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Running Doom 64 Absolution TC on latest Doomsday

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Recently i downloaded the AbsolutionTC (which came with it's own engine) and decided to run it, but it crashed, however i was able to run it alright on Doomsday Engine , but some switches don't seem to work, and the Gun sprite looks like it's floating :

Any help ?

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Absolution TC is supposed to be played on its own engine (which is based on older Doomsday) and not on the actual Doomsday engine.

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But if i run it on this engine, it simply crashes, Is there any solution ?

My PC Specs are :
RAM : 12GBs
CPU : Intel Core i5 idk what's the rest ... 3.30GHz in case if you asked .
GPU : ATI Radeon HD7970

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DMGUYDZ64 said:

i heard it requires the original game cartridge .

Yes, you need to use a little tool to extract the maps from the N64 rom, which you must have dumped from your original cartridge. Get on with it.

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Maybe someone should take that mod apart and port it to GZDoom?

Technically that is doable - I once converted a few maps but it turned out to be a shitload of work porting those misbegotten XG scripts in there to something sane and fixing the rendering hacks the mod employs so I never finished it.

Needless to say, I wouldn't publicly release those maps without the original authors' approval.

But as it stands, with its ancient custom engine this looks like a lost cause.

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Graf Zahl said:

Maybe someone should take that mod apart and port it to GZDoom?

I do believe this was very much a port of Doom 64 to GZDoom. Maybe not necessarily the Absolution TC itself, but Doom 64 nonetheless. It's also what that Brutal Doom 64 is initially based off of.

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