdoom) DOOM.WAD E2M8 T19 = Swarley the Cyberdemon (named by The_Trigger) DOOM.WAD E3M6 T9 = Sergeant Jeremy (named by Mattfrie1) DOOM.WAD E3M6 T193 = Sergeant Martin "Reverend" Ramirez (Royal_Sir) DOOM.WAD E3M8 T5 = Lucy the Spiderdemon (named by Shanoa) DOOM.WAD E4M2 T106 = Jacko the Cacodemon (named by wheresthebeef) DOOM.WAD E4M6 T90 = Larry the Cyberdemon (named by Nirvana) DOOM2.WAD MAP01 T6 = Zombie Bob (named by Doomkid) DOOM2.WAD MAP01 T7 = Zombie Lenny Goodsman (named by Clonehunter) DOOM2.WAD MAP02 T9 = Sergeant Sleepy Stevie (named by VGA) DOOM2.WAD MAP02 T10 = Zombie Cory (named by JudgeDeadd) DOOM2.WAD MAP02 T85 = Sergeant Bad Man Gary (named by mrthejoshmon) DOOM2.WAD MAP03 T28 = Alabama Thunderpants the Imp (named by TraceOfSpades) DOOM2.WAD MAP05 T131 = Conrad the Cacodemon (named by Thrasher9000) DOOM2.WAD MAP05 T186 = Sir Jim the Hell Knight (named by nxGangrel) DOOM2.WAD MAP06 T46 = Zarblax the Uncrushable Spiderdemon (named by Xaser) DOOM2.WAD MAP07 T27 = Pinky the Mancubus (named by Fraggle) DOOM2.WAD MAP07 T25 = Blinky the Mancubus DOOM2.WAD MAP07 T23 = Inky the Mancubus DOOM2.WAD MAP07 T26 = Clyde the Mancubus DOOM2.WAD MAP09 T4 = Mobius the Mancubus (named by Combinebobnt) DOOM2.WAD MAP11 T29 = Anna the Arch-Vile (named by antares031) DOOM2.WAD MAP11 T124 = Commando Jerry (named by Joe-ilya) DOOM2.WAD MAP11 T215 = Francis the Arachnotron (named by SFoZ911) DOOM2.WAD MAP18 T149 = Sir Henry the Hell Knight (named by Joe-ilya) DOOM2.WAD MAP20 T4 = Bob the Cyberdemon (named by SuperLuigieth1) DOOM2.WAD MAP20 T17 = Franky the Spiderdemon (named by MetroidJunkie) DOOM2.WAD MAP23 T52 = Abnegado the Mancubus (named by Raymoohawk) DOOM2.WAD MAP25 T66 = Reggie "the Retard" Jones the Revenant (named by HorrorMovieGuy) DOOM2.WAD MAP27 T222 = Barney the Arch-Vile (named by AD_79) DOOM2.WAD MAP29 T82 = Lonely Alex the Cyberdemon (named by gaspe) DOOM2.WAD MAP30 T1 = Wally the Icon of Sin (named by Ichor) DOOM2.WAD MAP30 T14 = Neville the Revenant (named by purist) DOOM2.WAD MAP31 T242 = SS-Scharfuhrer Bernhard (named by Looper) TNT.WAD MAP12 T202 = Dropslick the Arachnotron (Getsu Fune) PLUTONIA.WAD MAP01 T25 = Commando Welcomewagon (named by dethtoll) BTSX_E1.WAD MAP20 T240 = Zombie Larry (named by Dew) Try again JBR, Hoodie, Pegg, ChekaAgent - that's not a name, it's a description. Piper Maru, WildWeasel - someone beat you to it Gez - that's not a monster Scifista42 - I'll need the thing number as I don't have the WAD 0 Share this post Link to post
AD_79 Posted March 12, 2016 archvile in front of the exit door on d2map27 is Barney 1 Share this post Link to post
joe-ilya Posted March 12, 2016 The stuck spectre bunch in MAP17 behind the red door are called 'the invisible jam'. 0 Share this post Link to post
purist Posted March 12, 2016 On 3/12/2016 at 5:59 PM, AD_79 said: archvile in front of the exit door on d2map27 is Barney Expand Is he the one that opens the yellow door from the inside? I was hoping someone would pick him. He certainly deserves a name for services to speedrunning. EDIT: Joe is this your way or evading my limit of naming one monster only? 0 Share this post Link to post
Yugiboy85 Posted March 12, 2016 T19, e2m8. The cyberdemon. He shall now be called "swarley". 0 Share this post Link to post
Doomkid Posted March 12, 2016 The Zombieman nearest to the start point in Entryway is named Bob, thing id B08. Him and his pal (whose name currently eludes me) are just having a lovely conversation about the benefits of triangular stairs, then before they know what's happened, Doomguy is sawing them in the back. What a heartless bastard! 0 Share this post Link to post
Pencil of Doom Posted March 12, 2016 The Revenant when he first appears in Map06 of D2, i call him Agitated Rocketeer Punching Skeleton. As for thing id, i dunno, so t6 or whatever. 0 Share this post Link to post
purist Posted March 12, 2016 Thing number doesn't really matter as long as it's obvious which monster you're talking about. 0 Share this post Link to post
dew Posted March 12, 2016 Meet Larry, t. 240 in BTSX e1m20. Not even getting zombified by Hell could keep Larry from going back to work and perform his duty. Larry may not be the smartest guy in the galaxy, especially after becoming an unholy walking cadaver, but he's a stand-up guy with a heart rotting in the right place. Fun fact: you don't need to kill Larry to max the map. In fact, you're kind of an asshole if you do. 1 Share this post Link to post
Clonehunter Posted March 12, 2016 In that case: Doom II: Map 01: Starting Room: Zombie on the left: Lenny Goodsman. He was an average soldier for Earth with a wife and kids before he became a zombie. It's theorized that he ate his wife and kids after becoming a zombie, but there's no solid evidence. 0 Share this post Link to post
VGA Posted March 12, 2016 In MAP02 the sergeant that is blind is called Stevie. He lost his sight after a Mancubus farted near him, it's a ... wonder he survived at all. 0 Share this post Link to post
