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I don't agree. While I neither see DDF nor EDGE as crap in any respect, I don't see any point in combining features from engines with different purposes in mind. Let EDGE be EDGE and do EDGE stuff, and let Eternity be Eternity and do Eternity / DOOM / BOOM / SMMU / MBF / Legacy stuff. So if you want to "play those AWESOME weapons mods using ddf" you can use EDGE. Use whatever source port you want, and no one makes much money from free source ports so don't bash competition. Oh, you're not.

Personally I use Eternity for most level sets because it's compatible with DOOM/BOOM completely but has other good features. It preserves the DOOM atmosphere and feel. EDGE has all the features like 3D floors and DDF for levels that want it and use it. GL versions of DOOM, such as Vavoom or JDoom, or ZDoomGL or GLEDGE, just sometimes don't seem DOOM-ish enough with all the other features and focus on graphics.

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DDF is kinda cool. The only bad thing I find with it is that the default EDGE DDF files arent exactly the same as original doom, so certain things behave slightly differently.

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Eternity will seek its own solution to making things, frames, and weapons dynamically defined through data, and it is to be called EDF, or Eternity Definition Files (pretty clever huh?)

They will not be DDF-compatible as I do not like the design of the DDF input language nor how it fits into DOOM. EDF will blend in as seamlessly as possible and will even allow subsequent modification by DeHackEd patches.

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