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The Impressive Arsenal in DOOM


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After the epic multiplayer trailer days ago, I felt about looking about the weapons avaible in Doom. AND BOY THERE'S A LOT OF THEM. EVEN MORE IN MULTIPLAYER.
So I decided to compile a list of all the known guns in DOOM, where they appear, and what they do. I will also try to put the weapon mods shown on the guns each trailer/article. Cause I like to lists things...
Now this list will be incomplete, since I don't know all the guns by name. This list will also be inaccurate. So I will make edits when necessary.

=Pistol: (Shown in Gameinformer article. Singleplayer?) The basic lame-ass pistol. Probably will be the first gun you'll use in the campaign. As effective as a minigun shooting at 1 bullet every second.


=Shotgun: (Shown since E3 trailer. Single/multiplayer) The good ol' boomstick. Able to spew out pellets of pain at a fast rate. Best for any occasion.
+Charge Burst: (E3 Trailer) A triple loading mod, that allows the shotgun to unload 3 shots much more quickly.
++?: A grenade attachment mod that shoots an arcing explosion. (unconfirmed)

=Heavy Machine Gun: (E3 Trailer. Single/Multi) A big-ass gun that spews out bullets much faster than the pistol.
++Tactical Scope: (E3 Trailer) A scope mod on a HMG apparently makes it shoot more accurately. Whatever works.
++Micro Missiles: (E3 Trailer) A mod that gives the HMG miniature missiles to pop some demons. Bullets just ain't enough

=SUPER Shotgun: (E3 Trailer. Single/Multi)The big-ol shotgun we all know and love. Unloading with TWICE the firepower of the basic Shotgun, this beast of a gun will shred any demon up close.

=Chainsaw: (E3 Trailer. Single) Use for trees. HA! Why not on demons??? Ripping through enemies like blood filled pinatas, this appliance can kill close targets insanely quickly and cinematically!
++Super Chainsaw: Not much is known about this mod. May be what causes the cinematic kills. (unconfirmed)

=Chaingun: (E3 Trailer. Single/Multi?) The big and massive bullet guzzler, this launches out bullet even quicker than the Heavy Machine Gun. In case you really need a bastard dead.
++Triple Barrel?: (Campaign Trailer) This minigun mod opens to 3 different barrels, and unloads bullet EVEN FASTER, at the cost of speed. Good trade, i say!

=Rocket Launcher: (E3 Trailer. Single/Multi) Lobbing rockets like no tomorrow, this badboy is a great crowd pleaser for any bunched up enemies. Or for just one big one.
++Remote Detonation: (Gameinformer) This mod allows the rockets to be detonated in midair.

=Plasma Rifle: (E3 Trailer. Single/Multi) The plasma-charged assault rifle returns, with a more sleek look, but still the same effectiveness.
++Stun Shot: (E3 Trailer) A weapon mod that causes stun, i guess. Easier glory kills?
++Heat Blast: (Multiplayer trailer) A mod that lobs an eletrical ball of fire to explode anyone unfortunate enough in the way.

=BFG: (E3 Trailer. Single) Big. Fucking. Gun. Not enough description? Well here's one: it's big.

=Repeater: (Alpha Mutliplayer Trailer. Multi) A rifle that fires in three short bursts. Can zoom in and fire in single bursts as well.

=Static Cannon: (Alpha Multiplayer Trailer. Multi) A special red-laser cannon that fires a red line of energy. The shot can only charges while on the move, and will lose charge if you remain stationary. Can also zoom in. It's a gun for the athletic ones!

=Gauss Cannon: (Alpha Multiplayer Trailer. Single/Multi) A large beast of a weapon, that fires a scoped huge beam, or an explosive ball of energy. Great on causing maximum agony.

=Vortex Rifle: (Alpha Multiplayer Trailer. Multi) A sniper rifle of sorts for those who favor attacks from a distance. Also zoomable (Duh.) and apparently chargeable while in zoom!! Just don't stand still so long. Shotguns on the prowl...=???: (Multiplayer Trailer. Multi) A weird looking blue gun that fired a stream of laser, seen at the end of the trailer. Not much information on that weapon.