purist Posted March 12, 2016 Is Stevie the guy who got trapped when the Underhalls were moved? Not just trapped but trapped right next to an explosive barrel. Poor guy, I'm glad he was remembered. 0 Share this post Link to post
kuchitsu Posted March 12, 2016 Suddenly I'm reminded of Tommy the Trooper. 0 Share this post Link to post
dew Posted March 12, 2016 On 3/12/2016 at 7:34 PM, purist said: Is Stevie the guy who got trapped when the Underhalls were moved? Not just trapped but trapped right next to an explosive barrel. Poor guy, I'm glad he was remembered. Expand Nope, he's the guy guarding the switch next to the RK bars. According to the Holy Doom Canon he's sleepwalking rather than blind, because he does go after you once woken up rudely. 0 Share this post Link to post
purist Posted March 12, 2016 Ah sleepy Steve! I remember him. Maybe someone else can name the trapped guy. 0 Share this post Link to post
Gez Posted March 12, 2016 Hexen MAP01, thing 185. The pottery. Well, not the pottery itself, but the owl that's inside, it's Ollie the Owl. Yes there's an owl inside the pottery. Don't break it and listen to it. 1 Share this post Link to post
Hoodie Posted March 12, 2016 The imp in the small cage on MAP01 is called "really really dumb" like how did he even get in there amirite wait how do i do this 0 Share this post Link to post
joe-ilya Posted March 12, 2016 On 3/12/2016 at 6:16 PM, purist said: EDIT: Joe is this your way or evading my limit of naming one monster only? Expand It's one monster if you don't kill any of them. 0 Share this post Link to post
mrthejoshmon Posted March 12, 2016 On 3/12/2016 at 8:12 PM, purist said: Maybe someone else can name the trapped guy. Expand Bad Man Gary. 0 Share this post Link to post
nxGangrel Posted March 12, 2016 The zombie on the right in the starting room of Map 01 of Doom2 is Zim Zum the Zombie. The first Hell knight you encounter in map 05(UV) is Jim the knight. 0 Share this post Link to post
Cruduxy Pegg Posted March 12, 2016 The baron in living end that teleports around the wood room shall be called.. Idk mean fucker who taught mappers to do same with archviles and revs. 0 Share this post Link to post
purist Posted March 12, 2016 On 3/12/2016 at 9:53 PM, nxGangrel said: The zombie on the right in the starting room of Map 01 of Doom2 is Zim Zum the Zombie. The first Hell knight you encounter in map 05(UV) is Jim the knight. Expand You can have Jim. The other guys are already named Bob and Lenny. 0 Share this post Link to post
joe-ilya Posted March 12, 2016 The head on the spike behind icon of sin is named Adrian Carmack. 0 Share this post Link to post
AD_79 Posted March 12, 2016 On 3/12/2016 at 10:09 PM, joe-ilya said: The head on the spike behind icon of sin is named Adrian Carmack. Expand doesn't count towards kills, not a monster. sorry, try again! 0 Share this post Link to post
purist Posted March 12, 2016 Actually, don't try again - you had your go with the spectre jelly! 0 Share this post Link to post
dew Posted March 12, 2016 purist, you should put the decisions in the OP so people don't do the same monsters again and joe doesn't sneak in more names, hah. 0 Share this post Link to post
Superluigieth1 Posted March 12, 2016 The four Mancubi on d2map07 are called "The Four Mancubi Gruff", and the aracnotrons on the same map are called "Spiderdemon's army" 0 Share this post Link to post
esselfortium Posted March 12, 2016 On 3/12/2016 at 11:41 PM, Superluigieth1 said: The four Mancubi on d2map07 are called "The Four Mancubi Gruff", and the aracnotrons on the same map are called "Spiderdemon's army" Expand On 3/12/2016 at 5:52 PM, purist said: You only get to pick one so choose carefully. Expand 0 Share this post Link to post
Mattfrie1 Posted March 13, 2016 This is Jeremy, Shotgun Guy at the beginning of E3M6. Jeremy was always getting stuck outside on the watch-this-month-old-corpse-quiver-on-a-stick shift. It was the crappiest job in the whole precinct, and Jeremy always seemed to draw the short straw. This was the 4th time this week Jeremy got stuck out there to watch the poor bastard just flail around on that spike, but this was hell after all, and that son of a bitch was sentenced to eternity to just simply quiver on that stick. Jeremy was deep in angry thought watching good ole' stickman, he was gonna barge into the main office and have it out with the captain (that's the Baron inside). In fact, Jeremy is so deep in thought that he doesn't hear Doomguy teleport in behind him. So give Jeremy a break the next time you're at E3M6, at least let him know you are coming. He at least wants a chance to prove to the whole precinct that he can be a good hellspawn cop too before you blast him into the great beyond. P.S. Glad to see this story was good enough for the doom_txt twitter account. :) 1 Share this post Link to post
SFoZ911 Posted March 13, 2016 I think I'll name the arachnotron guarding the exit switch on "O' of Destruction" Francis. No particular reason, just because I can(I think)and because he looks to me like someone who would be named Francis. 1 Share this post Link to post
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