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Duke 3D to Doom?

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There have been a number of ports of Duke Nukem 3D to the Doom engine over the years. I've never tried any of then, but which ones are the best ones out there?

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Death Egg said:

There have been a number of ports of Duke Nukem 3D to the Doom engine over the years. I've never tried any of then, but which ones are the best ones out there?

Do you mean the actual game, the maps? Or just the guns, music etc?

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VGA said:

Do you mean the actual game, the maps? Or just the guns, music etc?

I meant the game itself.I'm surprised no one has taken advantage of the fact zdoom can (could?) load maps from it, though I don't know how well that feature actually functioned.

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I know of the recent Duke themed weapon mod for 3DGE called Duke It Out In Doom, and there's a ZDoom one in the works called Duke Ain't Doomed.

For actually porting the Duke 3D game to a Doom source port, why not just play the eDuke32 source port for that?

Outside of technical curiosity, just curious what the purpose of porting all of the Duke 3D game to zDoom would be. Recreating monsters behavior, etc. And the engine itself having lots of differences, all the scripting, etc.

For example, every single map would take so long to recreate working in ZDoom, even without taking monsters into account. Duke has lots of specific scripting, stuff like geometry that you can script to explode reshaping the level, cracks in walls that explode open, all sorts of stuff. It has tricks like elevators that can teleport you to another sector, etc just lots of stuff.

If a 1:1 recreation is even possible in ZDoom, it would take a whole lot of work.

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The biggest benefit that comes to mind is the ability to play through Duke with the loads of weapon mods the ZDoom community has to offer, and making mods for it would be easier (I think, I haven't done a Build mods before)

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Duke3D mods I know about:
Duke Nukem 3D Saturn Weapons and Monsters Mod for ZDOOM
Duke Nukem Three-Dee by Voltock
Duke It Out In Doom
Duke Nukem Weapons & Enemies Mod by Xim
Duke Nukem mod by ceejay
Duke Nukem-esque gameplay mod

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