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If you had the chance to add new demons, what would it be like?


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just as the topic says, what kind of hellish abomonation would you put if you had the chance to put your own doom monster in DooMguy's blender?

Would it go to the traditional Demons category? the ones that look like the ones artists used to draw during the medieval or Renaissance age?

or would it go to the cybernetic, futuristic variants? or Giger-istic?

maybe even disgusting body horror types?

or go magical like the monsters from Hexen?

Thought it'd be a fun topic :D

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I'd love to see a cyber variant of each demon that makes it behave some what differently, especially the pinky. I'd also love to see variants of enemies without their cyber enhancements (like a mancubus that does nothing but vomit on you.

In terms of original demons, I'd love to see some type of fallen Angel creature (ones that can fly with wings of fire, they can attack with swords and stuff)

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BluePineapple72 said:

I'd love to see a cyber variant of each demon that makes it behave some what differently, especially the pinky. I'd also love to see variants of enemies without their cyber enhancements (like a mancubus that does nothing but vomit on you.

In terms of original demons, I'd love to see some type of fallen Angel creature (ones that can fly with wings of fire, they can attack with swords and stuff)

Nice. I think I have drawn something like that awhile ago. would you like to see?

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I would love to see demon infested spaceship, like Serge in Doom3. Similar size. That can fly, fire rockets and guns. An unholy fusion of cacodemon and small gun-ship. Plus it should have some tentacles grow on it.

Very small bug-like creatures, they should act in way similar to halo flood. You can try to stomp them, jump on them to kill them, but they are always in large numbers. So You should always think about turning back or looking for higher ground.

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Oh! maybe they should've added flame throwers in the arsenal. An enemy like that could easily kill you if you used conventional weapons

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Eh...here's my fallen angel. Tortured and warped into submission and insanity. The third eye is it's own demon, meant to corrupt the angel's mind.

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One thing I've imagined is a creature that lives inside of walls. It extends a tendril and basically goes xenomorph on the subject, suffocating them and planting deadly foes inside. Soon after the body bursts open and a host of small creatures pop out, swarming after others.

An update on the pain elemental would be incredible. Something Doom-64 inspired. I've also thought about lost souls that can attack by breathing their own fire onto you. I pictured them being bio-mechanical and having a weak spot in their exhaust area in the back.

I also pictured the possessed being salvageable as normal humans. A giant, parasitic looking tick-like thing latches onto their back. If you destroy it, the possessed passes out and wakes up in normal mental condition. If you instead kill the possessed, the tick scampers off to find a new victim.

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I would add some actual hitscanners, particularly Shotgunners and Chaingunners, no matter if zombie or hellspawn based.
Also whatever of these.
I think I already posted both of the abovementioned things in another Doom (2016) thread before.

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In one of the threads like this I posted an idea for a demon I would like to see. I will post it here as well.

Think something similar to John Carpenter's 'The Thing'.
The Demon is initially a jelly and fleshy looking creature. It's not very strong and can only bite. However its primary ability is to consume the dead and morphs from their traits. If it slithered over a dead Baron you will see it consume it and morph into a similar but fleshier form with horns and the ability to throw projectiles. It will also have its strength / health. In fact it will continue to eat the strongest corpse it finds until there are no stronger variants available (probably should exclude bosses entirely).

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Chezza said:

In one of the threads like this I posted an idea for a demon I would like to see. I will post it here as well.

Think something similar to John Carpenter's 'The Thing'.
The Demon is initially a jelly and fleshy looking creature. It's not very strong and can only bite. However its primary ability is to consume the dead and morphs from their traits. If it slithered over a dead Baron you will see it consume it and morph into a similar but fleshier form with horns and the ability to throw projectiles. It will also have its strength / health. In fact it will continue to eat the strongest corpse it finds until there are no stronger variants available (probably should exclude bosses entirely).

Make it scurry around fairly quickly, it doesn't need to morph into whatever it touches it could simply resurrect anything it touches and will leave the body after it dies, kind of like a nerf-ed archvile mechanic.

Just imagine a situation where you cleared a fuckload of low-mid tier enemies, and you then proceed to a room overlooking it with a switch/key, you go to the room, the door locks behind you, you grab the key/press the switch and then a door opens with 10 of those little fuckers running around and they bring back all your hard work, and there's nothing you can do about it until you find another route into that room :o

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CyberDemonEmpress said:

A non-ugly female cyberdemon. I'd go into detail... but if you imagine a non-ugly female cyberdemon, that's pretty much it.

It'd actually be kinda cool if we could have just feminine looking variants of a bunch of the monsters.

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MetroidJunkie said:

How about evil spirit type enemies that are completely immune to bullets and require plasma to destroy?

That would be a cool concept for a new type of lost soul! makes you think twice before wasting plasma on imps.

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CyberDemonEmpress said:

A non-ugly female cyberdemon. I'd go into detail... but if you imagine a non-ugly female cyberdemon, that's pretty much it.

CyberDemonEmpress said:

For some reason, I smell deviantArt.

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CyberDemonEmpress said:

A non-ugly female cyberdemon. I'd go into detail... but if you imagine a non-ugly female cyberdemon, that's pretty much it.

cough cough

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It would be very Diabloesque....

Recolors of monsters with different abilities corresponding to each different color variant of demon.

Oh and I'd also like a couple bosses that remind me of Diablo, Baal, and Mephisto....

Would be pretty cool IMHO.


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HellVain said:

cough cough


I can honestly say I never thought I'd see a cyberdemon with tits with full rotations. I'm guessing this comes from that newish porno Doom mod which I've seen some.. Unfortunate shots of recently.

Anyway, I think it would be interesting to have "Super Possessed" enemies that looked somewhat like Doomguy and were notably faster and tougher than the other possessed. They would only be cool if used rarely. I wouldn't be surprised if we see something kinda like this, actually.

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scifista42 said:

I would add some actual hitscanners, particularly Shotgunners and Chaingunners, no matter if zombie or hellspawn based.

You would add shotgunners and chaingunners to a game which already has shotgunners and chaingunners?

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AirRaid said:

You would add shotgunners and chaingunners to a game which already has shotgunners and chaingunners?

Personally I don't think the potential of hitscanners have been met. They are just quite simply a slow moving weakling or a constant shooter. I think an enemy that points its weapons, charges for a few second and then instantly hit scans can add a new element to Dooms gameplay. The unit alone will enforce a fight or flight scenario without having to be a Boss nor a room full of monsters.

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I'd like to see a more Cronenbergian take on demons affecting humans, rather than just possessing them or stitching weaponry to them. I'd like to see some really, really deranged demonic mutations of human forms. Imagining a parasitic demon that starts off small and slowly grows as it commands and distorts a possessed humans flesh sounds neat and creepy to me, if the design is handled right.

I also wouldn't mind seeing more animalistic features in certain demons that come from animals beyond just goats and bulls. Something like Keith Thompson's interpretation of the Tikbalang or Wendingo (Google them. His art is awesome.) could be combined with some hellish imagery in pretty interesting ways, I imagine.

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Chezza said:

Personally I don't think the potential of hitscanners have been met.

Cool, how long have you played the game for to arrive at that conclusion?

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AirRaid said:

Cool, how long have you played the game for to arrive at that conclusion?

Well, to be fair, if you look in the gameplay footage we have the new Zombiemen analogues sure do appear to be firing projectiles.

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MsKaye said:

Well, to be fair, if you look in the gameplay footage we have the new Zombiemen analogues sure do appear to be firing projectiles.

There is also a shotgun guy wearing a shield.

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