That's it for now! Let's hope there will be more!

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The pistol apparently is more of a handcannon, best used for accurate weakpoint / headshots to give it a good place in the early game. And the burst-firing rifle is apparently called the Repeater.

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I cant wait to use the Super Shotgun. Since Doom 2 it is, at least for me, the most iconic weapon i have ever used in a shooter. Maybe you think its nitpicking but the SSG in the new Wolfenstein was so stupid because of the repeatinglever on the side. Those are two completely different systems. The leaver on the side was as piontless as training wheels on a car. I learned the job as a gun engraver and they teached us such technical stuff too. Maybe thats the reason why it annoys me so much. But the SSG in Doom 2016 looks fantastic.

I also apreciate that they dont made a chainsaw with 3" long teeth on it. And it seems that its the first game that dont spoiled the chainsaw with a hilarious sound. This thing appears to be massive fun.

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Potatoguy said:

=Assault Rifle??: (Alpha Mutliplayer Trailer. Multi) A rifle that fires in three short bursts. Not much else.
=Static Cannon: (Alpha Multiplayer Trailer. Multi) A red-laser cannon that fires a red line of energy.

That's it for now! Let's hope there will be more!

The Repeater fires a three round burst as its primary; secondary zooms in and changes to single shot.

The Static Cannon has zoom as a secondary feature.

One your forgot from the alpha is the Vortex rifle, which zooms in and charges up to maximum damage with the secondary fire.

Personally I say fuck sniper rifles in any shooter that isn't Battlefield, ARMA or something similar. Pansy ass no skill camping noob fucks, get good and get in the goddamn game.

And on that note, fuck you DICE for making DMR a weapon choice for every class. Last thing we needed was pussy no skill noobs running around with those those things. Ugh.

Sorry, carry on. :D

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Camping with the sniper in this game puts a giant laser where you are pointing that is basically a "KICK ME!" sign.

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You'll be happy to find out the the "Sniper" type weapons in this game are totally useless, then. :P Vortex rifle in the Alpha was bad because if you tried to use it standing still you died. And you cant use it effectively while moving.

++Triple Barrel?: (Campaign Trailer) This minigun mod opens to 3 different barrels, and unloads bullet EVEN FASTER.

This is at the expense of player speed. You move slower while using this.

Oh and I edited your post slightly to make it easier to distinguish weapons from mods. It was a hell of a wall of text.

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AirRaid said:

You'll be happy to find out the the "Sniper" type weapons in this game are totally useless, then. :P Vortex rifle in the Alpha was bad because if you tried to use it standing still you died. And you cant use it effectively while moving.

This is at the expense of player speed. You move slower while using this.

Oh and I edited your post slightly to make it easier to distinguish weapons from mods. It was a hell of a wall of text.

It's not useless. You can use it like a Quake 3 Railgun that does less damage because you don't have to zoom to hit something like with other snipers.

My standard loadout was a Vortex Rifle to soften the enemy up and an SSG to finish them off. Also you don't have to fully charge it. Every bit of charge increases the damage.

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Yeah but there were better weapons than the vortex rifle to do that with, even in the Alpha where all the weapons weren't present.

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DooM_RO said:

My standard loadout was a Vortex Rifle to soften the enemy up and an SSG to finish them off. Also you don't have to fully charge it. Every bit of charge increases the damage.

I would run around with the static canon and use the ssg to finish them off, worked every time.

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Same, I basically went every other game with either SC/SSG and PR/SSG. The Static Cannon is actually perfect for this game because it keeps you in motion and it's actually pretty good up close too since a lot of battles turned into little duel circle strafe fests.

And yup, the Vortex rifle was pretty useless; there were a few assholes camping with it and they didn't last long. The SC was a pretty good counter to it; damage them and keep them moving to throw off their aim while you close the distance.

