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Getting a copy of the enemy image files?

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Hi there,

I would imagine the Doom 2 enemies are available to download? They are all 2D images.


I don't have a copy of this game. I imagine they are available to download somewhere?

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I did purchase a copy of Doom 3 last year for the PC £2, and tried to edit the Monorail level, and tram. But that failed. And the users at a message board weren't any help.

So I'm not interested in purchasing any Doom games.

I just wanted to use Doom or Doom 2 enemies, just a particular one, they are similar to Doom 3. Alternatively, as I first thought to get the Doom 3 cd's that I threw into a bag for going to the recylcing centre and may be grab a 3D model from it to try and load into Blender. I had made a stun gun from a scifi kids show I saw fourteen years back, so I thought what would go with it. Nothing does.

But I thought back at how nice the 3D models looked in Doom 3.

So yeah I just thought as an easy alternative to try and use a sprite to begin with as a termpory target.

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doom3xbox said:

I did purchase a copy of Doom 3 last year for the PC £2, and tried to edit the Monorail level, and tram. But that failed. And the users at a message board weren't any help.

So I'm not interested in purchasing any Doom games.

I may assure you that, unlike Doom 3, classic Doom has actually easy-to-use editors, good editing-related documentation/tutorials on doomwiki and zdoom wiki, and quite helpful community on this and the zdoom forum.

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As my username states, I enjoyed partially playing 3 on the Xbox a few years back.

I only wanted to edit a small part of the Monorail level, it really couldn't of been that difficult. It can be a problem of script and map and how the objects are named for the level to not freeze.

I even typed up a message on the twitter site to Mr Carmack, unfortunately he expressed he wasn't involved in the scripting of the demons and so on. He was pretty much the game engine techie guy.

Or who modelled out the Pinky.

So Doom 2 isn't any interest to me at all. Thanks.

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So... you couldn't figure out how to mod Doom 3, and that makes you not want to mod Doom 2?

You realize making a level for Doom 2 is about as easy as drawing a square, right?

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