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Baron of Hell - some speculation about his combat in the new doom

Moon Marin

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I was watching the new doom multiplayer trailer and the PoV of the baron's combat made me think of a possible insight into how the new baron will actually fight.

So far in officially released content (the campaign and multiplayer trailer) we only see the baron of hell executing two types of attacks, very briefly in the campaign trailer the signature green balls of fire/plasma in the backround, and at the end of the trailer when he leaps onto doomguy and executes him. In the multplayer trailer all the footage of the baron is him ripping apart/killing the marines in a single gory attack.

Based on how they are showing off his combat, compared to say the revenant, mancubus or other monsters, there is a lot of emphasis on the baron's melee attacks. Also I noticed in the POV of the baron multiplayer, the marine he is fighting is lit up for a glory kill the entire time, and we dont see him being forced to damage the player in order to prep to be able to execute a glory kill.

So, my hypothesis is this, is it possible that the baron of hell is a 1 hit kill you monster if he ever manages to get into melee range? The hellknights dont function this way, we saw that much in the hell gameplay from e3. But the barons are supposed to be bigger and badder, and it would make sense why all his footage are gruesome melee's if that is how he is most threatening - a slow moving instakill threat.

No clue if thats actually how he works, but I thought i'd weigh in on what we've seen so far and see what others felt about it. Here's a screenshot of his PoV to emphasize what I was talking about in the MP trailer.

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As a baron (demon rune), you may not shoot Green plasma balls, instead you can crush your victims with alt fire or perform a glory kill on them with your normal fire button .

Also, for baron not trying to defend himself, it's because glory kills can only be performed when your victim/opponent/enemy's health is below 40 , makes sense .

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DMGUYDZ64 said:

As a baron (demon rune), you may not shoot Green plasma balls, instead you can crush your victims with alt fire or perform a glory kill on them with your normal fire button .

Also, for baron not trying to defend himself, it's because glory kills can only be performed when your victim/opponent/enemy's health is below 40 , makes sense .

so are all the demon rune attacks as baron 1 hit kill in multiplayer? or are you saying you have to do a crushing attack first, and then you can do glory kill with alt fire?

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Moon Marin said:

so are all the demon rune attacks as baron 1 hit kill in multiplayer

yes, but you have to get too close to your enemy or it won't work ,except when you're a revenant, in this case you may sometimes need 2 hits to kill your enemy . .

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Edit: Ok guys, sorry I forgot adding a spoiler warning...

here you go, if you want to know detailed info about the Baron of Hell do it at your own risk:


The Baron in the multiplayer has 4 confirmed attacks, shooting fireballs isn't one of them obviously "at least not in the Alpha"..

1- Insta-Kill melee attack, any player within the Baron's melee range will be killed instantly with Baron's one-hit kill glory kills regardless of his health & armor level..

2- Claw Attack, if the enemy is very close to the Baron but not close enough to perform Insta-Kill "Glory Kill", the Baron will try to grab him, tearing him apart with his claws instead, the enemy may survive this attack depending on his health & armor level..

3- Ground Pound, the Baron punches the ground with one hand creating a circle of hell fire that delivers huge ammount of radial damage to the players around and insta-kill any player within the melee range regardless of health & armor level..

4- Jump Ground Pound, or i don't know how to name that but performing a Ground Pound attack while jumping will make the baron punch the ground with his both hands creating more powerful attack and a bigger circle of hell fire..

Note: the Baron will always see his enemys in the map glowing even outside his melee range and behind the walls, this is a switchable option that could be turned off..

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Where are you guys getting all this info from? Sure some of it is from the MP trailer, but it sounds like you're just making a bunch of shit up to fill in the gaps.

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AirRaid said:

Where are you guys getting all this info from? Sure some of it is from the MP trailer, but it sounds like you're just making a bunch of shit up to fill in the gaps.

Well, legit job, But since you said do not leak stuff i won't :P .

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If you're gonna leak anything, there's a


piece of shit

that you can use to withhold such info. And if its something that the Doom guys will shun if you put this information, then why even mention the goddamn information???

Post links/details to what you discovered or where you got your info, or everything and anything that you say can and may will be declared as bullshit.

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MiNaM is telling the truth. A week or two ago a guy on 4chan posted a link in /vr/ going to youtube showing mancubus and Baron gameplay. Everything MiNaM listed for the Barons attacks are correct. I don't remember the baron using a "Claw Attack" not that he's lying I just don't remember seeing the baron having a melee attack that didn't lead to an insta kill.

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Sorry cuz i can't give more detailed info, but for whom thinking that this is bullshit.. well


I'm who made the "Demon Rune Selector" for the alpha... ;-)

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MiNaM said:


I'm who made the "Demon Rune Selector" for the alpha... ;-)

And you failed to tell it's correct name , and how it's done .

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