Overall I found the rocket launcher kind of underwhelming and useless. They need to kick the damage up a notch IMO.

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So the Static cannon, the Vortex rifle and the Gauss cannon are pretty much like a railgun right?

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DMGUYDZ64 said:


3 Assault Rifles (the Repeater Battle-Rifle, Plasma Rifle and the Machine Gun)
3 Rail-Guns

As long as they all behave different its fine but one of the things I dislike about MMS is how same-same a lot of the guns can be.

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Johnatone said:

Same, I basically went every other game with either SC/SSG and PR/SSG. The Static Cannon is actually perfect for this game because it keeps you in motion and it's actually pretty good up close too since a lot of battles turned into little duel circle strafe fests.

And yup, the Vortex rifle was pretty useless; there were a few assholes camping with it and they didn't last long. The SC was a pretty good counter to it; damage them and keep them moving to throw off their aim while you close the distance.

Overall I found the rocket launcher kind of underwhelming and useless. They need to kick the damage up a notch IMO.

Sounds like the SSG is OverPowered tbh.. Maybe some guns need a buff or it needs a nerf.

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CreamCheese said:

Sounds like the SSG is OverPowered tbh.. Maybe some guns need a buff or it needs a nerf.

Well it is Doom. And I'd love love love an overpowered shotty in a modern game. They always have a range of about 5 feet (The Division is especially bad about that). I'm sure there will be plenty of situations where a bit of range like say the Machine Gun would be preferable in the exchange.

And if the game ends up being mostly people dueling with the super shotty? That sounds like the best game in years! Sure beats getting picked off by somebody who is three pixels tall they're so far away.

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CreamCheese said:

Sounds like the SSG is OverPowered tbh.. Maybe some guns need a buff or it needs a nerf.

It's really not though, because it's effective range is so short. You gotta get right up to someone to deal a lot of damage.

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AirRaid said:

It's really not though, because it's effective range is so short. You gotta get right up to someone to deal a lot of damage.

Would you say the guns (besides of course Demon Runes and BFG/Gauss) are overpowered.

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The Gauss rifle is hilariously powerful but it only spawns when a demon is active. It's an Anti-Demon weapon.

The rest have a decent balance, though a couple (like the repeater) felt a bit weak.

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HellVain said:

It's already a given that a weapon named "Gauss rifle" is OP.

I think the bfg, gauss rifle and demon runes should be removed in competitive game modes, they are find for anything else.

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I think all gravity should be removed for competition modes, so players jump and fly into the ceiling or sky and get stuck forever.

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Jaxxoon R said:

I think all gravity should be removed for competition modes, so players jump and fly into the ceiling or sky and get stuck forever.

Lets try to be a little more polite thank ?

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CreamCheese said:

I think the bfg, gauss rifle and demon runes should be removed in competitive game modes, they are find for anything else.

That would ruin the arena experience. Quake 3 had the BFG 10k, Railgun, and consumable items on competitive maps. Without those things, It would feel bland.

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CreamCheese said:

3 Assault Rifles (the Repeater Battle-Rifle, Plasma Rifle and the Machine Gun)
3 Rail-Guns

As long as they all behave different its fine but one of the things I dislike about MMS is how same-same a lot of the guns can be.

There's another weapon which seems to be another railgun that appears on the latest trailer.

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CreamCheese said:

Sounds like the SSG is OverPowered tbh.. Maybe some guns need a buff or it needs a nerf.

It really isn't as you've got to be close, you have to aim pretty accurately and if your opponent actually understands resource management the armor really does help. Thankfully most of these young kids don't know shit about pickups.

As far as balancing, nerfing and buffing goes I'm kind of sick to death of that shit in games. What sets Doom apart is the weapons were balanced for SP; MP was an afterthought and so they behave exactly the same. Changing the dynamics of a weapon for MP to make a fair playing field for all the crybabies ruins online play IMO.

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HellVain said:

Quake 3 had the BFG 10k, Railgun, and consumable items on competitive maps.

Quake 3 Arena never had the BFG in competitive maps.

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